The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Sundry Topics: Our Position in the Galaxy, New Infrared Satellite, Can a Machine See Red?Hugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp3
Sundry Topics: Near Death Experience, ESP Goes Commercial, Is There a Universal Ethic?, Human Growth HormoneHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp4
Fritjof Capra on Ilya Prigogine's Non-linear ThermodynamicsHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp6
Davies On ConsciousnessHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp8
Abstracts For Seminar: Chaos and Organisation in Planetary EvolutionVictor Gostiny1995-i29Decemberp11
Abstracts For Seminar: The Evolution of Structure in the UniverseHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp11
Abstracts For Seminar: The Process of Evolutionary ChangeEdward Lynessy1995-i29Decemberp11
Editorial Notes: Seminar at the Manor January 13-14, 1996Hugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp1
A Scientific View of ConsciousnessHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp1
Editorial Notes: Sydney Group, Proposed Workshop at KurandaHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp1
String Theory Revived by the Concept of "Duality"Hugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp3
Some Basic Problems in Occult ChemistryHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp4
Sundry Topics: Richard S in the NewsHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp8
Sundry Topics: Binary Pulsars Confirm General RelativityHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp8
Sundry Topics: The Shoemakers in SydneyHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp9
PopulationHugh Murdochy1996-i30Marchp10
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1996-i31Julyp1
Workshop at Springbrook - July 1997Hugh Murdochy1996-i31Julyp2
Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday CometsDuncan Steely1996-i31Julyp2
Other Possible Abodes for LifeHugh Murdochy1996-i31Julyp6
Evidence for Life on MarsHugh Murdochy1996-i31Julyp8
Templeton LecturesHugh Murdochy1996-i31Julyp10
Templeton Lecture: Nature, Culture and the FutureStephen Boydeny1996-i31Julyp10
Workshop at Springbrook - July 1997Hugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp1
Religion, Science, Theosophy: God and Scientists Reconciled, Recent Comments by Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp2
Religion, Science, Theosophy: Pointers in The Secret Doctrine to Current Scientific IdeasHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp3
A Letter on Theosophy in the New ScientistHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp4
Darwinism under ChallengeHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp6
David Chalmers on ConsciousnessHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp8
review - 'Feelings' by Charles BirchHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp8
review - 'Music of the Mind'Darryl Reanneyy1996-i32Octoberp9
Life From Mars - Evidence and ControversyHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp10
Abandonment of Asteroid Detection ProjectHugh Murdochy1996-i32Octoberp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp1
Gaia LivesHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp1
Water in the Solar System: Mars, Mon, Europa, MercuryHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp2
review - 'The Web of Life' by Fritjof CapraHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp4
Science Versus Antiscience?Hugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp5
The Great Pyramid - Why so Large and Intricate?Hugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp6
Occult Chemistry Again: Indian Publications, Letter from David EaglesHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp8
Annie Besant on "Investigations into the Super-Physical"Hugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp10
Correspondence with John DanserHugh Murdochy1997-i33Aprilp11
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp1
Theosophy-Science Workshop: Consciousness, Evolution, Environment, Theosophical Concepts, Summary, ParticipantsHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp2
Theosophy-Science Workshop: Preliminary Report. Theme: The Presentation of Theosophy in the Light of Modern Scientific knowledgeHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp2
Sundry Topics: An Eye Bigger than the Earth, Early Australians, Einstein's InsightHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp6
David Bohm - Review by John Barrow of Book on his LifeHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp6
Sundry Topics: Planetary Science - Sundry ItemsHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp8
Sundry Topics: Programmes Relating o Science in the English Section - Blavatsky Trust Weekend, English Summer SchoolHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp9
Some Possible Future Longshots in the Energy Area - Superconductivity, David Eagles, Cold Fusion, Srinivasan, Thomas GoldHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp10
Showing 301 to 350 of 753 entries