The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Story of a Star [reprint from 'The Irish Theosophist' Dublin 1894]AEy1978v4i6Junp285
Mirroring the UniverseGW Leibnizy1978v4i7Julp289
Polarity and Discriminationanony1978v4i7Julp290
Symbol: The Cellanony1978v4i7Julp299
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i7Julp311
Sattva and Sat [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i7Julp312
Self-Reliance [reprint from 'The Irish Theosophist'Dublin 1896]AEy1978v4i7Julp315
The Circling Spheres (vf)Jamiy1978v4i7Julp318
Hypotheses and Philosophiaanony1978v4i7Julp319
The Tathagatagarbha [reprint from 'Srimala Sutra']anony1978v4i7Julp329
Correlations: The Death of Selfishnessvariousy1978v4i7Julp330
The Skin of the Earth [reprint 'The Path' New York 1889WQ Judgey1978v4i7Julp332
Silence and Humility [reprint from 'Bhagavata Purana']Krishna to Uddhavay1978v4i8Augp337
Drawing the Larger Circleanony1978v4i8Augp338
Raja Vidya [reprint from 'The Doctrine of the Bhagavad Gita']Bhavani Shankary1978v4i8Augp347
Symbols: The Umbrellaanony1978v4i8Augp350
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i8Augp361
Exertion and Destiny [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i8Augp362
Bondage and Beyond [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' LXII]anony1978v4i8Augp365
Spinoza on Godanony1978v4i8Augp369
The Immortal Mind (vf)George Gordony1978v4i8Augp378
Correlations: Self-Knowledgevariousy1978v4i8Augp380
The Lifting of the MountainNiveditay1978v4i8Augp383
The Ethical ThresholdRamchandra Gandhiy1978v4i9Sepp385
Order in Chaosanony1978v4i9Sepp386
The Mouse and the Camel [reprint from 'Masnavi']Jalal Al-Din Rumiy1978v4i9Sepp399
Symbols: Wheatanony1978v4i9Sepp400
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i9Sepp413
The Mahatma-Adept [reprint from 'Echoes from the Orient']WQ Judgey1978v4i9Sepp414
The World as Illusion [reprint from 'Rajaparikatha-ratnamala' 101-115]Nagarjunay1978v4i9Sepp416
Spinoza on Freedomanony1978v4i9Sepp418
Causality and Destiny [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i9Sepp428
Correlation: The Power to Purifyvariousy1978v4i9Sepp430
Concord (vf) [reprint from ' An Essay on Man']Alexander Popey1978v4i9Sepp432
Grace and Love (vf) [reprint from 'The Daemon of the World']Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1978v4i10Octp433
Guru Bhakti [reprint from ' Dnyaneshwari' 13]anony1978v4i10Octp445
Symbols: The Beeanony1978v4i10Octp452
Sri Yantraanony1978v4i10Octp461
The Raft [reprint from 'Majjhima-Nikaya, Alagaddupama Sutta' 13-16]anony1978v4i10Octp462
The Chambered Nautilus (vf)Oliver Wendell Holmesy1978v4i10Octp464
Mental Adjustment [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1953]anony1978v4i10Octp466
The Descent of Wisdom [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1978v4i10Octp471
Correlations: Hermetic Strengthvariousy1978v4i10Octp474
Recollection & Pre-Existence [reprint from 'Principium Sapientiae']FM Cornfordy1978v4i10Octp476
Showing 551 to 600 of 2043 entries