Symbols: The Tiger | anon | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p301 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p313 |
Aum [reprint from 'The Path' New York 1886] | WQ Judge | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p314 |
Refuge | Tenzin Gyatso | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p320 |
Correlations: Consciousness in Action | various | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p322 |
To Be (vf) [reprint from 'Life'] | Caroline Sturgis Tappan | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p324 |
Iamblichus | anon | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p325 |
Glossary | anon | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p334 |
The Tortoise and the King: A Buddhist Tale | anon | y1980 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p335 |
Action Without Attachment | Trevor Leggett | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p337 |
The Pilgrimage of Humanity | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p338 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p349 |
Symbols: The Circle | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p350 |
The Sea-Limits (vf) | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p361 |
Vyuhagarbha [reprint from 'Gandavyuha Sutra | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p362 |
Correlations: Absolute and Relative | various | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p364 |
The Lion in the Path | Jasper Niemand | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p366 |
The Wilful Mind [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p370 |
Hypatia | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p373 |
Glossary | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p382 |
The Theft of Odour: A Jataka Tale | anon | y1980 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p383 |
The Inner Journey | Edwin Bernbaum | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p385 |
The Light of the Logos | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p386 |
The Three Qualifications | Bhavani Shankar | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p400 |
Symbols: The Turtle | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p402 |
The Broken World (vf) [reprint from 'Ajanta'] | Muriel Rukeyser | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p412 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p413 |
Renunciation [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p414 |
Wisdom and Illusion [reprint from 'Pancavimsati-sahasrika-prajnaparamita 150-154] | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p416 |
Correlations: The Law of Analogy | various | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p418 |
Synesius | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p420 |
Glossary | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p430 |
Helpfulness: A Sufi Tale | anon | y1980 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p431 |
The Unseen Leaven | MK Gandhi | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p433 |
The Descent of Manas | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p434 |
Symbols: The Hand | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p448 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p459 |
The Sage and Samsara [reprint from 'Dnyaneshwari'] | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p460 |
The Sea of Worldliness [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p462 |
Rumours From an Aeolian Harp (vf) | Henry David Thoreau | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p465 |
The Vajra of Wisdom [reprint from 'Gandavyuha Sutra' passim] | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p466 |
Correlations: The Great Self | various | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p468 |
Hierocles | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p470 |
Glossary | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p478 |
The Wheel of Karma: A Kashmiri Tale | anon | y1980 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p479 |
Uncrowned Majesty (vf) | Matthew Arnold | y1980 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p481 |
Self-Emancipation | anon | y1980 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p482 |
The Leonine Soul [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1980 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p498 |
Symbols: Blue | anon | y1980 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p500 |
Atma Vidya [reprint from 'Lucifer' London 1888] | HP Blavatsky | y1980 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p510 |