The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


EliasLeo Tolstoiy1978v4i2Febp92
Knowing and DoingWang Yang-Mingy1978v4i3Marp97
Creative Emanationanony1978v4i3Marp98
Trimurti (vf)John Stuart Blackiey1978v4i3Marp107
Symbols: The Rainbowanony1978v4i3Marp108
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i3Marp119
The Ocean and the Waves [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' II 46-48]anony1978v4i3Marp120
The Voice of the Masters [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1956]anony1978v4i3Marp122
The Inward Breath [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i3Marp128
Concentration [reprint from 'The Irish Theosophist' Dublin 1893]AEy1978v4i3Marp131
Discernment and Criticism [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1891]anony1978v4i3Marp133
The Vineyard (vf)anony1978v4i3Marp138
Correlations: Emanation and Elementalsvariousy1978v4i3Marp140
The City and the RefugeShrimad Bhagavatamy1978v4i3Marp142
The Soul's PilotPlatoy1978v4i4Aprp145
The Nachiketas Fireanony1978v4i4Aprp146
The Tathagata Light [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1956]anony1978v4i4Aprp156
The Mahatma [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i4Aprp164
Quiet (vf)John Spencer Muirheady1978v4i4Aprp167
Symbols: The Horseanony1978v4i4Aprp169
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i4Aprp181
Emptiness (vf) [reprint from 'Lalitavistara Sutra'13, 175-177]anony1978v4i4Aprp182
Tranquillity of Thoughtanony1978v4i4Aprp184
Correlations: The Spirit of the Flamevariousy1978v4i4Aprp188
PundariLafcadio Hearny1978v4i4Aprp190
Faith and Fraternity [reprint from 'Rig Veda X 151, 191]anony1978v4i5Mayp193
Cognition and Freedomanony1978v4i5Mayp194
Symbols: Fireanony1978v4i5Mayp203
The Cosmic Sphere [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i5Mayp214
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i5Mayp217
Inviolable Hierarchies [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1888]Jasper Niemandy1978v4i5Mayp218
Sands and the Ganga [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' LXXXV]anony1978v4i5Mayp224
A Meditatioin (vf)Paul Hookhamy1978v4i5Mayp228
Don't Look Over the Fence [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1963]anony1978v4i5Mayp230
Correlations: Limitless Expansionvariousy1978v4i5Mayp232
The Monkey King: A Jataka Taleanony1978v4i5Mayp237
Turning Towards the GoodIris Murdochy1978v4i6Junp241
Initiation [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1886]Damodar K Mavalankary1978v4i6Junp249
Symbols: The Threadanony1978v4i6Junp252
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i6Junp261
The Holy Sutratman [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i6Junp262
Ship of Death (vf)DH Lawrencey1978v4i6Junp266
Dharma (vf) [reprint from 'Dharmasangiti Sutra']anony1978v4i6Junp268
Deduction and Objectivityanony1978v4i6Junp270
Soul-Culture [The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1960]anony1978v4i6Junp278
Correlations: Heart-Lightvariousy1978v4i6Junp283
Showing 501 to 550 of 2043 entries