The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical History

Obituary: Jean Overton Fuller [1915-2009]Timothy d'Arch Smithy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp5
Communication - A Theosophical ScientistLeslie Pricey2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp9
Article - Jean Overton Fuller Master Narayan and the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias IssueGovert Schullery2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp11
review: PhD Dissertation: The Theosophical Revival in Denmark: Factors for Growth in a New Religion in Contemporary Society [by Rene Dybdal Pedersen]James Santucciy2008v14i1-2January-Aprilp47
Editor's Comments - In this Issue - Revised Date of the Current Issue; In This IssueJames Santucciy2010v14i3-4July-Octoberp1
[double issue July-October 2010 Volume 14 Numbers 3 and 4 combined][indexer note]y2010v14i3-4July-Octoberp1
Communication - Jean Overton Fuller's Response to Govert Schuller Regarding the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias IssueGovert Schullery2010v14i3-4July-Octoberp5
Article - Did J Krishnamurti Write At the Feet of the MasterS LLoyd Williamsy2010v14i3-4July-Octoberp11
review: 'Anthroposophie in Deutschland: Theosophische Weltanschauung und gesellschaftliche Praxis 1884-1945' by Nicholas Goodrick-ClarkeNicholas Goodrick-Clarkey2010v14i3-4July-Octoberp115
Editor's Comments - In this Issue - Book NotesJames Santucciy2011v15i1Januaryp1
From Stephan A Hoeller (Hollywood California) dated February 4 2011 [re: "Did J Krishnamurti Write 'At the Feet of the Master'" by S Lloyd Williams]Stephan A Hoellery2011v15i1Januaryp5
From the Archives: HS Olcott's Marginalia to 'From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan'Michael Gomesy2011v15i1Januaryp7
A School for Sorcery: New Light on the First Theosophical SocietyMarc Demaresty2011v15i1Januaryp15
review: 'De la philosophia perennis au perennialisme americain' by Setareh HoumanJoscelyn Godwiny2011v15i1Januaryp33
review: 'Agarttha: A Guenonian Manipulation?' by Marco Baistrochhi'William W Quinny2011v15i1Januaryp38
review: 'Agarttha: A Guenonian Manipulation?' - Some remarks on Marco Baistrochhi's 'Agarttha: A Guenonian Manipulation?'Jean-Pierre Lauranty2011v15i1Januaryp43
Editor's Comments - In this Issue - Adele S Algeo; A New Theosophical History Occasional PaperJames Santucciy2011v15i2Aprilp1
Ernest Wood's Concealed Regrets Were Not Repentance: A Reply to Stephan A HoellerS Lloyd Williamsy2011v15i2Aprilp3
The Red Square: Frank Lloyd Wright, Theosophy, and Modern Conceptions of SpaceEugenia Victoria Ellisy2011v15i2Aprilp5
review: 'Atlantis and the Cycles of Time: Prophecies, Traditions, and Occult Revelations' by Joscelyn GodwinJohn Patrick Deveneyy2011v15i2Aprilp25
review: 'Echoes of the Orient By William Quan Judge' compiled by Dara EklundJohn Algeoy2011v15i2Aprilp28
Editor's Comments - In this Issue; Correction; Legacies of TheosophyJames Santucciy2011v15i3Julyp1
Communication - Tinkering with HistoryJoseph E Rossy2011v15i3Julyp7
Article - The Source Teachings SocietyAlbert R Vogelery2011v15i3Julyp11
Article - Modern Western Magic and TheosophyGregory Tilletty2011v15i3Julyp17
Editor's Comments - Theosophical History Occasional Paper: Vol XIII; The Theosophical Society: The History of a Spiritualist Movement [a publication by Jeffrey D Lavoie]James Santucciy2011v15i4Octoberp1
Communication - Against Theosophical History?Leslie Pricey2011v15i4Octoberp6
Communication - Not Really Against Theosophical History: A Reply to Leslie PriceMark Sedgwicky2011v15i4Octoberp7
Communication - Rene Guenon's Opinion on DD Home in Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-religionLeslie Pricey2011v15i4Octoberp10
Article - The Woman-Messias of the Interpretation and Her Animal BrethrenMatthew D Rogersy2011v15i4Octoberp12
Article - DE de Lara John Storer Cobb and The New EraJohn Patrick Deveneyy2011v15i4Octoberp27
Book Review - 'The Quotable Krishnamurti' by Robert Epstein, ed.Joseph Contiy2011v15i4Octoberp35
Book Review - 'Stealing Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western Magic' by Neville DruryJeffrey D Lavoiey2011v15i4Octoberp39
Editor's Comments - In this Issue[James Santucci]y2012v16i1Januaryp1
From the Newspapers: "Categorizing a Buddhist" - (New York 'Sun' May 6 1877) - Introduction and Notes [including quoted: the original article and the editorial on the article]John Patrick Deveneyy2012v16i1Januaryp6
From the Archives: The "Prospectus" of the Hermetic Lodge and A Letter from H P Blavatsky to Anna Kingsford - Transcription Notes and IntroductionMichael Gomesy2012v16i1Januaryp23
Article - Brother XII's Early Years: The Letters of Edward Arthur WilsonJohn Oliphanty2012v16i1Januaryp29
Editor's Comments - In this Issue[James Santucci]y2012v16i2Aprilp65
Book Notes[James Santucci]y2012v16i2Aprilp68
Book Review - 'The Theosophical Society: The History of a Spiritualist Movement' by Jeffrey D LavoieTim Rudbogy2012v16i2Aprilp72
Article - Theosophy and Anthroposophy in Italy during The First Half of The Twentieth CenturyMarco Pasi (translated by Joscelyn Godwin)y2012v16i2Aprilp81
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2012v16i3-4July-Octoberp121
Communication - Thought Forms: A Bibliographic ErrorJohn L Crowy2012v16i3-4July-Octoberp126
Article - Metempsychosis and Reincarnation in 'Isis Unveiled'Julie Chajesy2012v16i3-4July-Octoberp128
Article - Mesmeric Yoga and the Development of Meditation within the Theosophical Society [Paper read at the IAHR [International Association for the History of Religion] Conference Toronto 2010, August 20]Karl Baiery2012v16i3-4July-Octoberp151
Article - Olcott's Gilded Theosopher: A Short Life of Samuel Oakley CrawfordMarc Demaresty2012v16i3-4July-Octoberp162
Editor's Comments - In this Issue[James Santucci]y2014v17i1Januaryp1
Remembrance of Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 1953-2012James Santucci, Tim Rudbog, Joscelyn Godwin, Jeffrey D Lavoiey2014v17i1Januaryp4
From the Newspapers: Introduction to "Buddhism in New York" ('The Day Star' September 30 1886) [including quoted: the original article]Jerry Hejka-Ekinsy2014v17i1Januaryp8
Article: HP Blavatsky and the Wreck of the SS EunomiaErica Georgiadesy2014v17i1Januaryp13
Showing 851 to 900 of 968 entries