The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp1
Occult Chemistry and IsotopesHugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp4
Is Pluto a Planet?Hugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp6
The Anthropic Principle or Is Life Inevitable?Hugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp7
From Stars to Brains (A Conference in Honour of Paul Davies)Hugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp10
The Miraculous Properties of WaterHugh Murdochy2006-i59Mayp12
Theosophy-Science Seminar, May 2006Victor Gostin and Hugh Murdochy2006-i60Novemberp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2006-i60Novemberp1
The Fundamental Question Concerning Intelligent DesignDara Tatrayy2006-i60Novemberp4
review: 'The Universe in a Single Atom' by The Dalai LamaHugh Murdochy2006-i60Novemberp9
2005 Nobel Prize for Medicine [Barry Marshall and Robin Warren]Hugh Murdochy2006-i60Novemberp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2007-i61Mayp1
Science, Pseudoscience and Metaphysics - exploring the boundariesDavid Allany2007-i61Mayp1
George Ellis on "The Emergence of Mind"Hugh Murdochy2007-i61Mayp6
review: 'The Goldilocks Enigma - Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?' by Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy2007-i61Mayp8
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2007-i62Novemberp1
Early Water - Early Life? re 'A Cool Early Earth?' by John ValleyHugh Murdochy2007-i62Novemberp2
Report: Theosophy-Science Seminar, 2007: Science and the Reenchantment of the CosmosDara Tatrayy2007-i62Novemberp3
Evolution and the Sensing of Our WorldVictor Gostiny2007-i62Novemberp6
Humans and ChimpanzeesHugh Murdochy2007-i62Novemberp9
Decision on Pluto and Other Distant Solar System ObjectsHugh Murdochy2007-i62Novemberp11
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2008-i63Junep1
Theosophy-Science Seminar in Auckland, New Zealand: Science and SpiritHugh Murdochy2008-i63Junep2
Igniting the Science-Spirit Synthesis [reprint TheoSophia 2007]anony2008-i63Junep2
review: 'Science and the Akashic Field' by Ervin Laszlo, 2004Victor Gostiny2008-i63Junep3
review: 'Portals: Opening Doorways to Other Realities Through the Senses' by Lynne HumeRosanne DeBatsy2008-i63Junep4
Peopling of the Earth (Summary of part of a Talk, based on 'Out of Eden' by Stephen Oppenheimer)Hugh Murdochy2008-i63Junep6
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2008-i64Novemberp1
Theosophy-Science Seminar 2009 - Preliminary AnnouncementVictor Gostiny2008-i64Novemberp1
Seminar Reports from Springbrook, 16-18 May 2008Hugh Murdochy2008-i64Novemberp1
Theosophy Science Seminar, 16-18 May 2008 - SummaryVicki Jerome (and Murray Stentiford and Rosanne DeBatsy2008-i64Novemberp1
The Mind and Brain - The Science and Mystery of ConsciousnessRosanne DeBatsy2008-i64Novemberp6
Using Scientific Methodologies to Explore the Transpersonal - Summary of Talk at the Springbrook SeminarRosanne DeBatsy2008-i64Novemberp7
Bohm's Quantum Physics Recognised at LastHugh Murdochy2008-i64Novemberp8
Theosophy-Science Seminar 2-4 October 2009 - Call for RegistrationHugh Murdochy2009-i65Aprilp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2009-i65Aprilp1
Another Physicist Wins the Templeton Prize for Progress in ReligionHugh Murdochy2009-i65Aprilp2
Ways of Seeing Our world - A Cross-cultural PerspectiveLynne Humey2009-i65Aprilp3
The Cradle of Humanity in AfricaVictor Gostiny2009-i65Aprilp5
review: 'God or Multiverse - An Open Dialogue' The Scientific and Medical Network Downing College Cambridge 24th November 2007Edi Bilimoriay2009-i65Aprilp6
Reinventing the Sacred (A New View of Science Reason and Religion)Stuart Kauffmany2009-i65Aprilp11
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy2009-i66Septemberp1
2009 Theosophy-Science Seminar near Adelaide 2Oct-4Octanony2009-i66Septemberp1
Professor Richard Silberstein in the Newsanony2009-i66Septemberp1
Glycine Found in a Comet Suggests Life is Commonanony2009-i66Septemberp2
Our Wonderful BrainVictor Gostiny2009-i66Septemberp2
review: 'Endless Universe - Beyond the Big Bang' by Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turockanony2009-i66Septemberp3
The Mysterious Number Phi - Summary of talk by Dr Hugh Murdoch Theosophy-Science Seminar Springbrook - May 2008Hugh Murdochy2009-i66Septemberp6
A Novel Discovery of Phi in Medieval Literature - Summary of Story told on ABC Science show 15 October 2005 (of an interview by Robert Cockburn a writer and journalist)Hugh Murdochy2009-i66Septemberp8
Theosophy-Science Seminar 1-4 October 2009 - SummaryVicki Jeromey2010-i67Februaryp1
Showing 551 to 600 of 753 entries