The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical History

letter: Re: David Reigle's "The Centennial Cycle"Katinka Hesselinky2006v12i1Januaryp5
obituary - Gabriel E Blechman (1920-2005)Jerry Hejka-Ekinsy2006v12i1Januaryp9
Interviews with and Recollections of HPB in the New York Days [extract Madame Blavatsky's Great Admiration for the Medium 1904]Maud Lord Drake, introduction by John Patrick Deveneyy2006v12i1Januaryp11
The Enduring Relevance of HPBMichael Gomesy2006v12i1Januaryp15
review: 'Mystical Vampire: The Life and Works of Mabel Collins' by Kim FarnellNancy Dangery2006v12i1Januaryp27
review: 'From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race' by Andrew CollinsMark Stavishy2006v12i1Januaryp28
review: 'The Secret King: Karl Maria Wiligut, Himmler's Lord of the Runes' trans by Stephen Flowers, ed Michael MoynihanMark Stavishy2006v12i1Januaryp29
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2006v12i2Aprilp1
cover photo: Grace Francis Knoche (1909-2006)anony2006v12i2Aprilp1
obituary: Grace Frances Knoche (1909-2006)anony2006v12i2Aprilp5
obituary: Grace Frances Knoche (1909-2006)anony2006v12i2Aprilp7
letter - Grace F Knoche: A Personal ReminiscenceWill Thackaray2006v12i2Aprilp11
obituary: Robert AmadouMark Stavishy2006v12i2Aprilp17
Analectic Essay: Theosophy and The Theosophical Society [compiled from writings]Grace F Knochey2006v12i2Aprilp19
Genius, Fraud, or Phenomenon? The Unsolved Case of HP BlavatskyKerri Barryy2006v12i2Aprilp23
cover photo: Gladney Oakley (1935-2006)anony2006v12i3Julyp1
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2006v12i3Julyp1
letter: The Judge Case - Exhibit "A"Ernest Pelletiery2006v12i3Julyp5
obituary - Gladney Oakley (1935-2006) [reprint Theosophy in Australia 2006]anony2006v12i3Julyp17
Plagiarism and the Secret DoctrineDarrell Erixsony2006v12i3Julyp19
cover photo: Lydia Paschkoff (Countess Lydia Alexandrovna de Pashkov)anony2006v12i4Octoberp1
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2006v12i4Octoberp1
letter: A Martian Problem Solved?Leslie Pricey2006v12i4Octoberp5
Who Is Irma Plavatsky? Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, and the Internationalizatian of Popular Culture from the Dime Novel to The Da Vinci CodeMassimo Introvigney2006v12i4Octoberp12
Who Knew HPB When? - Lydia PaschkoffJohn Patrick Deveneyy2006v12i4Octoberp23
review: 'The Esoteric Papers of Madame Blavatsky' compiled by Daniel H CaldwellJerry Hejka-Ekinsy2006v12i4Octoberp29
review: 'Helena Blavatsky' ed by Nicholas Goodrick-ClarkeRobert Boydy2006v12i4Octoberp38
review: 'Emanuel Swedenborg: Essential Readings' ed by Michael StanleyRobert Boydy2006v12i4Octoberp39
cover photo: GI Gurdjieffanony2007v13i1Januaryp1
letter: Response to Kerri Barry's "Genius, Fraud, or Phenomenon?Michael Gomesy2007v13i1Januaryp3
Henry Steel Olcott in Sri Lanka: Death Centennial TributeAnanda WP Gurugey2007v13i1Januaryp10
Notes on GI GurdjieffPierLuigi Zoccatelliy2007v13i1Januaryp15
review: 'The Essential Nostradamus: Literal Translation, Historical Commentary, and Biography' by Richard SmoleyPaul J Levesquey2007v13i1Januaryp25
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2007v13i2Aprilp1
Announcing: 'A Quest for the Historical Levi: The Age of Aquarius as It Dawned in the Mind of Levi Dowling' by John Benedict BuescherJames Santucciy2007v13i2Aprilp2
Occultism vs Mysticism? The Liberal Catholic Church and KrishnamurtiSiobhan Houstony2007v13i2Aprilp5
Theosophy in Denmark: A Second Golden Age?Rene Dybdal Pederseny2007v13i2Aprilp25
review: 'The Remarkable Life of John Murray Spear: Agitator for the Spirit Land' by John Benedict BuescherJohn Patrick Deveneyy2007v13i2Aprilp33
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2007v13i3Julyp1
The Theosophical Society, Orientalism, and the "Mystic East": Western Esotericism and Eastern Religion in TheosophyNicholas Goodrick-Clarkey2007v13i3Julyp3
review: 'Red Cactus: The Life of Anna Kingsford' by Alan PertJames Gregoryy2007v13i3Julyp29
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2007v13i4Octoberp1
The Saptaparna - The Meaning and Origins of the Theosophical Septenary Constitution of ManJulie Hally2007v13i4Octoberp5
review: 'Maiden Tribute - A Life of WT Stead' by Grace EckleyMartha Vogelery2007v13i4Octoberp39
Editor's Comments - A Note on the Journal's Date and the Proper Subject of Theosophical HistoryJames Santucciy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp1
[double issue January-April 2008 Volume 14 Numbers 1 and 2 combined][indexer note]y2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp1
Editor's Comments - The Passing of Jean Overton FullerJames Santucciy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp1
Editor's Comments - In This IssueJames Santucciy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp2
Editor's Comments - Announcing New Publication of Theosophical History Occasional Papers Vol XII - Agarttha: A Guenonian Manipulation' by Marco Baistrocchi tranlated Joscelyn GodwinJames Santucciy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp4
Showing 801 to 850 of 968 entries