He Who Would Valient Be [English hymn inspired by John Bunyan’s 'Pilgrim’s Progress' (1906)] | anon | y2014 | v18 | i3 | Summer | p34 |
Spiritual Discipline [extract: 'Light on the Path'] | [Mabel Collins] | y2014 | v18 | i3 | Summer | p35 |
Cyclic Progress ['The Secret Doctrine' i 267-8] | HP Blavatsky | y2014 | v18 | i3 | Summer | p36 |
The Renewal of Vision [extract: 'The Renewal of Youth'] | George William Russell | y2014 | v18 | i3 | Summer | p38 |
Theosophy as Science | anon | y2014 | v18 | i3 | Summer | p46 |
The Royal Road [extract: 'Letters That Have Helped Me'] | WQ Judge | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p61 |
Transmission of the Divine Gnosis [extracts: "Le Phare De L'Inconnu" 'La Revue Theosophique' May 1889; 'Theosophist' July, August, September 1889] | HP Blavatsky | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p63 |
Teachers of Ancient Wisdom | anon | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p65 |
Freedom From Fetters | 'Svetasvatara Upanishad' | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p75 |
King Lear - A Study in Karma ['Theosophical Movement' v13 1942-1943] | anon | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p77 |
To All I am Bounden (vf) | Edwin Muir | y2014 | v18 | i4 | Autumn | p87 |
Law vs Miracle [extract: 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding'] | David Hume | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p1 |
Parabhakti | Pandit Bhavani Shankar | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p2 |
Kinship of Faiths [re: XIV Dalai Lama’s 'Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World’s Religions Can Come Together'] | anon | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p4 |
Honouring the Teachers | anon | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p15 |
The Word Was God | The Gospel According to John | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p18 |
Learning From Within | anon | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p19 |
Renunciation of Action - Part II [extract: 'Eternal Verities'] | Robert Crosbie | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p22 |
On the Nature of Reality: Einstein in Conversation with Tagore [extract: 'Modern Review' January 1931] | Albert Einstein, Rabindranath Tagore | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p26 |
The Essence of Things (vf) | Ibn Al-'Arabi | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p30 |
Teachings of Buddhism [extract: 'The Dalai Lama His Essential Wisdom'] | Tenzin Gyatso | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p31 |
The Cycle Moveth [extract: 'Lucifer' March 1890] | HP Blavatsky | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p33 |
The Lesson of the Plain Path [from: 'The Theosophical Movement' July 2012] | anon | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p39 |
The Pillars of Sacrifice | anon | y2015 | v19 | i1-2 | Winter-Spring | p43 |
Full Freedom ['Yasnaya Polyana' July 2 1908] | Leo Tolstoy | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p45 |
Readings from ULT Day - Progressive Awakenings [from 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p47 |
Readings from ULT Day - Karma and Forgiveness | HP Blavatsky | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p48 |
Readings from ULT Day - Creating the Future | William Quan Judge | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p50 |
Readings from ULT Day - A Right and True Philosophy of Life [from 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p51 |
Readings from ULT Day - Theosophy and Impersonality [from 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p53 |
The Mission and Aims of the United Lodge of Theosophists | anon | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p56 |
Declaration of the United Lodge of Theosophists | anon | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p62 |
Prometheus Unbound (vf) [extract] | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p63 |
Uparati: Renunciation of Formal Religion | anon | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p64 |
On Faith [extract: 'The Book of Confidences'] | [Dhan Gargya] | y2015 | v19 | i3 | Summer | p70 |
God is a Mathematician [quoted in Ken Wilber 'Quantum Questions' pp 45-55] | Werner Heisenberg | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p73 |
God as a Circle | anon | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p75 |
Seek Out the Way [extract: 'Light on the Path'] | [Mabel Collins] | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p82 |
The Guardian Wall | anon | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p85 |
Music of the Spheres [extract: 'The Merchant of Venice'] | William Shakespeare | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p90 |
Devotion Through Music | anon | y2015 | v19 | i4 | Autumn | p91 |
The Golden Chain | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p1 |
The Four Golden Links [extract: 'The Key to Theosophy'] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p3 |
Universal Unity and Causation | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p7 |
Reverence and Responsibility [various quotations from HP Blavatsky] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p12 |
The Eternal Pilgrim | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p17 |
The Grand Work | DK Mavalankar | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p22 |
The Watchers (vf) | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p23 |
Reason and Intuition | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p24 |
Altruism of The Secret Doctrine [almost entire article: 'Theosophy' Vol 12 No 4 February 1924] | BP Wadia [original anon] | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p33 |