The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Universal ResponsibilityTenzin Gyatsoy1979v5i11Novp481
The Pledge of Kwan Yinanony1979v5i11Novp482
One-Pointedness [reprint from 'Lam-rin-chen-mo' II B1Tsong-Kha-Pay1979v5i11Novp490
Bodhisattva Practice [reprint from 'Shrine Auditorium' September 25 1979]Tenzin Gyatsoy1979v5i11Novp492
Symbols: The Thresholdanony1979v5i11Novp497
Sri Yantraanony1979v5i11Novp507
The Sage [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1979v5i11Novp508
The Vasty Quietude (vf)AEy1979v5i11Novp511
Marcus Aureliusanony1979v5i11Novp512
Learning to Laugh [reprint from 'The Theosophical Movement' Bombay 1946]anony1979v5i11Novp519
Correlations: From Within Withoutvariousy1979v5i11Novp524
The Kingdom of Heaven [reprint from 'The Gospel According to Thomas']anony1979v5i12Decp529
The Gayatri InvocationShankaracharyay1979v5i12Decp530
Symbols: The Dragonanony1979v5i12Decp538
Sri Yantraanony1979v5i12Decp551
Arcane KnowledgeMahatma KHy1979v5i12Decp552
Reticence [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1979v5i12Decp556
A Vast Similitude (vf)Walt Whitmany1979v5i12Decp559
Correlations: Sacred Speechvariousy1979v5i12Decp560
Effort and Effortlessness [reprint from 'Lam-rim-chen-mo' II B 2]Tsong-Kha-Pay1979v5i12Decp562
Intelligence and LearningLafcadio Hearny1979v5i12Decp575
Concentration and DiffusionGeorges Poulety1980v6i1Janp1
The Life-Giving Streamanony1980v6i1Janp2
Meditation and Vision [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1980v6i1Janp13
Symbols: The Arrowanony1980v6i1Janp15
Sri Yantraanony1980v6i1Janp27
Magnetic SympathyMahatma KHy1980v6i1Janp28
Hermes Trismegistusanony1980v6i1Janp31
The Search for Wisdom [reprint from 'Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra II 4, 1 & 2]anony1980v6i1Janp40
Correlations: Deity, Duration and Descentvariousy1980v6i1Janp42
If (vf)Rudyard Kiplingy1980v6i1Janp44
The Gazelle and the Mouse: A Persian Taleanony1980v6i1Janp47
Meditation Upon Aum [reprint from 'Prasna Upanishad']anony1980v6i2Febp49
The Dawning of Wisdomanony1980v6i2Febp50
Stilling the Mind [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana']Valmikiy1980v6i2Febp59
Symbols: The Bowanony1980v6i2Febp62
Sri Yantraanony1980v6i2Febp73
The Logos and the Mahatma [reprint from 'Notes on the Bhagavad Gita']T Subba Rowy1980v6i2Febp74
The Cedars of Lebanon [reprint from 'The Aryan Path' Bombay 1957]BP Wadiay1980v6i2Febp77
Ode to the West Wind (vf)Percy Bysshe Shelleyy1980v6i2Febp80
Correlations: Unity and Differentiationvariousy1980v6i2Febp82
Cleanthes of Assosanony1980v6i2Febp84
The Vow of Enlightenment [reprint from 'Bodhipathapradipa' 1-23]Atisay1980v6i2Febp92
Darkness and VisionLafcadio Hearny1980v6i2Febp94
The Infinite and the FiniteEdward Bellamyy1980v6i3Marp97
Noetic Discriminationanony1980v6i3Marp98
Showing 751 to 800 of 2043 entries