Man's Social Thinking | Dr Corona Trew | y1961 | v5 | - | September | p10 |
Gravity Research & the Ancient Teachings | FG Perry | y1961 | v5 | - | September | p15 |
Is Etheric Radiation Electromagnetic? | Dr HS Murdoch | y1961 | v5 | - | September | p20 |
Ltte - re the Wilks-Bendit disagreement | Mr VA Endersby | y1961 | v5 | - | September | p22 |
Research | R Hartley | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p1 |
"Discrepancies" in the Secret Doctrine & Mahatma Letters | Victor Endersby | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p6 |
Discrepancies - A Note to the Anxious | FG Perry | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p12 |
An Electro Dynamic Theory of Life | RW Grant | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p14 |
Ltte - | Miss JHM Dixon | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p19 |
Ltte - distorted teachings almost the sole subject of study in the TS for the last 60 years | Dr WE Wilks | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p20 |
Ltte - the 3rd Object bristling with snags for the unwary | Mr FW Rushton | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p21 |
Ltte - reply to Mr FW Rushton | Mr AJ Ellison | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p22 |
Ltte - what does Jean Dixon mean by HPB's "personal occultism?" | Mrs M Forbes | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p23 |
Ltte - reply to Mrs M Forbes | Miss JHM Dixon | y1961 | v5 | - | Oct-Nov | p24 |
Editorial | anon | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p1 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? - a discussion | Dr C Trew | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p2 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Dr E Lester Smith | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p2 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Mr VW Slater | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p4 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Mr AJ Ellison | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p5 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Miss P King | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p5 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Mrs D Groves | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p5 |
What is Required for Research Both General & Theosophical? | Mr F Perry | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p5 |
Thoughts on Deductive Exact Science | Dr E Lester Smith | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p6 |
Deductive Exact Science - Second Thoughts on | E Lester Smith | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p9 |
Some more about "George" | Arthur J Ellison | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p11 |
Ltte - suggestions | Prof Dr JJ Poortman | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p13 |
Editorial comment on the above (Ltte - from Dr JJ Poortman) | (Mr DG Dyne) | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p13 |
Ltte - fine questions from the General Secretary, reconsidered | Miss JHM Dixon | y1961 | v5 | - | December | p14 |
Editorial - (WJB Beveridge in The Art of Scientific Investigation devotes a chapter to Intuition) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p2 |
The Three Divisions of Human Consciousness | H Tudor Edmunds | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p3 |
Theosophy-Science | the Editor (Mr DG Dyne) | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p6 |
The Selection of Theosophical Research Centre Research Projects | FG Perry | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p8 |
Science Group Journal, Index of Contents for 1961 | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p11 |
Ltte - Discrepancies (Nov 1961 p6) | Victor A. Endersby | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p13 |
Editorial comment on the above (Ltte - from Victor A. Endersby) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p14 |
Ltte - a conclusion to the Bendit-Wilks correspondence | Dr LJ Bendit | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p15 |
Ltte - re "An Electrodynamic theory of Life" (Nov 1961 p14) | Dr H Tudor Edmunds | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p16 |
Ltte - re animal food | Julius Fleischanderl | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p17 |
Reply to the above (Ltte - from Julius Fleischanderl) | Dr H Tudor Edmunds | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p17 |
Errata (extensive) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | January | p18 |
Editorial - the present issue includes the first findings of the Discrepancy Sub-Committee | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p21 |
Discrepancies Sub-Committee - (1) "The North Polar Continent" Discrepancy (from the SD of HPB) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p22 |
Discrepancies Sub-Committee - (2) "Mount Meru" Discrepancy (from The Pedigree of Man by AB) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p26 |
Discrepancies Sub-Committee - (3) "Mount Meru" Discrepancy (from the SD of HPB) | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p27 |
Deductive Exact Science | FL Kunz | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p29 |
The Distinction between Inductive Science & Deductive Exact Science | FL Kunz | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p32 |
The One-ness of Life | WE Wilks | y1962 | v6 | - | Feb-Mar | p35 |
Editorial | anon | y1962 | v6 | - | April | p44 |
The Mystery of Life? (1) - "It's all in the DNA Code" | E Lester Smith | y1962 | v6 | - | April | p45 |
Can We Have Deductive Exact Theosophy? | HS Murdoch | y1962 | v6 | - | April | p50 |