review - Madame Blavatsky, the Veiled Years (Light from Gurdjieff or Sufism?) by Paul Johnson | Claire G Walker | y1988 | v11 | - | April | p116 |
review - Autobiography of Alfred Percy Sinnett 1840-1921 by Alfred P Sinnett | Claire G Walker | y1988 | v11 | - | April | p117 |
review - The Kundalini Experience by Lee Sanella | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | April | p118 |
review - Kundalini for the New Age: Selected Writings of Gopi Krishna ed by Gene Kieffer | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | April | p118 |
Ltte - an article by Wesley W Craig (1987 v10 p198) | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1988 | v11 | - | April | p119 |
Editorial | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p121 |
Some experiments on the biological effects of magnetic fields | BR Grad | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p123 |
The dark side: dealing with evil spirits in hypno-therapeutic processes (4) | Wesley W Craig | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p131 |
Tai Chi Chuan, the watercourse way: its spiritual & mystical features | Joshua C Whiting | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p141 |
Mystical & psychical experiences: a Shekinah experience | Mark Roser | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p146 |
Nde's among savage tribes of the Amazon with New Testament parallel concepts | Russell N Champlin | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p147 |
Discussion - does truth keep changing? | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p151 |
review - The Wonder of the Brain by Gopi Krishna | George W Fisk | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p157 |
review - The Experience of No Self: A Contemplative Journey by Bernadette Roberts | Edgar Wirt | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p160 |
review - My Eldest Son (a play in 3 acts) by Paula Fitzgerald | Charles C Wise Jr | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p165 |
review - The Fountain & the Furnace: The Way of Tears & Fire by Maggie Ross | Claire G Walker | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p168 |
review - Following My Dreams with the Edgar Cayce Readings by Rachel Kendal | Charles C Wise Jr | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p168 |
review - Parapsychology, Philosophy, & Religious Concepts ed by B Shapin & L Coly | John R Crowley | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p170 |
Ltte - a reply to James Matlock | D Scott Rogo | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p173 |
Ltte - a reply to D Scott Rogo | James G Matlock | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p174 |
Ltte - (quoting from a letter from Bernadette Roberts) | Edgar Wirt | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p176 |
Ltte - a reply to Mr Matlock | D Scott Rogo | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p177 |
What is you Image of Heaven? (A Survey Questionnaire) | (Boyce Batey) | y1988 | v11 | - | July | p178 |
Editorial | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p181 |
Methods & manifestations: the Wallace-Carpenter debate over spiritualism (1) | Roy J DeCarvalho | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p183 |
The Turin Shroud & the empty tomb | David Vaughan | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p195 |
Theory of reincarnation in terms of science, religion, & Yoga | Pradeep Dadoo | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p201 |
P&ME - Wedded to philosophy (1) (story of Xanthippe, wife of Socrates) (channeled material) | Charles C Wise Jr | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p203 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (1) Plato & Dostoevsky | Thomas Berry | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p205 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (2.1) the later novels | Thomas Berry | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p212 |
Platonic vs Aristotelian perceptions of the church | Astrid M O'Brien | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p218 |
review - Charismatic Experiences in History ed by Cecil M Robeck Jr | George W Fisk | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p226 |
review - The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, & Reason by Mark Johnson | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p230 |
review - Myths, Dreams & Religion ed by Joseph Campbell | John R Crowley | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p233 |
review - Guide to Sources of Information on Parapsychology by anon | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p234 |
review - The Hanoi Commitment by James A. Mulligan | Mary Carman Rose | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p234 |
review - Crowds, Groups, & Cults: The Role of the Cluster Instinct in Human Behavior by Barbara Ann Martell | Claire G Walker | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p235 |
Index: Names | anon | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p237 |
Index | anon | y1988 | v11 | - | October | p239 |
Editorial (channeled material - Xanthippe & Socrates) | (MCR) | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p1 |
Some comments about reincarnation | Edgar Wirt | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p3 |
Work done on reincarnation in ancient India: conclusions arrived at by the seers of India | Pradeep Dadoo | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p7 |
Using dreams to enhance self-awareness | Robin David Linton & Brian H Kleiner | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p12 |
Methods & manifestations: the Wallace-Carpenter debate over spiritualism (2) | Roy J DeCarvalho | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p20 |
Notes on psychic development, its opportunities & risks | John R Crowley | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p26 |
Atlantis, Lemuria & earth sciences | Frank G Pollard | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p35 |
Announcement of Competition: The Kundalini - Is it Real? | Boyce Batey | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p38 |
P&ME - Wedded to philosophy (2) (story of Xanthippe) | Charles C Wise Jr | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p39 |
Of angry gods & rocketships | Kathleen G Damiani | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p42 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (2.2) the later novels | Thomas Berry | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p45 |