[Winter Special Issue] | - | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p1 |
Viewpoint: The Path and Its Passage | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p1 |
letter: Sufism, Equality, and Jihad | Ruth Coates | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p4 |
letter: Sufism, Equality, and Jihad | Ann Marie Maxwell | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p4 |
letter: Between the Teacher and the Teaching | Philip Gill | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p4 |
letter: Between the Teacher and the Teaching | Terence Grant | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p4 |
letter: Between the Teacher and the Teaching | Craig Hamilton | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p4 |
What's Ahead for the Quest? | anon | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p5 |
Explorations: Neck Rings and Loincloths, 'Trust Us, We Know Better than You Do' [extracts] | Paul Spencer Sochaczewski | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p6 |
Thinking Aloud: Gender and God | David A Cooper | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p8 |
Buddhist Perspectives on Happiness and Hostility Part 1: The Hinayana Approach | Glenn H Mullin | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p10 |
Self-Inquiry and Its Practice | David Frawley | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p16 |
Ritual as a Passage: Interview with Jean Houston | Dawna Page | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p22 |
The Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat | Shanta Ratnayaka | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p26 |
Buddha, Saint of the Christian Church | Mike Wilson | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p30 |
When Therapy Isn't Enough: The Healing Power of Prayer | Sam Menahem | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p32 |
When Prayer Isn't Enough | Sam Menahem | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p37 |
Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up? | Eliezer Sobel | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p38 |
Falling Out of Time: The Millennium and the Zen Moment | Kathryn Kruger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p42 |
The Bridge is Love | Gary Corseri | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p46 |
Zen On Ice | Erik Fraser Storlie | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p50 |
review: 'Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy' by Dean Ornish | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making' by John Fox | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'Facing Death and Finding Hope: Guide to the Emotional and Spiritual Care of the Dying' by Christine Longaker | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'Perfect Endings: A Conscious Approach to Dying and Death' by Robert Sachs | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey after Life' by Sukie Miller | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit' by Don Campbell | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p58 |
review: 'The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions' by Andrew Rawlinson | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p59 |
review: 'The Nine Stages of Spiritual Apprenticeship: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship' by Greg Bogart | William Metzger | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p59 |
review: 'On Common Ground: World Religions in America' by Diana L Eck | Daniel Ross Chandler | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p60 |
Theosophical Views: The Path: An Explanation by the Painter | Reginald Willoughby Machell | y1998 | v86 | i11 | November | p61 |
Viewpoint: Thoughts of an Old Fogy on the YTs | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p2 |
Wisdom, Knowledge, and Belief: Founders Address, 1998 - Part 1 | Richard W Brooks | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p3 |
News and Notes | anon | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p7 |
Dogma and the Fourth Object of the Society | Brant Jackson | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p8 |
Impressions of the Inter-American Federation Meeting | Carlota Aguilar | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p12 |
Inter-American Theosophical Federation Meeting: Schedule | anon | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p14 |
Inter-American Theosophical Federation Meeting: Minutes of the Business Meeting | anon | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p15 |
Impressions of the Convention | Richard Ellwood | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p16 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p17 |
obituary: Betty Liechenstein (1909-1998) | anon | y1998 | v86 | i12 | December | p20 |
Viewpoint: Adyar Day | John Algeo | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p2 |
letter: More on Islam | Robert Ellwood | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p3 |
letter: Symbolic Covers | Dennis Marsella | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p3 |
letter: Real Messiahs | Kent Ramsey | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p3 |
Adios, Don Carlos, We Are the Dumbos: Castaneda's Spiritual Legacy as a Literary Trickster | Daniel C Noel | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p4 |
Buddhist Perspectives on Happiness and Hostility Part 2: The Mahayana Approach | Glenn H Mullin | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p10 |
Mythology, Science and Truth [excerpt] | David N Elkins | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p14 |
Practical Mysticism: An Interview with Jacquelyn Small | Ray Grasse | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p18 |
Wisdom, Knowledge, and Belief: Founders Address, 1998 - Part 2 | Richard W Brooks | y1999 | v87 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p22 |