The Small Portion of Gruel | anon | y2001 | v10 | i1 | Autumn | p22 |
The God of Spinoza | Albert Einstein | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p25 |
A Steady State of Consciousness: A Reflection on Karma, the Middle Way, and Extremes | anon | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p26 |
Alchemy and the Alchemists [reprint from 'Theosophy' September 1937] | anon | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p31 |
Mercy | William Shakespeare | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p39 |
The Number Seven [reprint from 'Theosophist' June 1880] | HP Blavatsky | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p40 |
Lifting the Eyes [reprint from 'Through the Gate of Gold'] | anon | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p45 |
Holding On [reprint from 'The Brothers Karamazou'] | Fyodor Dostoevsky | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p46 |
The Message [reprint from 'The Friendly Philosopher'] | Robert Crosbie | y2002 | v10 | i2 | Winter | p48 |
The Interpreters | George William Russell | y2003 | v10 | i3 | Summer | p49 |
ULT and Wisdom Religion | anon | y2003 | v10 | i3 | Summer | p51 |
The Meaning of ULT | Robert Crosbie | y2003 | v10 | i3 | Summer | p58 |
Apollonius of Tyana [reprint from 'Theosophy Magazine' Vol 24 p 385] | anon | y2003 | v10 | i3 | Summer | p59 |
Circles of Compassion | Albert Einstein | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p73 |
Turning the Other Cheek | anon | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p74 |
The Earth Chain (1) | anon | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p81 |
Death (vf) | Emily Dickinson | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p87 |
The Monadic Host [reprint from 'The Secret Doctrine'] | HP Blavatsky | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p88 |
The Kind Man | anon | y2004 | v10 | i4 | Summer | p94 |
The Earth and Work [Excerpt from 'Oh My Friends, What Might Be' 'Friends Bulletin' Vol 44] | Gene Hoffman | y2005 | v11 | i1 | Winter | p1 |
Devotion Through Art | anon | y2005 | v11 | i1 | Winter | p3 |
The Precious Moment (vf) | anon | y2005 | v11 | i1 | Winter | p6 |
The Earth Chain (2) | anon | y2005 | v11 | i1 | Winter | p7 |
The Divine Essence | HP Blavatsky | y2005 | v11 | i1 | Winter | p22 |
Genius | Edward Bellamy | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p25 |
Human Solidarity | anon | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p27 |
William Quan Judge [reprint from 'The Irish Theosphist' Vol 4 No 9] | Jasper Niemand | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p34 |
Worlds Within Worlds (vf) | anon | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p37 |
Path of the Soul [reprint from 'Theosophy' August 1996] | anon | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p38 |
On the Higher Aspects of Theosophic Studies (1) [reprint from 'The Theosophist' March 1885] | Mohini M Chatterji | y2005 | v11 | i2 | Spring | p42 |
The Gettysburg Address | Abraham Lincoln | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p49 |
The Service of Humanity | anon | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p51 |
The Rise and Fall of Civilizations | WQ Judge | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p54 |
I Think Continually (vf) | Stephen Spender | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p60 |
Montezuma and the Great Flood [reprint from 'American Indian Myths and Legends'] | Richard Erdoes and Alfonzo Ortiz | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p61 |
On the Higher Aspects of Theosophic Studies (2) [reprint from 'The Theosophist' March 1885] | Mohini M Chatterji | y2006 | v11 | i3 | Winter | p65 |
The Enfranchisement of Humanity | Edward Bellamy | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p73 |
Symbolism of Water | anon | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p76 |
From The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (vf) [reprint from Stanzas 24 - 34, 5th Edition] | Edward Fitzgerald | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p80 |
Jesus the Christ (1) [reprint from 'Theosophy' 1936] | anon | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p82 |
The Creation of the World [extract from 'The Book of the Secrets of Enoch' translated in 'The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament'] | RH Charles | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p91 |
From Master’s Letter [extract] | anon | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p93 |
Mechanical Theosophy [reprint from 'Path' November 1895] | WQ Judge | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p94 |
The Path of the Disciple | WQ Judge | y2006 | v11 | i4 | Spring | p96 |
Solitude of Self | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p1 |
Soul Wisdom and Spiritual Knowledge | anon | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p4 |
Ulysses (vf) | Alfred, Lord Tennyson | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p9 |
Jesus the Christ (2) | anon | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p12 |
Education as the Love of Harmony [extract from 'The Republic' by Plato] | Plato | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p19 |
Truly Theosophical Education [extract from 'The Key to Theosophy'] | HP Blavatsky | y2006 | v12 | i1 | Autumn | p22 |