The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Second Object of the Theosophical Movementanony2011v15i3Summerp102
Points of Agreement in all Religions [reprint The Path July 1894]WQ Judgey2011v15i3Summerp106
Buddha and the Middle Wayanony2011v15i3Summerp111
Labouring for Humanityanony2011v15i3Summerp119
The Mystery of American Independenceanony2011v15i3Summerp125
Revolutionary Reliance on "Self-Evident" Truthsanony2011v15i3Summerp127
Cities Under Cities [reprint: The Path November 1892]WQ Judgey2011v15i3Summerp129
The Voice Divine (vf)Louis Claude de Saint-Martiny2011v15i3Summerp132
Circle and Cycle [extract: 'Knowledge and the Sacred']Seyyed Hossein Nasry2011v15i4Autumnp133
God as a Circleanony2011v15i4Autumnp134
Time - Image of EternityPlotinusy2011v15i4Autumnp142
The Zodiac and Ourselves [reprint: Theosophy July 1953 p407-413. Extracts from writings of HP Blavatsky and WQ Judge]anony2011v15i4Autumnp145
Cyclic Returnanony2011v15i4Autumnp154
Environment [reprint: The Path February 1887]Hadji Erinn [William Q Judge]y2011v15i4Autumnp160
The Third Object of the Theosophical Movementanony2011v15i4Autumnp164
Circles [extracts: 'Circles' May 25 1803-April 27 1882Ralph Waldo Emersony2011v15i4Autumnp169
A Meditation (vf)Paul Hookhamy2011v15i4Autumnp173
The Winter Solstice Seasonanony2011v15i4Autumnp175
Transformation [extract: 'The Monkey and the Mango Tree: Teaching Stories of the Saints and Sadhus of India' edited by Harish Jotarianony2011v15i4Autumnp179
Blossoming of IntuitionSteve Jobsy2012v16i1Winterp1
Silence and Speechanony2012v16i1Winterp2
The Logos Within Usanony2012v16i1Winterp13
Silence (vf)Edgar Lee Mastersy2012v16i1Winterp18
The Vow of Silence [extract: 'Living the Life']BP Wadiay2012v16i1Winterp20
On Resolutionsanony2012v16i1Winterp23
Two Kinds of Wisdom [extract "The Dual Aspect of Wisdom" 'Lucifer' September 1890]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i1Winterp27
The Oath [extract: 'Tales of the Dervishes']Sheikh Nasir el-Din Shahy2012v16i1Winterp30
Original Beauty [extract: 'Nature']Ralph Waldo Emersony2012v16i2Springp33
Soul and Spirit [extract: 'Isis Unveiled' vol 1 p289-292]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i2Springp35
True Freedomanony2012v16i2Springp38
Divine Rapture (vf)Robert Browningy2012v16i2Springp46
All is Myself [WQ Judge to Jasper Niemand in 'Letters that Have Helped Me' pp 6,7]William Quan Judgey2012v16i2Springp48
Cleansing the Mindanony2012v16i2Springp49
Man Visible and Invisible [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher']Robert Crosbiey2012v16i2Springp54
Law of Laws [extract: 'The Voice of the Silence'][HP Blavatsky]y2012v16i2Springp60
The Kind Man [adapted from 'Tibetan Folk Tales' by Fredrick and Audrey Hyde-Chambers]anony2012v16i2Springp65
A Revolution of Values [extract: 'Beyond Vietnam' April 4 1967]Martin Luther Kingy2012v16i2Springp67
Pranava [extract: Mundaka Upanishad] (vf)anony2012v16i3Summerp69
The Ancient Source [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' I, pp272-273]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i3Summerp70
Ancient Philosophy in India [extract: 'The Caves and Jungles of Hindustan' pp163-164]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i3Summerp71
Learning from the Ancient Sourceanony2012v16i3Summerp73
The Platonic Path to Knowledge [extract: 'Isis Unveiled' I, ppxi-xiv]HP Blavatskyy2012v16i3Summerp76
A Primeval Theosophyanony2012v16i3Summerp80
Spiritual Progressanony2012v16i3Summerp81
First Steps of Discipleship [reprint: 'Theosophy' August 1918]anony2012v16i3Summerp85
The Path of Transformation [illustration]anony2012v16i3Summerp92
Authenticity and Fidelityanony2012v16i3Summerp93
The Stream of Wisdomanony2012v16i3Summerp96
The True Meaning of Baptismanony2012v16i3Summerp97
A Living Wisdomanony2012v16i3Summerp102
Showing 501 to 550 of 793 entries