The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Generosity Brain Chemistry And Collective Actionanony2013-i72Aprilp18
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2013-i73Decemberp1
Important Announcement Regarding Our Next Springbrook Symposium 2014anony2013-i73Decemberp1
Theosophy-Science Discussion Group (Perth)Hana O'Rourkey2013-i73Decemberp2
International Theosophical Newsanony2013-i73Decemberp2
Open Forum - The Importance Of Doubt For A ScientistAs reported by Prof Bernard Carr (Chairman of SMN)y2013-i73Decemberp3
New Book - 'The Varieties of Magical Experience: Indigenous Medieval and Modern Magic' by Lynne Hume and Nevill Drury [review]anony2013-i73Decemberp3
Not A Big Bang but a Big Bounceanony2013-i73Decemberp4
Readers' Comments - Speculations on Rupert Sheldrake's ideas of morphic resonanceRoger Kochy2013-i73Decemberp5
Introducing Jacques Mahnich and Project Theoscience to the Australian Theosophy-Science communityJacques Mahnichy2013-i73Decemberp6
'What money can't buy: the moral limits of markets' by Michael Sandel [synopsis]Olga Gostiny2013-i73Decemberp8
The Dalai Lama [quotation]anon, The Dalai Lamay2013-i73Decemberp8
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2014-i74Aprilp1
Registration For Our Next Springbrook Symposium Sept-Oct 2014anony2014-i74Aprilp1
International Theosophical News: European Congress 2014 - "Bridging Science and Spirituality" - 30 July to 4 August 2014anony2014-i74Aprilp2
Introducing Kevin Davey to the Australian Theosophy-Science communityanony2014-i74Aprilp3
New Book - Review of 'From Eternity To Here: The Quest For The Ultimate Theory Of Time' by Sean Carroll []review]Kevin Davey MSc (Astronomy)y2014-i74Aprilp3
Early Views of Aboriginal SocietiesVictor Gostiny2014-i74Aprilp7
The Biggest Estate on Earth - Book review - 'The biggest estate on Earth: How Aborigines made Australia' by Bill Gammage [review]Dr Olga Gostiny2014-i74Aprilp8
The Land Is My Backbone [quotation in 'Nourishing Terrains' by Deborah Rose]Galurrwuy Yunupinguy2014-i74Aprilp14
From Our Springbrook Symposium 29 Sept-2 Oct 2014 - Mind Over Matter: a scientific overviewanony2014-i75Decemberp1
Mind Over Matter: a scientific overview [of Springbrook Symposium 29 Sept-2 Oct 2014 items ]anony2014-i75Decemberp1
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2014-i75Decemberp1
From Our Springbrook Symposium 29 Sept-2 Oct 2014 - Mind through Matter - Summary of lecture presented by Victor MacGillanony2014-i75Decemberp2
From Our Springbrook Symposium 29 Sept-2 Oct 2014 - The Proem and modern cosmology: an opportunity to stretch the mind [lecture]Kevin Daveyy2014-i75Decemberp5
From Our Springbrook Symposium 29 Sept-2 Oct 2014 - Psychic Investigators - The TV series and other examples [summary of lecture by Chris Pang Way][?Chris Pang Way]y2014-i75Decemberp8
Comment on Chris Pangway presentation: Psychic Investigations - The TV Series and Other ExamplesKevin Daveyy2014-i75Decemberp11
'The Great Convergence - Asia, the West and the logic of one world' by Kishore Mahbubani [review explanatory note and comments]Olga Gostiny2014-i75Decemberp12
Plants Communicate With Each Other [reference to scientific work of Dr Suzanne Simard]anony2014-i75Decemberp12
Celebrating the life of Hugh Murdochanony2015-i76Julyp1
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2015-i76Julyp1
A Decade Later - Retirement of Hugh Murdoch [extract: Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter i70 December 2011]Victor Gostiny2015-i76Julyp2
Theosophy Science Session at World Congress Sydney January 2001 [includes introductory biography and statement by Hugh Murdoch]anony2015-i76Julyp2
Hugh Murdoch impressionsVictor Gostiny2015-i76Julyp3
From Richard Silberstein - MelbourneRichard Silbersteiny2015-i76Julyp3
Tony Fearnside, Canberra [impressions of Hugh Murdoch]Tony Fearnsidey2015-i76Julyp4
Brian Harding, Brisbane [re Hugh Murdoch]Brian Hardingy2015-i76Julyp5
Additional note by Chris Pang Way [re Elaine Murdoch]Chris Pang Wayy2015-i76Julyp6
Chris Pang Way, Atherton [re Hugh Murdoch - includes: Meeting Hugh; TS Science group in Sydney; TS Science Seminars/Symposia; Summary]Chris Pang Wayy2015-i76Julyp6
… and from Dara Tatray, National Secretary, Theosophical Society in Australia - Dear Hugh, An open letter to a recently departed friendDara Tatrayy2015-i76Julyp7
Astronomical Frontiers Astronomical Frontiers [remembering and recalling the spirit of Hugh Murdoch: includes quotation by Alan Duffy, Research Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology, in Tanya Hill's presentation of a compendium of leading astronomers' top choices of Hubble's spectacular discoveries in 'Conversation' 24 April 2015]anony2015-i76Julyp9
Editorial NotesVictor Gostiny2015-i77Decemberp1
Theosophy and Our Environment [quote from Dr Hugh Murdoch at World Congress of Theosophists Sydney January 2001]anony2015-i77Decemberp1
All life has consciousness - Consciousness Physics and Hermetic Idealism by Ben Cunningham - Sunday 16 August 2015 - University of Philosophical Research Los Angeles [re: obituary to Bernard d'Espagnat in 'New York Times']Ben Cunninghamy2015-i77Decemberp2
Importance of Trees to Humans - Extract from 'The Conversation' July 24 2015 [extract:]anony2015-i77Decemberp2
The Question of Intelligence and Sentience In Plants - Is intelligence "what is needed to solve problems" or does it require a brain?Tony Fearnsidey2015-i77Decemberp3
[Illustration - reproduction of drawing including tree and house]Victor gostiny2015-i77Decemberp8
Plants Communicate with Each Other [extract: 'Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter' i75]anony2015-i77Decemberp8
Honouring the One LegsOlga Gostiny2015-i77Decemberp8
The disaster of massive deforestationanony2015-i77Decemberp10
Showing 651 to 700 of 753 entries