Women Initiates | Carol Nicholson Ward | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p5 |
Theosophical Order of Service, Annual Report 1996-1997 | Jean Gullo | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p11 |
News and Notes | anon | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p13 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p16 |
New Audio-Video Guide | anon | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p17 |
Meet the Olcott Staff: Adi Cabigting Among the Stars | anon | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p17 |
review: 'H P Blavatsky and the SPR: An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885' by Vernon Harrison | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p18 |
Forum: Brotherhood: What Theosophy Is All About | Olivia Hansen | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p19 |
Forum: On Discipleship | Rachael Wilson Stone | y1998 | v86 | i7 | July | p20 |
[Autumn Special Issue] | - | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p1 |
Viewpoint | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p1 |
letter: Javanese Mysticism | Miftah Leath | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p4 |
letter: Sobel on est | Richard Mehl | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p4 |
letter: Reply: Sobel on est | Eliezer Sobel | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p4 |
Corrigendum: Occidentally Creative | Tim Miller | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p4 |
Explorations: Titanic's Rose: The Emergence of an Archetype | Randall Verarde | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p6 |
Thinking Aloud: Beatrice Wood, Potter and Mama of Dada | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p10 |
Between the Teaching and the Teacher: Andrew Cohen and the Master-Disciple Relationship | Eliezer Sobel | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p12 |
review: 'The Mother of God' by Luna Tarlo | Eliezer Sobel | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p18 |
Sufism: An Overview | Robert Frager | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p20 |
The Perfume of the Desert - with poems [extract] | Andrew Harvey, Ibn 'Arabi, Kabir, Shabistari, Rumi | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p26 |
Children Running Through: Poems of Rumi [rprnt] | Coleman Barks [trans] | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p32 |
Muhammad as Spiritual Master | Charles S J White | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p34 |
Ouspensky in London | Gary Lachman | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p38 |
Staring into the Jaws of Creation | Normandi Ellis | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p44 |
Questing at BookExpo America | Brenda Rosen | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p52 |
Theosophical Views: Clues on the Treasure Hunt | Amy Furnans | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p54 |
review: 'The Analects of Confucius: A Literal Translation with an Introduction and Notes' by Chichung Huang | Richard Brooks | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p56 |
review: 'The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions' ed by John Bowker | Robert Ellwood | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p56 |
review: 'Lucid Waking: Mindfulness and the Spiritual Potential of Humanity' by Georg Feuerstein | James E Royster | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p57 |
review: 'Angels in a Harsh World' by Don Bradley | Ralph H Hannon | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p58 |
Personal Glimpses: The Unitive Life | Anna F Lemkow | y1998 | v86 | i8 | August | p64 |
Viewpoint: Outer History, Inner History | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p2 |
Gematria, Senzar, and the Book of Dzyan | Doss McDavid | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p4 |
Tekels Park, Camberley, England | SD Ballard | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p13 |
Meet the Olcott Staff: Joan McDougall, National Secretary | anon | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p15 |
News and Notes | anon | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p16 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p18 |
obituary: John Cooper [1930-1998] | Gladney Oakley | y1998 | v86 | i9 | September | p20 |
Viewpoint: President's Annual Report 1998 | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p2 |
Song of the Hummingbird | Cecil Messer | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p8 |
Theosophy is for Everyone [extract 'Theosophist' 1998] | Radha Burnier | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p9 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p10 |
Meditation Is Not What You Think | Edward C Abdill | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p12 |
Harmonizing the Divine and the Human in Ourselves | Joy Mills | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p14 |
Forum: Re-districting? | [Timothy Boyd] | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p17 |
Summer School 1998 | Maria Parisen | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p19 |
review: 'Sod: The Son of Man' by SF Dunlap [rprnt 'Fohat' 1998] | Ted G Davy | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p20 |
obituary: Carol Mitchell [1940-1998] | Anton Lysy | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p20 |
obituary: Camille Svensson [1903-1998] | Leatrice Kreeger-Bonnell | y1998 | v86 | i10 | October | p20 |