The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Science Group Journal

The Indian Theosophy-Science Group - a reportanony1963v7-Februaryp44
Ltte - re Theodosius Dobzhansky's views on heredityA. Herbert Perony1963v7-Februaryp46
Editorial - re the nature of theosophyanony1963v7-Mar-Aprp49
Some comments on The Belief in a Life after Death by CJ DucasseArthur J Ellisony1963v7-Mar-Aprp50
Hypnosis as a Tool in Survivalist ResearchRW Granty1963v7-Mar-Aprp53
Some New Developments in Psychical ResearchRW Granty1963v7-Mar-Aprp56
Antiquity of Human RacesELSy1963v7-Mar-Aprp60
The "Objectivity" of the Super-physical Worlds - discussionAW Osborn & AJ Ellisony1963v7-Mar-Aprp61
Pathways of EvolutionAW Edgary1963v7-Mar-Aprp67
Ltte - Mr Ellison's article on psychic perceptivityVictor A. Endersbyy1963v7-Mar-Aprp70
Ltte - Bjorkhem & BergsonDorothy Petersy1963v7-Mar-Aprp70
Ltte - Comment (on above letter from Victor A. Endersby)AJ Ellisony1963v7-Mar-Aprp73
Ltte - unanswered editorial questions re Matter, Mind & MassVictor A. Endersbyy1963v7-Mar-Aprp74
Ltte - Comment (on above letter from Victor A. Endersby)the Editory1963v7-Mar-Aprp75
The Individual Universe, a review by the author of this difficult workKB Wakelamy1963v7-Mar-Aprp76
précis - Sir Julian Huxley on "Education & the Humanist Revolution"the Editory1963v7-May-Junp82
Hypnosis, Autohypnosis & Psychic Powers - discussionDr JHM Whiteman & Mr AJ Ellisony1963v7-May-Junp87
Life on Other Planets & the Communication Problem (cucumbers, dolphins & dogs)E Lester Smithy1963v7-May-Junp92
Some Notes on "Faith & Fact", a sermon by the Lord Bishop of ManchesterRW Granty1963v7-May-Junp94
review - Science & Human Values by J BronowskiRW Granty1963v7-May-Junp95
A radio experiment in Bostonanony1963v7-May-Junp96
report - New Evidence on Biological ClocksDr E Lester Smithy1963v7-May-Junp97
report - Fossils from Outer Space?Dr E Lester Smithy1963v7-May-Junp97
report - Huxley on Human EvolutionDr E Lester Smithy1963v7-May-Junp99
Bookshelf - Psychoanalysis for Normal People by Geraldine Costeranony1963v7-May-Junp100
Bookshelf - The Nature of Mysticism by C Jinarajadasaanony1963v7-May-Junp100
Bookshelf - The Mastery of Healing by the TRC Medical Groupanony1963v7-May-Junp100
Bookshelf - Atoms & the Universe by GO Jones, J Rotblatt, & GJ Whitrowanony1963v7-May-Junp101
Bookshelf - Mankind Evolving: The Evolution of the Human Species by Theodosius Dobzhanskyanony1963v7-May-Junp101
Bookshelf - A Critical Examination of the Belief in a Life After Death, 1961 by Prof CJ Ducasseanony1963v7-May-Junp101
Bookshelf - The Universe & Man by Paul Bersfeanony1963v7-May-Junp101
Bookshelf - History of Philosophy by John Lewisanony1963v7-May-Junp101
Bookshelf - The Ideas of Biology by JT Bonneranony1963v7-May-Junp101
Report of Discrepancies Sub-Committee: "The North Polar Continent" Discrepancy (First Revision)FG Perryy1963v7-Julyp105
Comments on the Electrodynamic Theory of LifeHS Murdochy1963v7-Julyp112
Supplementary notes on the Interpretations of Quantum MechanicsHS Murdochy1963v7-Julyp115
Occult Chemistry & Modern PhysicsJohn W Hamakery1963v7-Julyp117
Explanatory Note: A New Theory of Nuclear ForcesCorona Trewy1963v7-Julyp118
Comment (on Dr LJ Bendit's letter)AJ Ellisony1963v7-Julyp120
Ltte - The "Objectivity" of the Superphysical WorldsDr Laurence J Bendity1963v7-Julyp120
Five Senses? - sensitivity to X-rays, beta-rays, & pi-mesonsE Lester Smithy1963v7-Julyp123
Science Jottings of Theosophical InterestH Tudor Edmundsy1963v7-Julyp124
One in six have "skin-sight"anony1963v7-Julyp125
Editorial - Heisenberganony1963v7-Augustp128
Our Classical Heritage in the Use & Power of Thought (1)Marcia Kingy1963v7-Augustp130
The Harmony of ExistenceKB Wakelamy1963v7-Augustp135
review - Honest to God by the Bishop of WoolwichH Tudor Edmundsy1963v7-Augustp138
The Tenth Pugwash Conference on Science & World AffairsH Tudor Edmundsy1963v7-Augustp140
Showing 501 to 550 of 966 entries