The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Thinking Aloud: Green Frogs and the Force of ThoughtJoan Wilson Zinky1999v87i1Jan-Febp27
Theosophical Centres: The Manor, Sydney, Australia [adapted 'Theosophist' 1997]Ruth Beringery1999v87i1Jan-Febp28
News and Notesanony1999v87i1Jan-Febp32
obituary: Alan Cowley (1940-1997)anony1999v87i1Jan-Febp36
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy1999v87i1Jan-Febp36
review: 'Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in Exile' by John Shelby SpongDaniel Ross Chandlery1999v87i1Jan-Febp38
review: 'Yoga and the Teaching of krishna: Essays on the Indian Spiritual Traditions' by Ravi RavindraRobert Ellwoody1999v87i1Jan-Febp38
review: 'Christ the Yogi: A Hindu Reflection on the Gospel of John' by Ravi RavindraRobert Ellwoody1999v87i1Jan-Febp38
review: 'Timesong' by Bill BranonMorton Dilkesy1999v87i1Jan-Febp39
review: 'Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness' by Theodore RoszakJohn Algeoy1999v87i1Jan-Febp39
Viewpoint: Easter and the QuestJohn Algeoy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp42
letter: The Manor, Sydney, AustraliaJohn Kunzy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp43
letter: Buddha as a Christian SaintSteven A Armstrongy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp43
letter: Reply to Craig Hamilton's letterLuna Tarloy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp43
Looking for the Dutchman's TreasureJohn P O'Gradyy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp44
Daily Life as Spiritual Practice [rprnt 'Theosophist' 1998]Ravi Ravindray1999v87i2Mar-Aprp48
Creating a Sanctuary for the SoulDianne Valla, David Riouxy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp52
Buddhist Perspectives on Happiness and Hostility Part 3: The Vajrayana ApproachGlenn H Mulliny1999v87i2Mar-Aprp56
Thinking Aloud: Men Are Particles, Women Are WavesLance Hardiey1999v87i2Mar-Aprp64
Explorations: Isis and Osiris - Death and Resurrection [extracts]Normandi Ellisy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp66
Theosophical Centers: Impressions of AdyarRichard W Brooksy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp68
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp70
News and Notesanony1999v87i2Mar-Aprp72
review: 'The Best Guide to Meditation' by Victor N DavichEliezer Sobely1999v87i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'The Alphabet versus the Goddess: The Conflict between Word and Image' by Leonard ShlainJohn Algeoy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation: A Handbook for Entering Samadhi' by William Bodri and Lee Shu-MeiEliezer Sobely1999v87i2Mar-Aprp76
review: 'Emerson among the Eccentrics: A Group Portrait' by Carlos BakerDaniel Ross Chandlery1999v87i2Mar-Aprp78
review: 'Emerson: The Mind on Fire' by Robert D Richardson. JrDaniel Ross Chandlery1999v87i2Mar-Aprp78
obituary: Helen Marie Weaver Smith (1918-1998)Deanna McMainy1999v87i2Mar-Aprp78
Viewpoint: Fairies, Ecology, and DharmaJohn Algeoy1999v87i3May-Junp82
letter: A Second Atlantis?Robert G Beelery1999v87i3May-Junp83
letter: A Second Atlantis? - Editor's Commentedy1999v87i3May-Junp83
letter: Another PerspectiveMichael Henchmany1999v87i3May-Junp83
letter: How to Find Ecology and ReligionsTim Millery1999v87i3May-Junp83
letter: Corrigendaedy1999v87i3May-Junp83
Helping Animals in Need: The India Project for Animals and NatureMichael W Foxy1999v87i3May-Junp84
Finding the Fairies [extract]Caitlin Matthewsy1999v87i3May-Junp88
Fairies and Ecology [extracts]Dora van Gelder Kunzy1999v87i3May-Junp92
Ecological Dharma [excerpts]Henryk Skolimowskiy1999v87i3May-Junp98
Shaking Down Seed [extract]Lin Jenseny1999v87i3May-Junp102
Thinking Aloud: Mysteries of Heaven and Earth: Wesak 1999 [extract 'Theosophist' 1998]Radha Burniery1999v87i3May-Junp106
Explorations: Environmental Services in Tinkerbell's Sacred ForestPaul Spencer Sochaczewskiy1999v87i3May-Junp108
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy1999v87i3May-Junp110
News and Notesanony1999v87i3May-Junp114
review: 'Victorian Fairy Painting' ed Jane MartineauJohn Algeoy1999v87i3May-Junp116
review: 'The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice' by Georg FeuersteinJames Roystery1999v87i3May-Junp116
review: 'Other Creations: Rediscovering the Spirituality of Animals' by Christopher ManesDawna Elaine Pagey1999v87i3May-Junp117
review: 'Becoming Osiris: The Ancient Egyptian Death Experience' by Ruth Schumann-Anhelme and Stephane RossiniNormandi Ellisy1999v87i3May-Junp118
review: 'Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography' by David S ReynoldsDaniel Ross Chandlery1999v87i3May-Junp118
Viewpoint: Ancient Wisdom in a Chambered NautilusJohn Algeoy1999v87i4Jul-Augp122
Showing 1401 to 1450 of 4126 entries