The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophical History

Archival Material - A Letter from George D Ayers to William JamesShawn Higginsy2018v19i4Octoberp132
Article - Alarums and Excursions: William James and the Theosophical SocietyKurt Lelandy2018v19i4Octoberp135
Article - From the Seventh Arrondissement to the Seventh Ward: Blavatsky's Arrival in America 1873 [Blavatsky's Arrival in New York]Shawn Higginsy2018v19i4Octoberp158
Editor's Comments[James Santucci]y2019v20i1Januaryp173
Archival Material - What Col. Olcott Believes ['Spiritual Scientist' Vol III No 21 (Jan 27 1876): 3]Col. HS Olcotty2019v20i1Januaryp176
Archival Material - "The Views of the Theosophists" [from 'The Spiritualist Newspaper' Vol 11 No 23 (December 7 1877): 265-267Colonel Henry S Olcotty2019v20i1Januaryp181
Article - Elementals and Nature Spirits in the Western Tradition, With Special Reference to TheosophyLynda Harrisy2019v20i1Januaryp191
Editor's Comments - Who are the Masters?James Santucciy2019v20i2Aprilp219
Esotericists and the Academy: K Paul Johnson and His Theosophical Respondents [with Notes]Bas J H Jacobsy2019v20i2Aprilp223
Book Review - 'Modern Astrologers: The Lives of Alan and Bessie Leo' by Kim FarnellKurt Lelandy2019v20i2Aprilp250
1895 Boston Convention [photographic illustration]anony2020v20i3Julyp254
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy2020v20i3Julyp255
Communication - Perennial Wisdom ResourcesKenneth R Smally2020v20i3Julyp259
Article - Beyond the Cosmic Ladder: The Ultimate State According to Julius Evola and Paul BruntonJoscelyn Godwiny2020v20i3Julyp261
From the Theosophical Journals - The Theosophical Society in America: OriginsJames A Santucciy2020v20i3Julyp279
From the Theosophical Journals - The Theosophical Society - Inside Facts as to its Organization - A De Facto Body - The Real TS in New York - The President Still a Delegate to Foreign Lands and Holding Over in Office[W Q Judge]y2020v20i3Julyp294
From the Theosophical Journals - [The Theosophical Forum. New Series: No 1 - May 1895: 15-16] - The TS in AmericaJ D Bucky2020v20i3Julyp301
From the Theosophical Journals - The Path X No 2 (May 1895) 65-68 - Ninth Annual Convention at Boston April 28-29 1895anony2020v20i3Julyp302
Showing 951 to 968 of 968 entries