The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Meet Our Writersanony2001v24-Octoberp181
filler -A Misplaced EngineerMichael Rogersy2001v24-Octoberp181
Editorial - Friday, The ThirteenthDonald R Morsey2001v24-Octoberp182
filler - Getting to the Other SideBarbara Rommery2001v24-Octoberp183
The Physics of Mysticism: The Role of Psychical Research in Our Understanding of ReligionEnola Pirogy2001v24-Octoberp184
filler - God Created the First TeacherMike Rogersy2001v24-Octoberp195
Understanding Departing Visions Or Deathbed VisitationCarla Wills-Brandony2001v24-Octoberp196
filler - God's PlanBarbara Rommery2001v24-Octoberp200
Sexual Relations and Parapsychology: Looking for an Altered State of ConsciousnessAhmed Khalid Al-Rawiy2001v24-Octoberp201
Spirituality and PainDonald R Morsey2001v24-Octoberp209
Organ Transplants AddendumMichael E Tymny2001v24-Octoberp234
Ltte - KundaliniGeorge Kokichy2001v24-Octoberp235
review - 'One Last Hug Before I Go: The Mystery and Meaning of Deathbed Visions' by Carla Wills-BrandonMichael E Tymny2001v24-Octoberp237
review - 'Best Evidence' by Michael SchmickerMichael E Tymny2001v24-Octoberp238
Index 2001anony2001v24-Octoberp240
filler - PassoverBarbara Rommery2001v24-Octoberp240
Meet Our Writersanony2002v25-Januaryp1
Editorial - Science and the SoulDonald R Morsey2002v25-Januaryp1
The Origins and Philosophy of Filipino Christian Spiritism (1)Harvey Martiny2002v25-Januaryp3
The Frightening Near-Death Experience: A Catalyst for Positive Spiritual TransformationBarbara R Rommery2002v25-Januaryp9
filler - Castro in Heaven and HellBarbara Rommery2002v25-Januaryp18
Do Terrorists Have Life Reviews?Michael E Tymny2002v25-Januaryp19
Ltte - Organ TransplantsCoyd Walkery2002v25-Januaryp22
Terrorism and StressDonald R Morsey2002v25-Januaryp23
filler - A Rabbi's AdviceBarbara Rommery2002v25-Januaryp25
Near-Death Experiences in ChildrenPMH Atwatery2002v25-Januaryp26
filler - An Atheist and the Loch Ness MonsterBarbara Rommery2002v25-Januaryp29
Timely MessageCoyd Walkery2002v25-Januaryp30
Julian Jaynes and Ezekiel's' Wheel (Adapted from 'Divided by the Light')Peter Novaky2002v25-Januaryp33
filler - The Pope and the RabbiBarbara Rommery2002v25-Januaryp51
Shamanism as a Spiritual TechnologyStanley Krippnery2002v25-Januaryp52
review - 'Angel Watch' by Catherine LaniganMichael E Tymny2002v25-Januaryp59
Changing PlacesMichael Rogersy2002v25-Januaryp60
Meet Our Writersanony2002v25-Aprilp61
Editorial - Who or What Is In Charge?Donald R Morsey2002v25-Aprilp61
How Shakti-Kundalini Conquers Death Anxiety and Achieves LiberationRavindra Kumary2002v25-Aprilp63
What Price Autonomy?Shirley Leightony2002v25-Aprilp76
Observation of Events Produced by Joseph A Nuzum on December 11, 1999Alexander Imichy2002v25-Aprilp78
The Origins and Philosophy of Filipino Christian Spiritism (2)Harvey Martiny2002v25-Aprilp81
The Hidden Psychology Behind The Survivalist Movement: Pitfalls In Need Of AttentionCarla Wills-Brandony2002v25-Aprilp89
In Russia: A Spiritual Dimension of Holy MatrimonyDon Rosey2002v25-Aprilp94
Mentalism - A Philosophy of ScienceJohn M Knowlesy2002v25-Aprilp101
review - 'The French Revelation' [by Edward C Randall] comp and ed by N Riley HeagertyMichael E Tymny2002v25-Aprilp114
review - 'God.Org: Are You There? On the Deeper Meaning of ESP' by RA McConnellBerthold E Schwarzy2002v25-Aprilp116
review - 'The Arizona Sorrats' by John Thomas RichardsBerthold E Schwarzy2002v25-Aprilp117
review - 'The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death' by Gary E SchwartzDonald R Morsey2002v25-Aprilp119
Meet Our Writersanony2002v25-Julyp121
Editorial - In the Name of GodDonald R Morsey2002v25-Julyp121
Mediumship: Direct Connection to a Level of the Afterlife, Telepathy, or Fraud?Michael E Tymny2002v25-Julyp123
The Matter Between Illusion and RealityAhmed Khalid Al-Rawiy2002v25-Julyp143
Showing 1551 to 1600 of 1797 entries