The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Active Goodness [Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1977v3i11Novp482
Pythagoras and His Schoolanony1977v3i11Novp484
Heiros Logos: The Golden Verses of Pythagorasanony1977v3i11Novp496
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty (vf)Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1977v3i11Novp499
Symbols: Libraanony1977v3i11Novp502
Sri Yantraanony1977v3i11Novp511
Creation, Rebirth and Freedom [reprint from 'Digha-Nikaya, Brahmajala Sutta' II 2-6, 15]anony1977v3i11Novp512
The Grace of the Guru [reprint from 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom']Shankaracharyay1977v3i11Novp514
The Sacredness of a Vow [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1963anony1977v3i11Novp520
I Am Only Humananony1977v3i11Novp522
Correlations: The Voice of Krishnavariousy1977v3i11Novp524
The Master StoneWQ Judgey1977v3i11Novp526
Inner ClarityEF Schumachery1977v3i12Decp529
The Society of the Virtuous [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1977v3i12Decp530
The Daimonanony1977v3i12Decp533
Degrees of Self-Consciousness [reprint from 'Reminiscences of HP Blavatsky']Constance Wachtmeistery1977v3i12Decp540
Guruyoga [reprint from 'Bla-ma 'I Rnal-' byor']Geshey Ngawang Dhargyeyy1977v3i12Decp544
Symbols: Scorpioanony1977v3i12Decp547
Amor Febris Species [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1952]anony1977v3i12Decp557
On LovePercy Bysshe Shelleyy1977v3i12Decp568
Marriage of True Minds (vf)William Shakespearey1977v3i12Decp570
Correlations: Noetic & Psychic Energiesvariousy1977v3i12Decp572
Sri Yantraanony1977v3i12Decp574
Ganesha the WiseBhavani Shankary1977v3i12Decp575
Insight and Energyanony1978v4i1Janp2
The Gayatrianony1978v4i1Janp9
Symbols: The Mountainanony1978v4i1Janp10
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i1Janp23
Kwan-Yin [reprint from 'Kwan-Yin Sutra']anony1978v4i1Janp24
Guru and Chela [reprint from 'The Theosophist' Madras 1883]anony1978v4i1Janp26
Renunciation and Liberation: Notes on the Bhagavad GitaChapter XVIIIanony1978v4i1Janp27
Beyond Craving [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i1Janp35
Enosis (vf)PS Cranchy1978v4i1Janp38
Ideation and Health [reprint from 'Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1956]anony1978v4i1Janp40
Correlations: Destiny and Consciousnessvariousy1978v4i1Janp44
The Golden Sandals: A Chinese Taleanony1978v4i1Janp47
Inward GrowthLoren Eiseleyy1978v4i2Febp49
The Joy of Devotionanony1978v4i2Febp50
Shivashakti [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i2Febp59
Symbols: The Fluteanony1978v4i2Febp63
An Eye Made Quiet (vf)William Wordsworthy1978v4i2Febp76
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i2Febp77
Diotima and Socratesanony1978v4i2Febp78
The Triple Paramitas [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' LXXXVII]anony1978v4i2Febp88
Correlations: Unshakeable Faithanony1978v4i2Febp90
Showing 451 to 500 of 2043 entries