The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Science Group Journal

The Vision of Nature, abstract of a lecture by Sir Cyril Hinshelwoodthe Editory1962v6-Aprilp55
Discrepancies Sub-Committeeanony1962v6-Aprilp58
Ltte - Science the apex of modern civilization?Mr Rae Carry1962v6-Aprilp59
Reply to the above (Ltte - from Mr Rae Carr)the Editor (Mr DG Dyne)y1962v6-Aprilp59
Ltte - replying to Miss Dixon's letterMrs M Forbesy1962v6-Aprilp60
Comments to the above (Ltte - from Mrs M Forbes)Miss JHM Dixony1962v6-Aprilp61
Bookshelf - The Art of Scientific Investigation by WIB Beveridgeanony1962v6-Aprilp63
Bookshelf - The Inspiration of Science by Sir George Thomsonanony1962v6-Aprilp63
Bookshelf - What is Life? by Erwin Schrodingeranony1962v6-Aprilp63
Bookshelf - Modern Science & the Nature of Life by WS Beckanony1962v6-Aprilp63
Bookshelf - The Nature of the Physical World by AS Eddingtonanony1962v6-Aprilp64
Bookshelf - Science & the Modern World by AN Whiteheadanony1962v6-Aprilp64
The Mystery of Life? (2) - The Genetic CodeE Lester Smithy1962v6-Mayp67
Theosophy, Science, Logic & the Task AheadHugh S Murdochy1962v6-Mayp73
Editorial comment on the above ("Theosophy, Science, Logic & the Task Ahead")the Editor (Mr DG Dyne)y1962v6-Mayp75
Theosophical Realism in Practice - Three Workshops(Mr and Mrs F Kunz)y1962v6-Mayp78
The Variable ManKB Wakelamy1962v6-Mayp86
The Immortal & Indestructible Land (abrdgd rprnt The Theosophist March 1950)EL Gardnery1962v6-Junep91
The North Polar Continent & Mount Meru DiscrepanciesEditory1962v6-Junep91
Matter, Mind & Mass (extracts from a letter to Dr LJ Bendit)Victor A. Endersbyy1962v6-Junep96
(comment to "Matter, Mind & Mass")the Editory1962v6-Junep99
Training Clairvoyants by HypnosisArthur J Ellisony1962v6-Junep101
A Note on the Problem of Typological BehaviorCR Sankarany1962v6-Junep102
The Theosophy-Science Group in India - Four projects proposed by Prof Ghosethe Editory1962v6-Junep106
Ltte - The Electro-Dynamic theory of life seems to me to be a great misnomerDr HS Murdochy1962v6-Junep107
Ltte - we have been doing for 30 years that which Fritz Kunz advocatesDr LJ Bendity1962v6-Junep107
Ltte - re Dr Wilks' paperMr FG Perryy1962v6-Junep108
Ltte - re Dr Wilks' paperMr RW Granty1962v6-Junep109
Ltte - re Dr Lester Smith's "The Mystery of Life"Captain Alfred Garbutt Pape (1888 - )y1962v6-Junep110
Bookshelf - The Imprisoned Splendour by Raynor C Johnsonanony1962v6-Junep111
Bookshelf - Nurslings of Immortality by Raynor C Johnsonanony1962v6-Junep111
Bookshelf - Watcher on the Hills by Raynor C Johnsonanony1962v6-Junep111
Bookshelf - The Personality of Man by CNM Tyrrelanony1962v6-Junep111
Bookshelf - An Introduction to Jung's Psychology by Frieda Fordhamanony1962v6-Junep112
Bookshelf - Human Personality & its Survival of Bodily Death by Frederic William Henry Myers (1843-1901)anony1962v6-Junep112
Editorial - (The Meeting of East & West by FSC Northrop)anony1962v6-Jul-Augp114
The Philosophical Approach to TheosophyFG Perryy1962v6-Jul-Augp118
Life on Other PlanetsAlan Edgary1962v6-Jul-Augp125
Theosophical Realism in Practiceanony1962v6-Jul-Augp129
A Theosophical Research GlossaryMr Kunzy1962v6-Jul-Augp130
Ltte - "The North Polar Continent" DiscrepancyVA Endersbyy1962v6-Jul-Augp132
Reply on behalf of the Discrepancies Sub-Committee (to Mr VA Endersby)anony1962v6-Jul-Augp133
Ltte - re North Polar Continent discrepancyGR Daviesy1962v6-Jul-Augp135
Bookshelf - Mind in Life & Death by Geraldine Cumminsanony1962v6-Jul-Augp136
Bookshelf - The Road to Immortality by Geraldine Cumminsanony1962v6-Jul-Augp136
Bookshelf - Evidence of Personal Survival from Cross Correspondences by HF Saltmarsh, 1938anony1962v6-Jul-Augp136
Bookshelf - Straight & Crooked Thinking by RH Thoulessanony1962v6-Jul-Augp136
Editorial - (Mr Kunz's call for a study of "deductive exact" science)anony1962v6-Septemberp139
Showing 401 to 450 of 966 entries