John Cooper: Bibliography | James Santucci | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p127 |
Remembrances of John Cooper | Shirley J Nicholson | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p134 |
Remembrances of John Cooper | Emmett, Carmen and Ken Small | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p134 |
Remembrances of John Cooper | Paul Johnson | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p134 |
Remembrances of John Cooper | Dallas TenBroeck | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p135 |
Remembrances of John Cooper | Ernest E Pelletier | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p135 |
Remembrances of John Cooper: A Memoir and a Tribute | Joy Mills | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p137 |
Remembrances of John Cooper: A Tribute | Dara Eklund | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p138 |
photo - John Cooper in his library | Ronald Pelletier | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p142 |
Blavatsky In Philadelphia | John Cooper | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p143 |
The Story of the Mahatma Letters (rprnt 'Theosophy in Australia' 1985 Dec.) | John Cooper | y1998 | v7 | - | October | p149 |
Editor's Comments - In This Issue | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p159 |
Editor's Comments - Symposium on Western Esotericism and Jewish Mysticism | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p160 |
Editor's Comments - Cesnur Conference | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p161 |
Editor's Comments - Past Conferences | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p162 |
Introduction to Antoine Faivre's 'The Theosophical Current: A Periodization' | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p165 |
The Theosophical Current: A Periodization | Antoine Faivre | y1999 | v7 | - | January | p167 |
cover photo - Rose Scott | anon | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p209 |
Editor's Comments - In This Issue | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p209 |
Editor's Comments - American Society of Church History | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p210 |
Editor's Comments - Western Esotericism from the Early Modern Period | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p210 |
Associate Editor's Comments - The Kalmyk Connection - The Spy Letter | Leslie Price | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p212 |
Ltte - (re Alan E Donant on Colonel Arthur L Conger) | Wilhelmina M Schmit | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p214 |
Ltte - (re William Ashcraft on Point Loma) | Don Franklin Sheperd | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p215 |
Cyril Scott and Rose Allatini (Eunice Buckley): A Remembrance | Desmond Scott | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p218 |
Some Remarks on the Study of Western Esotericism | Wouter J Hanegraaff | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p223 |
review - 'The Sceptical Occultist' by Terry White | Robert Boyd | y1999 | v7 | - | April | p233 |
cover photo - Mary Lutyens | anon | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p237 |
Editor's Comments - In This Issue - The Making of America Web Site | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p237 |
Editor's Comments - 'Religioni e Movimenti' - Le dottrine segrete - CESNUR | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p239 |
Associate Editor's Comments - Another Russian Agent? - Ancient Pagans Persecuted | Leslie Price | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p242 |
Ltte - Mary Lutyens: Reminiscences | Jean Overton Fuller | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p245 |
Ltte - Mary Lutyens and JG Links: An Appreciation | Martha S Vogeler with Albert R Vogeler | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p248 |
photo - Mary Lutyens | anon | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p249 |
Additional Light on William Stainton Moses And The Theosophical Society | John Hamill | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p252 |
review - 'Cyril Scott and A Hidden School' by Jean Overton Fuller | Joscelyn Godwin | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p256 |
review - 'Hypatia of Alexandria' by Maria Dzielska trans F Lyra | Jean-Louis Siemons | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p258 |
review - 'The Secret Doctrine Index' by John P Van Mater | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p260 |
review - 'Free at Last in Paradise' by Ananda WP Guruge | Leslie Grey | y1999 | v7 | - | July | p262 |
cover photo - Walter Carrithers | anon | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p265a+ |
Editor's Comments - In This Issue - Blavatsky Archives - American Academy of Religion | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p265b+ |
Associate Editor's Comments - The Eddy Family: An Unorthodox View | Leslie Price | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p270 |
Associate Editor's Comments - Walter Carrithers:An Obituary | Leslie Price | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p272 |
Associate Editor's Comments - Selected Writings of Walter A Carrithers | Daniel Caldwell | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p273 |
ltte - (re Jean Overton Fuller, Cyril Scott, Joscelyn Godwin Krishnamurti, etc) | Peter Tuffnell | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p275 |
ltte - (re Jean Overton Fuller, Joscelyn Godwin Krishnamurti, etc) | Leslie Price | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p277 |
Notes on the Ordo Templi Orientis in Italy | PierLuigi Zoccatelli | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p279 |
review - 'Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, And Neo-Nazism' by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke | Robert Boyd | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p295 |
review - 'Okkultismus und Phantastik. Eine Studie ... der Helena Petrovna Blavatsky' by Marco Frenschkowski | Helmut Zander | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p298 |
Literary Notes - Mark Bevir | James Santucci | y1999 | v7 | - | October | p300 |