Companionship | G White Hickerson | y1963 | v20 | i95 | Summer | p11 |
A Burial - Long Overdue | Boris de Zirkoff | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p3 |
Karma - Man's Perennial Opportunity | Montague A Machell | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p6 |
Autumn Night | George Cardinal LeGros | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p8 |
Antiquity of Man and Civilizations | H P Blavatsky | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p9 |
The Mystic Night | AE (George W Russell) | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p11 |
Letters to a Lodge (rprnt - 'Irish Theosophist' Feb 1895) | Jasper Niemand | y1963 | v20 | i96 | Fall | p13 |
The Tide is Rising | Boris de Zirkoff | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p3 |
Everyday Immortality | Montague A Machell | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p5 |
The Mystery That is Man (1) | L Gordon Plummer | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p7 |
Coincidence or Unknown Law? | anon | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p11 |
Letters to a Lodge (rprnt - 'Irish Theosophist' May 1895) | Jasper Niemand | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p12 |
I Would Like to Ask (Q and A) | L Gordon Plummer | y1963 | v20 | i97 | Winter | p15 |
Some Healthy Doubts | Boris de Zirkoff | y1964 | v20 | i98 | Spring | p3 |
The Mystery That is Man (2) | L Gordon Plummer | y1964 | v20 | i98 | Spring | p5 |
Life - Relative or Absolute | Montague A Machell | y1964 | v20 | i98 | Spring | p9 |
Basic Teachings of Theosophy Who Are We? What Are We? What is Our Destiny? (1) | W Emmett Small | y1964 | v20 | i98 | Spring | p12 |
Hodgson Report - Debunked | Editorial | y1964 | v20 | i98 | Spring | p16 |
Concerning Monadic Centers | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1964 | v21 | i99 | Summer | p3 |
H P B 's Challenge | Iverson L Harris | y1964 | v21 | i99 | Summer | p7 |
Basic Teachings of Theosophy Who Are We? What Are We? What is Our Destiny? (2) | W Emmett Small | y1964 | v21 | i99 | Summer | p9 |
He Who Knows Is Without Fear! | Montague A Machell | y1964 | v21 | i99 | Summer | p12 |
Practical Occultism | Laura Gaunt | y1964 | v21 | i99 | Summer | p14 |
Let Every Man Prove His Own Work | H P Blavatsky | y1964 | v21 | i100 | Fall | p3 |
The Next Step | Montague A Machell | y1964 | v21 | i100 | Fall | p8 |
Death: Continuance of Life (3) | L Gordon Plummer | y1964 | v21 | i100 | Fall | p11 |
More About the Monad | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1964 | v21 | i100 | Fall | p15 |
Fountains Old But Ever New | Boris de Zirkoff | y1964 | v21 | i101 | Winter | p3 |
Death: Continuance of Life (4) | L Gordon Plummer | y1964 | v21 | i101 | Winter | p5 |
Arthritis of the Psyche | Montague A Machell | y1964 | v21 | i101 | Winter | p9 |
The Higher Consciousness | Laura Gaunt | y1964 | v21 | i101 | Winter | p11 |
Angarika Dharmapala, His Connection with the Early Theosophical Movement | anon | y1964 | v21 | i101 | Winter | p13 |
1975 Is No Magic Date | Boris de Zirkoff | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p3 |
Pathways of Light (5) | L Gordon Plummer | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p5 |
Resurrection - A Perennial Requisite | Montague A Machell | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p7 |
Prologue to a Study of Death | W Emmett Small | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p9 |
Voices of the Past | Lina Psaltis | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p11 |
I Would Like to Ask (Q and A) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p13 |
The Spring Tide | G White Hickerson | y1965 | v21 | i102 | Spring | p15 |
Rough Weather Ahead! | Boris de Zirkoff | y1965 | v22 | i103 | Summer | p3 |
What Do We Mean by "Sacrifice"? | Montague A Machell | y1965 | v22 | i103 | Summer | p5 |
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan | HP Blavatsky | y1965 | v22 | i103 | Summer | p8 |
Pathways of Light (6) | L Gordon Plummer | y1965 | v22 | i103 | Summer | p14 |
cover photo - Bust of Damodar K Mavalankar | anon | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p1 |
Let's Keep to the Road! | Boris de Zirkoff | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p3 |
Karmic Agent | Montague A Machell | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p5 |
Pathways of Light (7) | L Gordon Plummer | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p7 |
Real Knowledge | Damodar K Mavalankar | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p10 |
From Letters to a Friend (1) | W Emmett Small | y1965 | v22 | i104 | Fall | p11 |
cover photo - HP Blavatsky in New York Days | anon | y1965 | v22 | i105 | Winter | p1 |