Music (vf) | Ralph Waldo Emerson | y1995 | v5 | i2 | Winter | p52 |
The Banyan Deer | anon | y1995 | v5 | i2 | Winter | p53 |
The Eternal Verities [reprint from 'The Aryan Path'] | anon | y1995 | v5 | i2 | Winter | p55 |
Infinite in All Directions [reprint from 'Infinite in All Directions' Harper & Row 1989] | Freeman Dyson | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p65 |
A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words From a Wise Man [reprint from 'The Theosophist' June 1883] | HP Blavatsky | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p69 |
Awakening | anon | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p81 |
Maya, Moha, Mara [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' February 1978] | anon | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p84 |
The Glories of Our Blood and State (vf) | James Shirley | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p89 |
The Midnight Blossom | George William Russell | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p90 |
The Pride of Possession | anon | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p94 |
The Great Orphan (vf) | Harij | y1995 | v5 | i3 | Spring | p96 |
Necessity | Arthur Morgan | y1995 | v5 | i4 | Summer | p97 |
Ascent Through Love | anon | y1995 | v5 | i4 | Summer | p100 |
Hypatia: The Last Neoplatonist [reprint 'Theosophy' March 1937] | anon | y1995 | v5 | i4 | Summer | p109 |
Abt Vogler (vf) | Robert Browning | y1995 | v5 | i4 | Summer | p122 |
A Polish Folk Tale [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement'] | anon | y1995 | v5 | i4 | Summer | p124 |
Interconnectedness [reprint from 'In context: A Journal of Hope, Sustainability, and Change'] | Robert Gilman | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p1 |
The Unity of Religions | anon | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p5 |
First Steps on the Path [reprint from 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'] | Shankaracharya | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p8 |
The Count de Saint Germain [reprint from 'Theosophy' November 1938] | anon | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p14 |
In the Heart of Man (vf) | Rabindranath Tagore | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p22 |
The Festival of Lights [reprint from 'Aryan Path' | BP Wadia | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p24 |
The Blue Lotus | HP Blavatsky | y1995 | v6 | i1 | Autumn | p27 |
Dreams of the Future [reprint from 'The Holographic Universe'] | Michael Talbot | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p33 |
The Seven Portals | anon | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p36 |
The Rainbow Bridge [reprint from The Theosophical Movement' October 1985] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p41 |
A Hymn to Christ: At the Author’s Last Going Into Germany | John Donne | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p44 |
Ye Are Gods [reprint from 'The Irish Theosophist' April 1896] | Laon | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p46 |
Louis Claude de Saint-Martin [reprint from 'Theosophy' September 1938] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p49 |
Letter from Tolstoy to MK Gandhi | Leo Tolstoy | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p57 |
A Curious Tale | Bryan Kinnavan | y1996 | v6 | i2 | Winter | p61 |
A New Springtime | Pope John Paul II | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p65 |
Emerson On Self-Reliance | anon | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p66 |
The Gods of the Cycle | HP Blavatsky | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p79 |
The Two-Sided Ego | anon | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p81 |
Ode to the West Wind (vf) | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p83 |
Anton Mesmer [reprint from 'Theosophy Magazine' August 1938'] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p86 |
The Garden and the Children [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' May 1959] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i3 | Spring | p94 |
Being Peace | Eric Utne | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p97 |
Let There Be Light | anon | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p99 |
The Paramita Path | anon | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p103 |
Moods [reprint from 'Theosophy' February 1927] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p111 |
Cagliostro [reprint from 'Theosophy' October 1938] | anon | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p114 |
The Lie (vf) | Sir Walter Ralegh | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p122 |
Truth and Dogma | HP Blavatsky | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p125 |
Fatima the Spinner and the Tent [reprint from 'Tales of the Dervishes'] | Idries Shah | y1996 | v6 | i4 | Summer | p126 |
God, Mind, and Matter [reprint from 'Infinite in All Directions'] | Freeman Dyson | y1996 | v7 | i1 | Autumn | p1 |
Independence | anon | y1996 | v7 | i1 | Autumn | p3 |
The Gnostics [reprint from 'Theosophy Magazine' September 1936] | anon | y1996 | v7 | i1 | Autumn | p8 |
The Truth Behind the Veil [reprint from 'Theosophical Movement' Vol 11-12 1940] | anon | y1996 | v7 | i1 | Autumn | p19 |