The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Caroline Jones, Lovelock, General Comment on SheldrakeHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp3
The CHAST ConferenceHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp4
Questioning the "Big Bang"Hugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp5
Theosophical CosmogenesisHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp7
LtteChris Illerty1991-i10Februaryp7
Comment on Illert LetterHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp8
The Inflationary UniverseHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp9
Sundry JottingsHugh Murdochy1991-i10Februaryp11
CHASTHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp1
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp1
Circulation of NewsletterHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp1
Theosophy Science Centre - AdyarHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp2
Next Manor SeminarHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp2
Sheldrake - Further Book ReviewsHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp3
review - 'Quantum Healing' by Depak ChopraPeter Berthony1991-i11Mayp3
The Development of IntelligencePatrick Lavelley1991-i11Mayp5
CommentHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp6
Philosophy in the Soviet UnionHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp7
Sundry JottingsHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp8
Memo to Participants in the 1989 Manor SymposiumHugh Murdochy1991-i11Mayp9
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp1
The Universe - Large Scale StructureHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp1
The Universe - PlanetsHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp3
The Universe - Hydrogen CloudsHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp3
Letter from Chris Illert To T. In A.Hugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp4
Letter from Chris Illert To T. In A. - Occult ChemistryHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp4
Letter from Chris Illert To T. In A. - CosmologyHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp5
Chaos - Deterministic Or Random?Hugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp8
Some Interesting QuotationsHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp8
Manor SeminarHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp9
Tests Of Morphic ResonanceHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp10
Comments on T. In A. Article by Bevan ReidHugh Murdochy1991-i12Augustp10
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp1
CHASTHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp1
Paul Davies on - "The Birth of the Cosmos"Hugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp2
John Dwyer - A Holist Professor of MedicineHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp2
Rupert Sheldrake - Competition ResultsHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp5
LttePatrick Lavelley1991-i13Novemberp6
Rupert Sheldrake - Other ExperimentsHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp6
Rupert Sheldrake - Experiments with Rose on Learning by ChickensHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp6
CommentHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp8
Asteroids - Eugene ShoemakerHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp8
Asteroids - Earth-crossing AsteroidsHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp9
Asteroids - Extinction of the DinosaursHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp9
Gravitational LensesHugh Murdochy1991-i13Novemberp10
Factory FarmingHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp1
Manor Seminar EtcHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp1
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp1
Global WarmingHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp2
Solar System Objects - TitanHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp2
Showing 101 to 150 of 753 entries