The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

The Atlantis MythHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp10
Paul Davies on the Origin of LifeHugh Murdochy1997-i34Augustp11
A Complex Universe Fit for Life - The Universe, The Anthropic Principle, Complexity - a Scientific RevolutionHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp1
review - 'At Home in the Universe' by Stuart KauffmanHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp7
Possible Modifications to Strict Neo-darwinian Theory: Directed Mutation, Gene-Culture Coevolution, Straws in the WindHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp8
Cosmologists and ReligionHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp10
The Murchison MeteoriteHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp11
Theosophy-Science Centre, AdyarHugh Murdochy1997-i35Decemberp12
Environmental Issues - Physical Social and MoralOlga Gostiny1998-i36Aprilp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp1
Biological Evolution - Review by Ingold of Book by Steven RoseHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp6
Biological Evolution - Land Rights for the Great Apes?Hugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp6
Biological Evolution - Darwinism AbusedHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp6
Biological Evolution - Variations on a Theme: Gene-culture Coevolution RevisitedHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp6
Biological Evolution - Review by Steven Rose of Book by Steven PinkerHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp7
Biological Evolution - Homo Erectus - ToolmakerHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp8
Water on the MoonHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp8
Rupert SheldrakeHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp9
Asteroid Impacts - Possible Historical EvidenceHugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp10
The Indian Theosophy-Science Centre Transaction - 3: 1997Hugh Murdochy1998-i36Aprilp11
Thoughts on the Origin of Life - From Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp1
Tim Flannery to Give Templeton LectureHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp1
Religion and Science: 'Belief in God in an Age of Science' by John PolkinghorneHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp3
Religion and Science: Conference on Science and the Spiritual QuestHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp3
Religion and Science: Charles Birch's Views on GodHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp4
Some New Approaches to Science: John Barrow on - The Limits of ScienceHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp5
Some New Approaches to Science: Master's Degree in Holistic ScienceHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp5
Criticism by Edi Bilimoria of my Comments in the Last issueHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp6
Sundry Topics: Energy from the Quantum Mechanical Background?Hugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp7
Evolution, Reincarnation and KarmaEdward Lynessy1998-i37Augustp8
Sundry Topics: Complexity of the BrainHugh Murdochy1998-i37Augustp8
Paul Davies on The Search for The Origin of LifeHugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp1
A Talk on Consciousnessanony1998-i38Novemberp3
review - The 1997 Blavatsky Lecture: 'Mirages in Western Science Resolved by Occult Science' by Edi BilimoriaHugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp7
Lester Smith on Science and TheosophyHugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp10
Comments from Radha Burnier on ScienceHugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp11
Do Plants have Feelings?Hugh Murdochy1998-i38Novemberp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp1
Talk on Consciousness and its Function through the PhysicalGeoffrey Millery1999-i39Februaryp2
Comment on Paul DaviesAlan Edgary1999-i39Februaryp5
Some New Ideas Concerning InformationHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp7
Response from Edi Bilimoria re Blavatsky LectureHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp8
Scientists and Religion: John Polkinghorne againHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp10
Scientists and Religion: Skeptic Turns to ReligionHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp11
Lamarck's SignatureHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp12
Freeman Dyson on MindHugh Murdochy1999-i39Februaryp12
Theosophical Research ProjectHugh Murdochy1999-i40Junep1
Showing 351 to 400 of 753 entries