The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


HumilityAlbert Schweitzery1998v8i4Summerp97
True Worshipanony1998v8i4Summerp99
Thomas Paine (1) [reprint from 'Theosophy' February 1923]anony1998v8i4Summerp105
Will and Desire [reprint from 'Lucifer' October 1887]HP Blavatskyy1998v8i4Summerp110
From Queen Mab (vf)Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1998v8i4Summerp112
In Quest of the Way [reprint from 'The Hundred Letters']Sharafuddin Maneriy1998v8i4Summerp114
Notes on the Bhagavad Gita [reprint 'The Path' September 1895]William Brehony1998v8i4Summerp119
Self-Knowledge [reprint 'Lucifer' October 1887]HP Blavatsky (?)y1998v8i4Summerp125
Whatever Happens For the Goodanony1998v8i4Summerp126
On GenerosityKara Newelly1998v9i1Autumnp1
The Key of Viryaanony1998v9i1Autumnp3
Spiritual Progress [reprint from 'The Theosophist' May 1885]HP Blavatskyy1998v9i1Autumnp11
Where to Begin [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' November 1979]anony1998v9i1Autumnp18
Freedom of Thought [reprint from 'Ode to Liberty']Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1998v9i1Autumnp23
Thomas Paine (2) [reprint from 'Theosophy' December 1938]anony1998v9i1Autumnp24
MotivesRabbi Aarony1998v9i1Autumnp32
Dimensions of Community [reprint from 'Green Revolution' Autumn 1995]Ernest Morgany1999v9i2Winterp1
The Golden Ruleanony1999v9i2Winterp3
Savitar [translated from 'Rigveda' by AC Macdonell]anony1999v9i2Winterp8
A Commentary on the Gayatri [reprint from 'The Path' January 1893]William Quan Judgey1999v9i2Winterp10
Roger Bacon [reprint from 'Theosophy' December 1937]anony1999v9i2Winterp13
Light, Life, ElectricityHP Blavatskyy1999v9i2Winterp21
Seals of Assurance (vf)Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1999v9i2Winterp22
The Doctrine of Non-ResistanceLeo Tolstoyy1999v9i2Winterp23
The Ancient LearningHP Blavatskyy1999v9i2Winterp29
The Gem [reprint from 'The Path' March 1887]Ramsesy1999v9i2Winterp30
The Feel-Good MonasteryPico Iyery1999v9i3Springp65
The Law of Loveanony1999v9i3Springp69
Jacob’s LadderFrancis Thompsony1999v9i3Springp75
Faith [reprint from 'The Bhagavad Gita']Shri Krishnay1999v9i3Springp76
Alexandria and Her Schoolsanony1999v9i3Springp77
Christna, Buddha, Jesus [reprint from 'Isis Unveiled' 1877]HP Blavatskyy1999v9i3Springp88
The Tale of Uma Haimavati [reprint from 'Cradle Tales of Hinduism']anony1999v9i3Springp91
The Sense of the MysteriousAlbert Einsteiny1999v9i4Summerp97
Bondage and Well Beinganony1999v9i4Summerp98
The Druzes of Mount Lebanonanony1999v9i4Summerp101
The Rider (vf)Lallay1999v9i4Summerp109
The Importance of Promisesanony1999v9i4Summerp110
The Story of the Kuru-DeerA Jataka Taley1999v9i4Summerp113
DivinityRobert Crosbiey1999v9i4Summerp117
The Essence of Our BeingHP Blavatskyy1999v9i4Summerp118
Karma and the Eye [reprint from 'The Secret Doctrine' ii 301-306]HP Blavatskyy1999v9i4Summerp119
In the BeginningHP Blavatskyy1999v9i4Summerp126
Initiation [reprint from 'Theosophist' June 1886]William Quan Judgey1999v9i4Summerp127
A Prayer for the New MillenniumPico Iyery2001v10i1Autumnp1
The Word Made Fleshanony2001v10i1Autumnp3
What I BelieveLeo Tolstoyy2001v10i1Autumnp8
A Twilight Vision (vf)Myrtle B Churchy2001v10i1Autumnp10
Fragments From a Indian NotebookKali Prasanna Mukurjiy2001v10i1Autumnp11
What is Practical Theosophy?: Duty [reprint from 'The Key to Theosophy']HP Blavatskyy2001v10i1Autumnp13
Showing 301 to 350 of 793 entries