Karma and Destiny | George Cardinal LeGros | y1969 | v26 | i121 | Winter | p15 |
review - 'Letters That have Helped Me' by WQ Judge | anon | y1969 | v26 | i121 | Winter | p16 |
Pioneers of the Spirit | Boris de Zirkoff | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p3 |
Is Suicide A Crime? | H P Blavatsky | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p5 |
The Magic Key is Within Ourselves | Mollie Griffith | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p8 |
From Letters to a Friend (5) | W Emmett Small | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p9 |
To Dissipate the Shadow | Montague A Machell | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p11 |
Your Horoscope is Your Wheel of Life | Ralph Sterling | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p13 |
The Powers of Darkness | Lina Psaltis | y1970 | v26 | i122 | Spring | p15 |
A Golden Opportunity | Boris de Zirkoff | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p3 |
From the Writings of HP Blavatsky | HP Blavatsky | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p5 |
Ideals and Idols | Dara Eklund | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p8 |
Theosophy Today | W R Bergstrom | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p10 |
How Long is "Now"? | Montague A Machell | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p12 |
It's Your Move! | L Gordon Plummer | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p14 |
review - 'Everyone's Guide to Theosophy' by Harry Benjamin | anon | y1970 | v27 | i123 | Summer | p16 |
Where Do We Start Now? | Boris de Zirkoff | y1970 | v27 | i124 | Fall | p3 |
Why I Do Not Return to India | H P Blavatsky | y1970 | v27 | i124 | Fall | p5 |
The Closing Cycle | William Q Judge | y1970 | v27 | i124 | Fall | p12 |
Getting to Heaven on a Promissory Note | Montague A Machell | y1970 | v27 | i124 | Fall | p14 |
Towards the City of the Sun | Boris de Zirkoff | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p3 |
For Mind Is Like a Mirror | L Gordon Plummer | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p5 |
Constant Vigilance | Montague A Machell | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p6 |
The Eternal Splendor | George Cardinal LeGros | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p8 |
On Theosophical Work | William Q Judge | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p10 |
The Marvels of Sincerity | Dara Eklund | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p11 |
1888 | H P Blavatsky | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p12 |
On Thought and Thoughts | G de Purucker | y1970 | v27 | i125 | Winter | p14 |
Our Universal Objectives | Boris de Zirkoff | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p3 |
A Summary of the Principles of Magic | H P Blavatsky | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p4 |
I am the Resurrection and the Life | Montague A Machell | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p9 |
The Giving of the Self | George Cardinal LeGros | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p11 |
Ecology of the Spirit | Dara Eklund | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p13 |
The Era of Western Occultism | Lina Psaltis | y1971 | v27 | i126 | Spring | p14 |
Two Schools of Thought | Boris de Zirkoff | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p3 |
Science and Mental Dynamics (1) | Lina Psaltis | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p5 |
Punishment or - Purification | John W Campbell | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p9 |
Out of Eternity into Time | Montague A Machell | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p11 |
Is There a Teacher? | Dara Eklund | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p13 |
I Die Daily | George Cardinal LeGros | y1971 | v28 | i127 | Summer | p14 |
Psychic Versus Spiritual | Boris de Zirkoff | y1971 | v28 | i128 | Fall | p3 |
Science and Mental Dynamics (2) | Lina Psaltis | y1971 | v28 | i128 | Fall | p5 |
Three Approaches to Knowledge | L Gordon Plummer | y1971 | v28 | i128 | Fall | p8 |
The Arena of Fulfillment | Montague A Machell | y1971 | v28 | i128 | Fall | p12 |
The Splendor of Immensity | George Cardinal LeGros | y1971 | v28 | i128 | Fall | p14 |
[This issue is wrongly labelled Vol. 27] | - | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p1 |
cover photo - Copper-engraving: Count de Saint-Germain | N Thomas, Pietro dei Rotari | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p1 |
Horizons Without End | Boris de Zirkoff | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p3 |
I, Myself - Some Reflections | Laurence J Bendit | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p5 |
The Sermon of a Rose | Montague A Machell | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p8 |