précis - Family & Kinship in East London by Michael Young & Peter Willmott | anon | y1963 | v7 | - | August | p143 |
Ltte - Julian Huxley & Education | Dr Washington E Wilks | y1963 | v7 | - | August | p148 |
comment (on Dr WE Wilks letter) | the Editor | y1963 | v7 | - | August | p149 |
Editorial - is science coming nearer to theosophy? | anon | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p152 |
Theosophy & the Perennial Philosophy - Symposium | VW Slater | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p154 |
Symposium 2nd talk - Northrop's "Meeting of East & West" | DG Dyne | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p156 |
Symposium concluding talk | Corona Trew | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p162 |
Dragons are Extra - notes on some minor psychic experience | E Lester Smith | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p166 |
an appreciation (of the above lecture by E Lester Smith) | AJ Ellison | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p172 |
Science & the Real, a lecture by E Lester Smith | Arthur J Ellison | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p172 |
Our Classical Heritage in the Use & Power of Thought (2) | Marcia King | y1963 | v7 | - | September | p174 |
Editorial | anon | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p180 |
Machines That Think - based on a lecture by Prof WT Williams | E Lester Smith | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p181 |
Our Classical Heritage in the Use & Power of Thought (3) | Marcia King | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p184 |
Two Psychic Experiences | Hugh Shearman | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p190 |
Modern Trends in the Estimation of Intelligence (anent Reader's Digest, June 1963) | H Tudor Edmunds | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p192 |
Human Creativity & the Disciplined Mind - A new factor in Evolution | Corona Trew | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p194 |
Self Training in Science | FG Perry | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p197 |
Ltte - re Dr Sternglass' theory | KB Wakelam | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p202 |
Ltte - to answer Mr Ellison's questions | Dr LJ Bendit | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p203 |
reply (to Dr LJ Bendit) | AJ Ellison | y1963 | v7 | - | Oct-Nov | p204 |
Editorial - changes in personnel & policy | anon | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p208 |
A Plea for the Avoidance of Unnecessary Complexity | H Tudor Edmunds | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p210 |
synopsis - The New Style of Science by Prof Henry Margenau | FG Perry | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p214 |
Machines that Think (a further note) | E Lester Smith | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p221 |
The Intricate World of Elementary Particles | KB Wakelam | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p222 |
Self Training in Art & Craftsmanship | Joyce Beavis | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p231 |
Experimental Group Transaction on the Visibility of the Human Aura (a correction) | AB Crow & FG Perry | y1963 | v7 | - | December | p235 |
Editorial | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p3 |
A Comparison of the Effects of Heredity & Environment on Monozygotic Twins | H Tudor Edmunds | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p4 |
Tuning in to the Atom | KB Wakelam | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p6 |
Symposium - Life on this & Other Planets (Scientific & Theosophical views) | Arthur J Ellison | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p10 |
Biological Transmutations | Hermine Sabetay | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p12 |
Pendulum & Radiesthesia | H Tyrwhitt | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p16 |
Creation by Sound & Number | Ada E Smith | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p17 |
Ltte - (anent Ellison-Bendit correspondence) | Dr LJ Bendit | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p22 |
Ltte - (continental drift) | Mr V Endersby | y1964 | v8 | - | Jan-Feb | p22 |
Editorial - evidential records of psychic experiences sought | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p27 |
synopsis - The Reality of the Non-Material by FL Kunz | FG Perry | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p28 |
Symposium - Life on This & Other Planets (continued) - The Theosophical Viewpoint | Corona Trew | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p35 |
Symposium - Life on This & Other Planets (continued) - The Scientific Viewpoint | Alan Edgar | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p39 |
Psychic Experiences | AB Crow | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p45 |
Current Trends in Theosophical Thought | Arthur J Ellison | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p48 |
Dermal Light Sense | E Lester Smith | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p54 |
Bookshelf - Beyond Relativity by HW Heason | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p56 |
Bookshelf - Philosophical Anthropology & Practical Politics by FSC Northrop | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p57 |
Bookshelf - Man & Science by W Heitler | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p57 |
Bookshelf - Atomic Physics Today by Otto R Frisch | anon | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p57 |
Ltte - report of Bournemouth TRC Group not at all satisfying | FG Perry | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p58 |
Ltte - re Mr Elliot's article "Life on this & other Planets" | Mrs Phoebe D Bendit | y1964 | v8 | - | Mar-Apr | p58 |