The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

High Country Theosophist

Karma (rprnt The Path Dec 1886)William Quan Judgey1990v5-Octoberp1
Our New Look (our editorial objectives)anony1990v5-Octoberp7
Ltte -Rick Taylory1990v5-Octoberp7
The Adepts in America in 1776 (rprnt)William Q Judge (<em>Theosophist</em> Oct 1883)y1990v5-Novemberp1
Social Transformation - Local and Global - How can we participate? - (to be held with Tim Boyd)anony1990v5-Novemberp1
a response (rprnt)HPBy1990v5-Novemberp5
a response and query (rprnt)Chhabigram Dolatram (HPB-CW v6 p15-20)y1990v5-Novemberp5
a reply to Mr Dolatram (rprnt)ex-Asiatic (= WQJ) (<em>Theosophist</em> June 1884)y1990v5-Novemberp7
Calendar of local eventsanony1990v5-Novemberp8
Vegetarianism & Theosophyanony1990v5-Decemberp1
Tim Boyd visits the High Country (12 discussion topics listed)anony1990v5-Decemberp5
High Country video to be available (of Tom Boyd workshop)anony1990v5-Decemberp9
THE GOLDEN STAIRSHPBy1990v5-Decemberp9
review - Children's Booklistanony1990v5-Decemberp10
Our November meetinganony1990v5-Decemberp11
More on diet - Personal and Political Implications(Frances Moore Lappe)y1991v6-Januaryp1
Ltte - News from New ZealandHazel Menehiray1991v6-Januaryp5
Rules for Being Human - (You will receive a body ... )Marty Lymany1991v6-Januaryp6
A Hug RecipeHazel Menehiray1991v6-Januaryp6
Ten Strong Things (paraphrased from the Talmud)Marty Lymany1991v6-Januaryp7
Upcoming & Calendaranony1991v6-Januaryp8
A Theosophist's Reflections on The Persian Gulf War(editor)y1991v6-Februaryp1
review - In search of the Masters Behind the Occult Myth by Paul Johnsonanony1991v6-Februaryp2
Our January Meeting - Jack De Mooy - on "First Principles" and Microcosm"anony1991v6-Februaryp6
Are the teachings of theosophy outdated? (Algeo vs Small)anony1991v6-Marchp1
The Moon, an Enigma (Mark Jaqua, Stan Treloar on ts Moon teachings)anony1991v6-Aprilp1
Trip Plans (HCT eds. heading for San Diego)anony1991v6-Aprilp4
review - Olcott Library Annotated Book List - anonanony1991v6-Aprilp5
review - HPB Collected Writings Index - vol. XV by Dara Eklundanony1991v6-Aprilp5
review - Mahabharata film/video by Peter Brookanony1991v6-Aprilp6
The Guardian Wall (Andrew Rooke) & Star-Trek versionanony1991v6-Mayp1
The Hidden Hand - article excerpts (rprnt Theosophical History 1990 April)Joscelyn Godwyny1991v6-Mayp5
review - Just Another Spiritual Book by Bo Lozoffanony1991v6-Mayp6
Subscription Timeanony1991v6-Mayp7
Occult Astronomy (rprnt May-June 1989 CT)Ted G Daviesy1991v6-Junep1
The Canadian Theosophist added to HCT libraryanony1991v6-Junep1
Trip ReportMarty Lyman &amp; Dick Slussery1991v6-Junep7
Final Subscription Reminderanony1991v6-Junep10
The Mystery of G de PuruckerDick Slussery1991v6-Julyp1
An Esoteric look at William Q Judgeanony1991v6-Augustp1
Showing 1 to 50 of 1217 entries