The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Where Are Ye? (vf) [reprint from 'Prometheus Unbound']Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1980v6i11Novp512
Sri Yantraanony1980v6i11Novp513
Correlations: The Stream of Monadsvariousy1980v6i11Novp514
Roger Baconanony1980v6i11Novp517
Jnana and Vijnana [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra LXVI 156-158]anony1980v6i11Novp526
The Rabbi of Apt: Hasidic Taleanony1980v6i11Novp528
The Bliss of ShivaShri Shankaracharyay1980v6i12Decp529
Between Heaven and Earthanony1980v6i12Decp530
Sri Yantraanony1980v6i12Decp545
Symbols: The Squareanony1980v6i12Decp546
Fullness [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1980v6i12Decp557
Divina Sapientia [reprint from 'Lucifer' London 1889]HP Blavatskyy1980v6i12Decp560
Correlations: Immutable Lawsvariousy1980v6i12Decp564
Marsilio Ficinoanony1980v6i12Decp567
The Stranger by the Hearth (vf) [reprint from 'Maximus']DH Lawrencey1980v6i12Decp575
The Plank of Salvation: A Sufi Taleanony1980v6i12Decp576
Refuge (vf)Shri Krishnay1981v7i1Janp1
The Vision of the Divine Dance [reprint from 'Kurma Purana Samhita']anony1981v7i1Janp14
Sri Yantraanony1981v7i1Janp15
Buddhi Yoga in Dharmakshetra 1981 [reprint from 'Notes from the Hinterland']anony1981v7i1Janp16
Symbols: The Throneanony1981v7i1Janp20
Renunciation and Resilience [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1981v7i1Janp29
Correlations: Mahatmas and Humanityvariousy1981v7i1Janp32
Bodhi and Bodhichitta [reprint from Hotsu Bodai-shin, Shobo-genzo']Dogeny1981v7i1Janp34
Royal Giver (vf) [reprint from 'The Daemonic Love']Ralph Waldo Emersony1981v7i1Janp36
Renewal of CivilizationAlbert Schweitzery1981v7i2Febp49
Renunciation and Responsibilityanony1981v7i2Febp50
Symbols: Lightanony1981v7i2Febp62
Sri Yantraanony1981v7i2Febp75
Oneness of BeingDnyaneshwariy1981v7i2Febp76
Beyond Friend and Foe [ reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1981v7i2Febp78
We Are Blessed (vf) [reprint from 'Prometheus Unbound']Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1981v7i2Febp81
Awakening to Bodhichitta [reprint from 'Hotsu Bodai-shin. Shobo-genzo']Dogeny1981v7i2Febp82
Dionysius the Areopagiteanony1981v7i2Febp85
Correlations: Man the Microcosmvariousy1981v7i2Febp94
MotivesRabbi Aarony1981v7i2Febp96
Sunlight of the Self (vf)Sri Muruganary1981v7i3Marp97
Symbols: Soundanony1981v7i3Marp110
Breath and Mind [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1981v7i3Marp122
Sri Yantraanony1981v7i3Marp125
Ganesha, God of Wisdomanony1981v7i3Marp126
Theophany (vf)anony1981v7i3Marp129
Showing 901 to 950 of 2043 entries