The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical History

Book Review - 'Asia Mysteriosa (Asia the Mysterious): The Oracle of Astral Force as a Means of Communication with "The Little Lights of the East"' by Zam Bhotiva preceded with a Preface by Fernand Divoire and Essays by Maurice Magre and Jean Marques-Riviere Introduction by Colum Hayward Translation by "M.P."'Joscelyn Godwiny2014v17i1Januaryp35
Remembrance John Drais (1940–2014) - John Drais: In MemoriamSally Lee [Abbot of the Paracelsian Order (Dulzura CA)]y2014v17i2Aprilp41
Remembrance John Drais (1940–2014) - John Drais’s Theosophical ConnectionKen Small [Point Loma Theosophy Network]y2014v17i2Aprilp42
Remembrance John Drais (1940–2014) - The Paracelsian Order and Its Theosophical Work [Remarks prepared for the New Religious Movements Class at California State University Fullerton (October 17 2013)John Draisy2014v17i2Aprilp43
Communication [re: publication of 'The Secret Doctrine Wurzburg Manuscript']David and Nancy Reigley2014v17i2Aprilp46
Article - Magicians Muslims and Metaphysicians: The American Esoteric Avant-Garde in Missouri 1880-1889Patrick D Boweny2014v17i2Aprilp48
Book Review - 'L’Enigme Rene Guenon et les "Superieurs Inconnus": Contribution a l’etude de l’histoire mondiale "souterraine"'['The Enigma of Rene Guenon and the "Unknown Superiors": A Contribution to the Study of "Subterranean" World History'] by Louis de Maistre [pseudonym]Joscelyn Godwiny2014v17i2Aprilp71
Article - Zollner's Knot: Jean Delville (1867-1953), Theosophy, and the Fourth Dimension [Paper presented at the CESNUR 2014 International Conference Baylor University Waco (Texas) June 4-7 2014]Massimo Introvigney2014v17i3Julyp84
PC Mukherji and Theosophical ArchaeologyAndrew Huxleyy2014v17i3Julyp119
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy2014v17i4Octoberp139
Article - 'The Chakras': An Editorial ReportKurt Lelandy2014v17i4Octoberp141
Communication - The International Theosophical History Conference: 20-21 September 2014 [Report]Lynda Harrisy2014v17i4Octoberp168
Book Review - 'A Search for Meaning in Victorian Religion The Spiritual Journey and Esoteric Teachings of Charles Carleton Massey' by Jeffrey D LavoieRobert A Gilberty2014v17i4Octoberp188
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp1
Communication - Response to Robert A GilbertJeffrey D Lavoiey2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp6
Communication - 'Isis Unveiled' on Metempsychosis and Transmigration: A Reply to Julie Chajes' PaperPablo D Sendery2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp11
From the Archives - Letter from HP Blavatsky to James Ralston Skinner: February 17, 1887Transcribed by Jeffrey Lavoie. Edited, amended, and annotated by Jerry Hejka-Ekins and James A. Santucci. Bibliography by James A. Santucciy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp24
Bibliography To the Letter of HP Blavatsky To James Ralston Skinner and To the NotesJames A Santucciy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp76
Contextualizing the Blavatsky-Skinner Letter: 17 February 1887 - IntroductionJeffrey Lavoiey2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp86
Introduction to the Blavatsky-Skinner Letter: J Ralston Skinner (1830–1893)Jerry Hejka-Ekinsy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp92
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: Activities from 1878 – 1887James A Santucciy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp111
Book Review - 'Vanguard of the New Age: The Toronto Theosophical Society, 1891–1945' by Gillian McCannTed G Davyy2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp136
Book Review - 'Leo Rising: The Story of the Astrological Lodge of London' by Kim FarnellNicholas Campiony2016v18i1-2January-Aprilp143
Editor's Comments - In this IssueJames Santucciy2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp147
