Editor's Comments | James Santucci | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p217 |
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on sales figures of ts publications | Jesper Sorensen | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p220 |
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Franz Hartmann bibliography | Robert Hütwohl | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p220 |
Scholarly Research - assistance sought on Franz Hartmann bibliography | Robert Hutwohl | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p220 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (7) Undated letter [1887] | Michael Gomes | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p221 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (8) Undated letter [1888] | Michael Gomes | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p223 |
introduction (To Spy or Not to Spy: "The Letter" of Mme Blavatsky to the Third Section) | Maria Carlson | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p225 |
"The Letter" of Mme Blavatsky to the Third Section | HP Blavatsky | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p227 |
review - The Masters Revealed, Madame Blavatsky & the Myth of the Great White Lodge by K Paul Johnson | John Algeo | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p232 |
review - The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement by Richard Noll | Robert S Ellwood | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p248 |
review - A Confusion of Prophets: Victorian & Edwardian Astrology by Patrick Curry | Robert S Ellwood | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p252 |
review - Insights of a Himalayan Pilgrim by Lama Govinda | Robert Boyd | y1995 | v5 | - | July | p253 |
Editor's Comments | James Santucci | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p257 |
London Conference on "The Origins of the Theosophical Society" | anon | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p258 |
(photo of some assembled conference attendees) | anon | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p258 |
Ltte - a beta version of a digital index to The Theosophist available for trial | Gladney Oakley | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p263 |
Response to John Algeo's review of The Masters Revealed | Paul Johnson | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p264 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (9) Letter dated July 7 1889 | Michael Gomes | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p270 |
Theosophical Reviews (journals, magazines) Preserved in the National Historic Archive of Spain | Marco Novarino | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p274 |
Armageddon in Switzerland: The Solar Temple Remembered | Massimo Introvigne | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p281 |
Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (OTO 6) | PR König | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p299 |
Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (OTO 6) | PR Konig | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p299 |
review - La Vie Astrologique il y à Cent Ans, d'Alan Leo a F Ch Barlet by P Curry, N Campion & J Halbronn | Paul Johnson | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p307 |
review - La Vie Astrologique il y a Cent Ans, d'Alan Leo a F Ch Barlet by P Curry, N Campion & J Halbronn | Paul Johnson | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p307 |
review - Il Ritorno Delle Fate by Arthur Conan Doyle | Jean-Pierre Laurant | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p308 |
review - L'Ésotérisme chrétien au xix siècle by Jean-Pierre Laurant | Joscelyn Godwin | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p309 |
review - L'Esoterisme chretien au xix siecle by Jean-Pierre Laurant | Joscelyn Godwin | y1995 | v5 | - | October | p309 |
Editor's Comments | James Santucci | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p1 |
Ltte - (Russian Theosophical Society) | Pedro RM Oliveira | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p4 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (10) Letter dated Aug 5 1889 | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p5 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (11) undated letter [1889] | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p8 |
The Eastern School of Theosophy: Historical Sketch | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p10 |
Theosophy on War & Peace | Robert S Ellwood | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p21 |
review - L'Étoile d'Hermès: Fragments de philosophie Hermétique by Mirko Sladek | Jean-Pierre Laurant | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p37 |
review - L'Etoile d'Hermes: Fragments de philosophie Hermetique by Mirko Sladek | Jean-Pierre Laurant | y1996 | v6 | - | January | p37 |
Editor's Comments | James Santucci | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p39 |
Ltte - | Lowell K Dyson | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p44 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (12) Letter dated Feb 9 1890 | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p45 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (13) undated letter [1890] | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p48 |
Correspondence of HP Blavatsky & Colonel Olcott with Thomas A. Edison | JP Deveney, J Godwin, M Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p50 |
photo - Arthur Conan Doyle | anon | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p58 |
The Recoming of the Fairies | Michael W Homer & Massimo Introvigne | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p59 |
review - Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult Peter Levenda | Robert Ellwood | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p77 |
review - Hitler & the Occult by Ken Anderson | Robert Ellwood | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p77 |
review - The Theosophical Enlightenment by Joscelyn Godwin | James Burnell Robinson | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p80 |
review - How to Know the Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation by Rudolf Steiner | Jane Hipolito | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p82 |
review - Psychic Initiation: Secrets of 777 by Mark MacDougall | Jerry Hejka-Ekins | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p84 |
review - La Nonviolenza Nella Cultura Indiana: dai Veda a Gandhi by Maria L Tornotti | Daniel A. Brown | y1996 | v6 | - | April | p85 |
Editor's Comments - In This Issue - Correction: April 1996 issue | James Santucci | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p87 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (14) Letter dated August 1890 | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p91 |