The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Extracts from the Vahan

Is ascetic life necessary at any stage of a man's upward progress?AAWy1899---p584
Cremation vs embalming - could the latter affect the astral body?CWLy1899---p593
Is it possible to avert any future calamity or misfortune indicated by Palmistry or Astrology?APSy1899---p623
(81) Over-production in Nature - What is the karmic cause of the premature deaths in infancy & childhood?APSy1899---p648
National karma - I fancy many of these premature deaths are simply "failures of Nature"AAWy1899---p649
Why is Nature so prodigious? Does theosophy offer any explanation?AAWy1899---p649
The relevant truth to illuminate this question is the distinction between Life & FormBKy1899---p652
Will AAW explain more fully "the blind elemental within us ... a tempter ..."?MEGy1899---p654
In reply I refer to Lucifer v17 p53, B Keightley's paperAAWy1899---p654
Self-sacrifice & the Logos - If there is nothing other than the Logos, for whom does he sacrifice himself?GRSMy1899---p703
What is the relationship between elemental & monadic essence?BKy1899---p708
The questioner should study his Manuals (V & VI) more carefullyCWLy1899---p709
Is it permitted to talk with the Masters in loving familiarity about trivial trials & temptations, all day?CWLy1899---p718
No teaching can give one a royal road to the heights of adeptship - sustained & earnest effort is necessaryCWLy1899---p778
Wasted Incarnations - the responsibility of parents for childrenCWLy1900---p25
Sexual reproduction is limited to a passing evolutionary phaseAAWy1900---p29
(11) Karma & Sin - heredity & temptation - pleasure & necessityAAWy1900---p88
(15) The long postponement of some karmaAPSy1900---p106
Karma - indebted to each other or indebted only to the Law?JMy1900---p107
reply to JM on karmaAPSy1900---p108
Harmonising the heredity of character with the theory of reincarnationAAWy1900---p118
Bearing the heavy collective karma of the world - What does this phrase mean?JvMy1900---p143
Karma & Vicarious AtonementGRSMy1900---p144
Is murder, or any so-called heinous crime, proof positive of an undeveloped soul?AAWy1900---p180
(30) Euthanasia & suicide for Incurable Disease, Distress, & Deformity?APSy1900---p209
Euthanasia for Incurable Disease, Distress, & Deformity?AMFCy1900---p211
reply to AMFCAPSy1900---p212
reply to AMFCAHWy1900---p214
reply to AMFCESy1900---p216
(1) Is it right to kill a suffering animal? (2) Does suicide save the situation?MEGy1900---p218
The morality of sacrificing another's life to spare him some painDGy1900---p219
reply to APS, AHW & ES re suicide & Euthanasia, heroism & dutyAMFCy1900---p221
(32) Decision of Purpose - Strength of character & selfishnessAAWy1900---p227
(33) Concentration - What is the best method of cultivating its power? - visualisationAAWy1900---p229
Is injury by thought possible?AHWy1900---p234
Why should a cow be regarded in the old religions as a sacred animal?IHy1900---p260
The Initiation of Pentecost, knowing all languages, mind on the arûpa levels?GRSMy1900---p266
(46) Theosophical Interpretation of Bible Passages - The Parable of the Prodigal sonGRSMy1900---p305
The last judgement - Matthew 25:41 - a mechanical, unethical, discordant, alien relic of a primitive religionGRSMy1900---p311
The Gnostics & the order of MelchizedecGRSMy1900---p314
What is the significance of the Magdalene out of whom seven devils were cast?GRSMy1900---p326
The inner Pythagorean Schools & the Rule of SilenceGRSMy1900---p329
Did the Neoplatonic Schools also have this rule of silence?GRSMy1900---p331
What is known of the "Eastern School" referred to by Clement of Alexandria?GRSMy1900---p333
Was Râja Yoga studied by the Christians of the Alexandrian School (St Clement, Origen, etc)?GRSMy1900---p334
The name "theosophy" dates from the 3rd century, beginning with Ammonius Saccas - classical references givenGRSMy1900---p335
Properly correlating planes (physical, astral) with states of consciousness (waking, dreaming)AAWy1900---p387
The Purpose of evolution - the aim of the Ego's strivingAPSy1900---p403
Can one do anything to help a person who is about to die, & how?CWLy1900---p414
Can prayers & good thoughts for a suicide help? Assuredly he may be helped by strong & earnest thoughtCWLy1900---p416
Showing 301 to 350 of 512 entries