Communication - Report on The International Theosophical History Conference: 17-18 September 2016James Santucciy2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp155
Communication - C C Massey: A Review RevisitedR A Gilberty2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp169
Archival Material - Theosophical Thanks ('Freethinkers Magazine' 9 No 12 [December 1891] pp 701-709A L Rawsony2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp172
Announcement of Albert Rawson's Death ('The Free Thought Magazine' Vol XX [1902] pp 729-30)anony2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp189
Excerpt from "Personal Recollections of Sir Edward Francis Burton KCMG FRS FRGS" ('Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly' Vol XXXIV No 5 {November 1892] pp 572-574)A L Rawsony2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp190
Article - Albert Leighton Rawson Initiate of the Brotherhood of Lebanon, Bigamist Plagiarist and Felon, and D M Bennett, Agent of the Theosophical Masters, "Foul-Mouthed Libertine" and "Apostle of Nastiness" [Draft of November 24 2015]John Patrick Deveneyy2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp195
Article - A Dream of Atlantis: Theosophy and Nationalism in Costa RicaMassimo Introvigney2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp222
Article - Philosophical Shifts between 'Esoteric Buddhism' and 'The Secret Doctrine'Jeffrey D Lavoiey2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp234
Book Review - 'Jean Delville La contre-histoire' by Daniel GuenguenMassimo Introvigney2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp245
Book Review - Dion Fortune's Review of 'Who Wrote the Mahatma Letters?' by H E and W Loftus Hare [from 'Inner Light Magazine' July 1926 pages 185-189, provided by the Society of Inner Light, typed by Gareth Knight, February 3 2015]Dion Fortuney2016v18i3-4July-Octoberp249
Editor's Comments - In this Issue; International Conference on Annie Besant (1847-1933) London September 30-October 1 2017James Santucciy2017v19i1Januaryp1
Article - The British Birth of the Occult Revival 1869-1875Patrick D Boweny2017v19i1Januaryp5
From the Newspapers - Olcott the Theosophist - Just Arrived from Europe He Talks with Reporters - He Sketches the Growth of the Society of Which He is the President - Discourses on Blavatsky and Esoteric Philosophy [from 'New York Times September 24 1891 p2]anony2017v19i1Januaryp38
From the Newspapers - Professor Elliot Coues - Introduction by James SantucciJames Santucciy2017v19i1Januaryp42
From the Newspapers - What Dr Elliott Says About the Attack on Theosophy [from 'Washington Star' Saturday January 7 p2; reprinted in the 'Golden Gate' (San Francisco, Cal.) Vol VI No 2 (January 28 1888) p1]Elliott Couesy2017v19i1Januaryp45
From the Newspapers - "The Astonishing Career of Mme Blavatsky" [from New York 'Sun' January 2 1888 p2]Elliott Couesy2017v19i1Januaryp48
Editor's Comments - Svabhava/Svabhavat/Svabhavat[James Santucci]y2018v19i2Aprilp53
Communication - Conference in Osaka and Kyoto March 2017: "Modernity and Esoteric Networks"Joscelyn Godwiny2018v19i2Aprilp58
Article - Theosophy and the Nepalese SwabhavikasDon Shepherdy2018v19i2Aprilp60
Editor's Comments[James Santucci]y2018v19i3Julyp81
Archival Material - "The Alleged Himalayan Brothers" (William H Harrison) 'The Spiritualist' Vol. 19, No. 1, no. 462 (July 1 1881): 1-3William H Harrisony2018v19i3Julyp86
Article - Oriental Order of Sikha and the Sat Bai, Yarker and BlavatskyBarry Lofty2018v19i3Julyp91
Article - William Henry HarrisonMarc Demaresty2018v19i3Julyp110
Book Review - 'A Most Unusual Life, Dora Van Gelder Kunz, Clairvoyant, Theosophist, Healer' by Frank Chesley and Kirsten van GelderLynda Harrisy2018v19i3Julyp117
Editor's Comments[James Santucci]y2018v19i4Octoberp123
Obituary - Ted G Davy Remembered (1926-2017Ernest Pelletiery2018v19i4Octoberp127
Showing 901 to 950 of 968 entries