The Spiritual Basis of Social Service | anon | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p42 |
Whisperings of Buddhi [extract: 'Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom' Letter XX] | Mahatma KH | y2016 | v20 | i1 | Winter | p48 |
Human Solidarity | anon | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p49 |
The Essence of HPB’s Timeless Message [International Theosophy Conference, The Hague, August 2015] | anon | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p52 |
The Three Fundamental Propositions [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' i 14-18] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p58 |
The Cornerstone of Future Religions - The White Dove of Truth ["The Great Master’s Letter" (extract: "An Important Letter") 'Lucifer' August 1896] | HP Blavatsky [orig: "from a source she [HPB] much revered"] | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p63 |
The Esoteric Philosophy [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' i xx] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p65 |
The Evolution of the God-Idea ['extract: The Secret Doctrine' i 326] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p65 |
The Omnipresent Proteus [extract: "What Are The Theosophists" 'The Theosophist' October 1879] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p66 |
Devotion and Solidarity [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' i 210] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p67 |
Human Solidarity and Social Responsibility | anon | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p68 |
Reducing Suffering and Poverty [extracts: 'The Key to Theosophy', 'The Voice of the Silence', 'Lucifer'] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p78 |
Our Responsibility to Children - Theosophy and Education; The Real Object of Education; Mechanical Education; What Should Children Be Taught? [extracts: 'The Key to Theosophy'] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p81 |
Our Responsibility to Children - Universal Humanitarian Values [extract: "A Human Approach to World Peace"] | Tenzin Gyatso XIVth Dalai Lama | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p84 |
The Basic Law of Brotherhood [reprint: 'Theosophy' 1925 p219] | BP Wadia [original anon] | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p86 |
The Song of the Self (vf) [Siddhanta-Tattva-Vindu] | Shankaracharya | y2016 | v20 | i2 | Spring | p95 |
Karma as Opportunity | anon | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p97 |
HP Blavatsky and Her Legacy | anon | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p99 |
The Bodhisattva Ideal | anon | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p113 |
Noetic Spirituality in Action [extracts: 'The Voice of the Silence', 'The Secret Doctrine', 'The Theosophist', 'Lucifer', "Five Messages to the American Theosophists" | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p124 |
Aquarian Axioms (Ancient axioms from a compilation made by HP Blavatsky in 1890) | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p128 |
The Noetic and the Psychic [extract: "Psychic and Noetic Action" 'Lucifer' October, November 1890] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p129 |
Nonviolence and Action [extracts: 'The Dhammapada', 'The Voice of the Silence, "The Eleven Vows of Mahatma Gandhi" 'Young India' 'The Last Phase II, 'Courier Journal'] | Buddha; HP Blavatsky; Kurangi Desai, Mahatma Gandhi; Yeranda Mandir; Tenzin Gyatso The XIVth Dalai Lama | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p131 |
Deeper Dimensions to Justice [extracts: 'Lucifer', 'The Key to Theosophy' | The Maha Chohan; HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p136 |
Karma and Dharma [extract: 'Thus Have I Heard' pp188-191] | BP Wadia | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p141 |
Invictus (vf) | William Ernest Henley | y2016 | v20 | i3 | Summer | p144 |
Reincarnation | anon | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p145 |
The Mystery of Reincarnation | anon | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p147 |
Reincarnation Explains [extract: 'Thus Have I Heard' pp200-203] | BP Wadia | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p153 |
To Him That Was Crucified (vf) | Walt Whitman | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p156 |
The Fisher of Men | anon | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p157 |
The Great Sacrifice ['The Secret Doctrine' i 208] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p165 |
The Influence of Wise Beings [extracts: 'The Ocean of Theosophy', 'Theosophical Glossary', 'The Voice of the Silence', 'The Secret doctrine Dialogues; HP Blavatsky’s Talks With Students', 'The Secret Doctrine', 'Path', 'The Occult World' as cited by William Q Judge] | William Q Judge; HP Blavatsky; AP Sinnett | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p166 |
Adepts in America in 1776 [extract: "The Adepts in America in 1776" 'The Theosophist' October 1883] | William Q Judge | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p171 |
The Ascending Cycle [extracts: 'The Secret Doctrine', "Five Messages to the American Theosophists"] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p174 |
The Allegory of the Fall ['The Secret Doctrine' ii 266-269] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p180 |
On Medicine and Healing [extracts: 'The Secret doctrine Dialogues; HP Blavatsky’s Talks With Students', 'Isis Unveiled', 'Lucifer', 'The Secret Doctrine'] | HP Blavatsky | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p185 |
Silence Sound and Speech [extracts: 'The Voice of the Silence', 'The Secret Doctrine', 'Letters That Have Helped Me'] | HP Blavatsky; William Q Judge | y2016 | v20 | i4 | Autumn | p188 |
Faith in the Future | Dr Martin Luther king Jr | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p1 |
The Ascending Cycle | anon | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p2 |
The Ascending Arc ['The Secret Doctrine' ii p110] | HP Blavatsky | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p10 |
The Kali Yoga - The Present Age [reprint: 'The Path' April 1888] | William Q Judge [original anon] | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p11 |
Uphill (vf) | Christina Rossetti | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p17 |
Self-Transcendence [from 'Existentialism Is a Humanism'] | Jean Paul Sartre | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p18 |
The Inner Ascent | anon | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p19 |
Your Own Inner Self [extract: "Some Words on Daily Life" 'Lucifer' 1888] | Mahatma KH | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p23 |
Love With an Object [from: 'Lucifer' January 1888] | HP Blavatsky | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p24 |
Altruism | anon | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p29 |
Hope | anon | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p35 |
Courage [from: 'The Eternal Verities'] | anon | y2017 | v21 | i1 | Winter | p40 |