The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Forests on fire [extract from 'The Conversation' November 24 2015 (extract:]Bill Bill Laurancey2015-i77Decemberp11
We can stop illegal logging and poaching -
The American legend of Johnny Appleseed [extract: Wikipedia November 2015]anony2015-i77Decemberp12
Trees for Life - [South Australia]anony2015-i77Decemberp13
The next Theosophy-Science Symposiumanony2015-i77Decemberp14
Indo-Pacific Federation of the TS [next triennial conference: Auckland NZ between 14 and 18 October 2016]anony2015-i77Decemberp14
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2016-i78Junep1
The next Theosophy-Science Symposium shall follow on from the coming Indo-Pacific Federation ConferenceJohn Vorstermansy2016-i78Junep1
Bridging Science And Traditions [letter] [re:]Jacques Manichy2016-i78Junep2
Annie Besant and questions of social identity, cohesion, and national groupings [introduction to following book review]Victor Gostiny2016-i78Junep3
Do you love the Freedom of Thought Resolution but would also love to see more of Theosophy in the Theosophical Society and on its programmes? [letter] [re:]Dara Tatrayy2016-i78Junep3
Nations and Nationalism [review of 'Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism' (revised and extended edition) by Benedict Anderson]Olga Gostiny2016-i78Junep4
All life shows various degrees of intelligenceVictor Gostiny2016-i78Junep9
The Ancient Epic Journey of Indigenous AustraliansVictor Gostiny2016-i78Junep10
World’s first nation of innovators: the Australian Aborigines [re: Professor Darren Curnow in 'The Conversation' May 11 2016]anony2016-i78Junep13
Mindfullness meditation scientifically shown to improve good health [re 'Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body' by Jo Marchant]anon ['New Scientist']y2016-i78Junep14
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2016-i79Decemberp1
Science and Spirituality - A seminar sponsored by the New Zealand Theosophical Society 19-21 October 2016anony2016-i79Decemberp1
Pavlov's plants: new study shows plants can learn from experience [as reported by Prudence Gibson in 'The Conversation' Dec 7 2016]Prudence Gibsony2016-i79Decemberp2
Theosophy As Science - Unlocking the Corridors of NatureLuke Michael Ironsidey2016-i79Decemberp3
Has Science Discovered the 'etheric body'? [talk to Science and Spirituality Seminar Auckland October 2016]Richard Silbersteiny2016-i79Decemberp6
review - 'Tesla - Man Out Of Time' by Margaret Cheney 1981 revised 2010Kevin Daveyy2016-i79Decemberp8
Exciting new discovery of Ancient Australians [news report in ABC Science published by Dani Cooper 3 November 2016. Another short report can be seen in the Conversation 7 November 2016]anony2016-i79Decemberp10
Commentary on Stan Grant: "The Australian Dream - Blood History and Becoming" in 'Quarterly Essay' Issue 64 2016 pp1-80Olga Gostiny2016-i79Decemberp11
A theosophical approach to engage with Aboriginal Australiansanony2016-i79Decemberp11
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2017-i80Octoberp1
Science and the Ancient Wisdom - Presented by The Theosophical Society in Australia - Springbrook Centre Queensland 19 to 22 October 2017 [notice and programme]anony2017-i80Octoberp1
Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA FilesMindy Weisbergery2017-i80Octoberp3
Theosophy As Science - Adept at Science: A Short Reflection On Science In The Mahatma Letters [From 'The Voice' Adelaide Theosophical Society Vol 57 No 4 with references provided from 'THE MAHATMA LETTERS To A P Sinnett from THE MAHATMAS M and KH Transcribed and Compiled by A T Barker In Chronological Sequence' Arranged and Edited by Vicente Hoa Chin Jr]Kevin Daveyy2017-i80Octoberp4
The Age of Credulity - "Conspiracy thinking arises when people find themselves unable to determine simple causes for complex, adverse circumstances." [includes quotes from "Inside The Echo Chamber" by Walter Quattrociocchi 'Scientific American' April 2017]anony2017-i80Octoberp8
Science And Spirituality Seminar - Auckland New Zealand 19-21 October 2016 [report]Vicki Jeromey2017-i80Octoberp9
How Plants Decide To Act [from "Decision making in plants" PNAS ('Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America') 2017]Topham A T et aly2017-i80Octoberp11
'The Memory Code' by Lynne Kelly [review/summary]Olga Gostiny2017-i80Octoberp12
Biomarkers In The Search For Life In Space [re "Protostellar and cometary detections of organohalogens" by E Fayolle et al. in 'Nature Astronomy' 2 October 2017]anony2017-i80Octoberp17
Important Announcement Regarding Our Next Theosophy-Science Symposium 2020anony2019-i81Novemberp1
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2019-i81Novemberp1
Role of magnetic fields in star formationPablo Sendery2019-i81Novemberp2
New Paradigms in AstronomyVictor Gostiny2019-i81Novemberp3
SUNDIALS and Greek astronomyTadeus Philipsy2019-i81Novemberp6
Atomic Structure Revisited - Including clairvoyant observations by Theosophists Annie Besant and Charles Webster LeadbeaterBrian Hardingy2019-i81Novemberp7
Paris zoo unveils the 'blob' slime mould which looks like a fungus but acts like an animalanon [sourced from Reuters]y2019-i81Novemberp13
The Issue of Intelligence in Evolutionary ScienceMarcello R Seriniy2019-i81Novemberp15
The Issue of Intelligence - Part 2Marcello R Seriniy2019-i81Novemberp20
The Idea that Everything is Conscious is Gaining Academic CredibilityPablo Sendery2019-i81Novemberp22
Chartres: Sacred Geometry Sacred SpaceGraham Crookhamy2019-i81Novemberp24
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2020-i82Decemberp1
Are reports of the 'death of free will' predetermined?Richard Silbersteiny2020-i82Decemberp2
Science and Theosophy [review: 'Science and Theosophy - Selected Articles by Dr Hugh Murdoch' from 'Theosophy in Australia' September 2020]Linda Oliveiray2020-i82Decemberp2
Modern Western Science in The Secret Doctrine: A Cautionary TaleDara Tatrayy2020-i82Decemberp5
The Great Breath and alternative interpretationsKevin Daveyy2020-i82Decemberp8
Showing 701 to 750 of 753 entries