The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Sydney Group Discusses Davies' Book, 'The Mind of God'Hugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp10
Occult Chemistry Once Again - Book on Occult Chemistry by Chris IllertHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp10
More on Lester SmithHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp1
review - 'History of Science and Technology in Ancient India' by Debiprasad ChattopadhyayaMorry Secrest, Robert Templey1993-i18Februaryp2
Bambang Pramana at the Townsville Conference On "Thinking"Hugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp4
Bambang Pramana - on Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp6
Bambang Pramana - What Happens at the Speed of Light?Hugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp6
Age Of The EarthHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp7
Stephen Phillips' Report on Occult Chemistry ResearchHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp8
David Bohm and Quantum PhysicsHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp9
Theosophy-Science Seminar at The ManorHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp12
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1993-i18Februaryp12
Theosophy Science Centre - Adyar - Holistic Science and Human ValuesHugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp1
Theosophy-Science Group Seminar at The Manor - June 26-27.Hugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp1
The Time Frame of the Photon - ReplyBambang Pramanay1993-i19Mayp2
Asteroids Comets and DinosaursHugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp3
The Half-life of The Neutron: another prediction verified.Hugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp6
The Big Bang - For and AgainstHugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp6
A New Version of the Steady-state TheoryHugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp7
The Solar Neutrino Problem.Hugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp8
COBE Results corroboratedHugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp8
Paul Davies on the COBE Results - From Sky and Telescope, Jan 93.Hugh Murdochy1993-i19Mayp10
Henry Margenau: Physicist-philosopherHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp1
Henry Margenau, Fritz Kunz and Main CurrentsHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp2
Science Seminar at the ManorHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp4
Theosophy-Science Centre - AdyarHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp4
Occult Chemistry RevisitedDavid Lynessy1993-i20Aug-Sepp5
David Bohm, John Bell and Bell's TheoremHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp6
Nonlocality or Quantum InterconnectednessHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp7
TelepathyHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp9
CHASTHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp9
EthicsHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp10
Abstracts From Seminar: Occult Chemistry RevisitedDavid Lynessy1993-i20Aug-Sepp11
Abstracts From Seminar: Guidance, Intuition and the ScientistChris Pang Wayy1993-i20Aug-Sepp11
Abstracts From Seminar: Memory And IdentityRichard Sy1993-i20Aug-Sepp11
Abstracts From Seminar: Earth History and the Nature of ScienceVictor Gostiny1993-i20Aug-Sepp12
Abstracts From Seminar: Perceived Human Needs and their Fulfilment Through BiotechnologyRajasekariahy1993-i20Aug-Sepp12
Abstracts From Seminar: Trends Towards Holism in Physics and CosmologyHugh Murdochy1993-i20Aug-Sepp12
Guidance Intuition and the ScientistChris Pang Wayy1993-i21Nov-Decp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1993-i21Nov-Decp1
Memory and IdentityRichard Sy1993-i21Nov-Decp4
Earth History and the Nature of Science.Victor Gostiny1993-i21Nov-Decp7
Dark Matter - Machos or Wimps?Hugh Murdochy1993-i21Nov-Decp10
Sundry Items - CHAST, A Comet Heads for Jupiter, New Book on COBE Results, Pope John Paul II and CopernicusHugh Murdochy1993-i21Nov-Decp11
Editorial Notes, Convention, Sydney Group, David LynessHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp1
Trends Towards Holism in Modern PhysicsHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp2
Vitamin B12 and Some Thoughts on the Complexity of LifeHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp5
The Edge of ChaosHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp6
Was Darwin Right?Hugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp9
Showing 201 to 250 of 753 entries