The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Theosophy Science Session at the World Congress - Theme: Theosophy-Science at the Cusp of a New CenturyHugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp1
Global Warming and Ice Ages - A Long-Term PerspectiveHugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp4
obituary - Mark Oliphant (1901-2000)Hugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp4
review - 'A Different approach to Cosmology' by Fred Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbidge and Jayant NarlikarHugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp5
review - 'Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home' by Rupert SheldrakeHugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp9
Space Programs - Successes and Failures - Asteroid Rendezvous, Mars Exploration, Galileo SpacecraftHugh Murdochy2000-i45Decemberp11
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp1
The Theosophy-Science Session at the World CongressHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp1
The Theosophy-Science Session: 'Planetary Evolution' by Victor GostinHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp2
The Theosophy-Science Session: 'The Application of the Scientific Method' by Alan EdgarHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp2
The Theosophy-Science Session: 'Genetic Engineering; Inspired Intervention or Dangerous Fad' by Anthony PisanoHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp3
The Theosophy-Science Session: Panel Discussion. Additional contributors: Ravi Ravindra, Chon Ton Phan, Maurice (Morry) SecrestHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp4
Campbell Theosophical Research Library, Union Index of Theosophical Periodicals, Campbell Library Research PaperHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp5
The Origin of Life - On Earth and Possibly BeyondHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp6
Theosophical Attitudes to Life ElsewhereHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp8
Nanobes with Philippa UwinsHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp8
A Note on Paul Davies Who Chaired the Above Panel Discussion on the Science ShowHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp9
Some Aspects on Genetic Engineering - 1. A Theosophical Approach, 2. The Genie is OutAnthony Pisanoy2001-i46Aprilp10
The Likelihood of Life on Planets Around Other StarsHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp10
obituary - Ruth KomonHugh Murdochy2001-i46Aprilp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp1
Theosophy-Science Weekend in AucklandHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp1
Archaeo-Astronomy Conference in LondonHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp2
Boston Conference on Science and the Spiritual QuestHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp2
Recent Developments in Pre-Human and Early Human EvolutionHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp3
Planetary EvolutionVictor Gostiny2001-i47Augustp5
Continents can Rise and FallHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp8
The Neurobiology of Religious ExperienceHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp9
Complementary MedicineHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp10
New Observations in CosmologyHugh Murdochy2001-i47Augustp12
The Application of the Scientific MethodAlan Edgary2002-i48Januaryp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp1
The Quantum EtherHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp4
Progress in Astronomy and CosmologyHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp6
The Ubiquity of Life; Could it have come from Space?Hugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp7
Theosophy-Science Weekend in AucklandHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp10
Sundry Topics: Atlantis; Theosophical Commentary by John DanserHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp11
Pressure on Scientists by Drug CompaniesHugh Murdochy2002-i48Januaryp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2002-i49Mayp1
Genetic Engineering: Inspired Intervention or Dangerous Fad?Anthony Pisanoy2002-i49Mayp2
Global EcologyHugh Murdoch, [and Peter Raven]y2002-i49Mayp5
Could the Universe be Cyclic After All?Hugh Murdochy2002-i49Mayp7
Shroedinger's Cat or Quantum WeirdnessHugh Murdochy2002-i49Mayp10
review - 'The Visionary Window - a Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment' by Amit GoswamiHugh Murdochy2002-i49Mayp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2002-i50Septemberp1
GlobalisationHugh Murdochy2002-i50Septemberp2
Biotechnology - Some Ethical IssuesHugh Murdochy2002-i50Septemberp4
Ross Gittins - A Rational EconomistHugh Murdochy2002-i50Septemberp6
Book note - 'Gondwana to Greenhouse' compiled and edited by VA GostinVictor Gostiny2002-i50Septemberp7
Is the Universe Made for Life? - Symposium: Paul Davies, Malcolm Walter, Seth Shostak, Vikki MeadowsHugh Murdochy2002-i50Septemberp9
Showing 451 to 500 of 753 entries