The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Possible PK Inhibition of Cancer IncidenceCarroll B Nashy1987v10-Julyp147
Sources of spontaneous mystical experienceJoshua C Whitingy1987v10-Julyp148
Is there a relationship between God & PSI?Robert Winterhaltery1987v10-Julyp158
Good grief (vf)Barbara C Harrisy1987v10-Julyp168
Announcements - variousvariousy1987v10-Julyp169
M&PE (1) evidence suggestive of an Impersonational HauntingMaurice F Schwalmy1987v10-Julyp171
M&PE (2) an interview with Dr William SadlerMark Rosery1987v10-Julyp172
review - The Shaman's Touch: Otomi Indian Symbolic Healing by James R DowGeorge W Fisky1987v10-Julyp175
review - The Structure of Biblical Myths: The Ontogenesis of the Psyche by Heinz WestmanJohn R Crowleyy1987v10-Julyp178
review - Network News - anonJohn R Crowleyy1987v10-Julyp178
review - To the Unknown God; tr by James Kirkup by Petru DumitriuClaire G Walkery1987v10-Julyp180
review - The Young Child by Daniel Udo de HaesMargaret S Webbery1987v10-Julyp181
review - Everyone Is Right: A New Look at Comparative Religion & Its Relation to Science by Roland PetersonEdgar Wirty1987v10-Julyp183
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1987v10-Octoberp187
The child & the child archetype in a nuclear age (6) The child & vicarious SufferingAlice E Bucky1987v10-Octoberp188
The dark side: dealing with evil spirits in hypno-therapeutic processes (1)Wesley W Craigy1987v10-Octoberp198
The spirit revisited: an interconnection between religion & psychologyEdwin S Stefany1987v10-Octoberp211
Discussion - ... quantum field-theory concept of conversion & redemptionWilliam M Greeney1987v10-Octoberp217
review - Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church by Ronald AN KyddGeorge W Fisky1987v10-Octoberp227
review - Theosophy (the hypersensible knowledge of the world) by Rudolf SteinerClaire G Walkery1987v10-Octoberp229
review - Moving with Change: A Woman's Re-integration of the I Ching by Rowena PatteeEdgar Wirty1987v10-Octoberp233
Conference on Immortality & Thanatologyanony1987v10-Octoberp241
Society for the Study of Ethics & Animalsanony1987v10-Octoberp241
On Giving Love (vf); A Cat's Vocation (vf)Marcus T Senecay1987v10-Octoberp242
Name Index (people)anony1987v10-Octoberp243
Index of Topics & Titlesanony1987v10-Octoberp245
Editorial (The Holy Spirit)Mary Carman Rosey1988v11-Januaryp1
The apparitions at Zeitoun, Egypt (1968): an historical overviewVictor DeVincenzoy1988v11-Januaryp3
The dark side: dealing with evil spirits in hypno-therapeutic processes (2)Wesley W Craigy1988v11-Januaryp14
The child & the child archetype in a nuclear age (7) ConclusionsAlice E Bucky1988v11-Januaryp27
review & commentary on C Alan Anderson's The problem is God (3)Lloyd R Applegatey1988v11-Januaryp36
On the Trinity, "spirits", & the Holy Spirit (reply to L Weatherhead)John R Crowleyy1988v11-Januaryp45
review - The New Testament Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha: A Guide ... by James H CharlesworthFrank C Tribbey1988v11-Januaryp51
review - An Experience of Enlightenment by Flora CourtoisClaire G Walkery1988v11-Januaryp52
review - The Silver Cord by Martha Josephine Barham; James Thomas GreeneMargaret S Webbery1988v11-Januaryp53
review - Karma & Destiny in the I Ching by Guy Damian-KnightEdgar Wirty1988v11-Januaryp55
review - The Body Electric: Electromagnetism & the Foundation of Life by Robert O Becker; Gary SeldenGeorge W Fisky1988v11-Januaryp57
review - The Haunted Realm: Ghosts, Spirits & Their Uncanny Abodes by Simon MarsdenMary Carman Rosey1988v11-Januaryp60
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1988v11-Aprilp61
Some further perspectives on reincarnation research: a rejoinder to D Scott RogoJames G Matlocky1988v11-Aprilp63
The dark side: dealing with evil spirits in hypno-therapeutic processes (3)Wesley W Craigy1988v11-Aprilp71
The use of mediumship in therapyGeorge Schwimmery1988v11-Aprilp85
Ectoplasm: a report from experiencesJohn R Crowleyy1988v11-Aprilp93
Physical phenomena reported concerning a 19th-C American HermitMaurice Schwalmy1988v11-Aprilp108
review - Parapsychology for Teachers & Students: A Bibliographic Guide ed by Rhea A. WhiteFrank C Tribbey1988v11-Aprilp110
review - Parapsychology: A Reading & Buying Guide to the best books in print by Rhea A. WhiteFrank C Tribbey1988v11-Aprilp110
review - Natural ESP by Ingo SwannFrank C Tribbey1988v11-Aprilp111
review - On Being Psychic: A Reading Guide ed by Rhea A. WhiteFrank C Tribbey1988v11-Aprilp111
review - From Newton to ESP: Parapsychology & the Challenge of Modern Science by Lawrence LeShanRobert S Slatery1988v11-Aprilp112
review - The Holy Spirit & Counseling: Theology & Theory ed by Marvin G Gilbert & Raymond T BrockGeorge W Fisky1988v11-Aprilp113
Showing 451 to 500 of 1797 entries