Active Goodness [Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p482 |
Pythagoras and His School | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p484 |
Heiros Logos: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p496 |
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty (vf) | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p499 |
Symbols: Libra | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p502 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p511 |
Creation, Rebirth and Freedom [reprint from 'Digha-Nikaya, Brahmajala Sutta' II 2-6, 15] | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p512 |
The Grace of the Guru [reprint from 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'] | Shankaracharya | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p514 |
The Sacredness of a Vow [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1963 | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p520 |
I Am Only Human | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p522 |
Glossary | anon | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p523 |
Correlations: The Voice of Krishna | various | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p524 |
The Master Stone | WQ Judge | y1977 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p526 |
Inner Clarity | EF Schumacher | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p529 |
The Society of the Virtuous [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p530 |
The Daimon | anon | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p533 |
Degrees of Self-Consciousness [reprint from 'Reminiscences of HP Blavatsky'] | Constance Wachtmeister | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p540 |
Guruyoga [reprint from 'Bla-ma 'I Rnal-' byor'] | Geshey Ngawang Dhargyey | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p544 |
Symbols: Scorpio | anon | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p547 |
Amor Febris Species [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1952] | anon | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p557 |
On Love | Percy Bysshe Shelley | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p568 |
Marriage of True Minds (vf) | William Shakespeare | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p570 |
Glossary | anon | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p571 |
Correlations: Noetic & Psychic Energies | various | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p572 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p574 |
Ganesha the Wise | Bhavani Shankar | y1977 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p575 |
Nous | Proclus | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
Insight and Energy | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
The Gayatri | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p9 |
Symbols: The Mountain | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p10 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p23 |
Kwan-Yin [reprint from 'Kwan-Yin Sutra'] | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p24 |
Guru and Chela [reprint from 'The Theosophist' Madras 1883] | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p26 |
Renunciation and Liberation: Notes on the Bhagavad GitaChapter XVIII | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p27 |
Beyond Craving [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p35 |
Enosis (vf) | PS Cranch | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p38 |
Ideation and Health [reprint from 'Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1956] | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p40 |
Correlations: Destiny and Consciousness | various | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p44 |
Glossary | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p46 |
The Golden Sandals: A Chinese Tale | anon | y1978 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p47 |
Inward Growth | Loren Eiseley | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p49 |
The Joy of Devotion | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p50 |
Shivashakti [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p59 |
Symbols: The Flute | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p63 |
An Eye Made Quiet (vf) | William Wordsworth | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p76 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p77 |
Diotima and Socrates | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p78 |
Glossary | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p87 |
The Triple Paramitas [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' LXXXVII] | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p88 |
Correlations: Unshakeable Faith | anon | y1978 | v4 | i2 | Feb | p90 |