Buddha - his desertion of his wife & child in search of spiritual enlightenment & the nature of duty | JCC | y1898 | - | - | - | p372 |
Separation from father, mother, wife & children - Luke 14:25, 26 & the Pistis Sophia | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p373 |
Buddha's desertion of wife & child - what self-sacrifice does a man own to his inferiors? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p377 |
Are those who die as lunatics still insane upon the astral plane after death? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p406 |
Three varieties of Materialisation & the obscure phenomenon of repercussion | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p427 |
(57) Life after Death, positive proof & sufficient evidence, arguments for & logical demonstration | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p436 |
The shape of the astral body, before & after death | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p439 |
The killing out of desires & impurities on the astral plane | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p443 |
Desire does not originate in the physical body - it originates in the astral body | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p444 |
Desire after death - How is it possible to have a desire for food with no physical body? | AJR | y1898 | - | - | - | p444 |
A case of strong hate & weak love: the power of will in materialisation | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p446 |
The power of disembodied spirits to perceive, interact with, and utilise portions of the physical plane | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p453 |
Sudden death by accident - where do they go? (The sub-planes of the astral plane) | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p461 |
(58) Devachan: What is the meaning & derivation of the word? | VM | y1898 | - | - | - | p473 |
Would an arûpa devanchee be conscious of the rûpa levels? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p486 |
Is an Ego at any time during the period in Devachan conscious of the nature of its next earth-life? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p487 |
No definite number of earth-lives is arbitrarily fixed through which an entity must pass; but ... | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p489 |
a reply to MS - there is a rare exception | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p491 |
(a further question anent the renunciation of Devachan) | MS | y1898 | - | - | - | p491 |
Is sight developed in the etheric double apart from the dense body? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p511 |
What is the difference between etheric & astral sight? | BHS | y1898 | - | - | - | p513 |
Are there organs in the astral body corresponding to those in the physical? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p525 |
Do the mental & causal bodies, when on their corresponding planes, retain any semblance of the human form? | AB | y1898 | - | - | - | p531 |
Is not the causal body simply a vehicle for the Ego? (Learn the functions first) | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p532 |
Doesn't an auric shell hinder ones sympathy? | AB | y1898 | - | - | - | p545 |
(66) Is there anything occult or mystical in the religion of the sect known as the Shakers? | AMG | y1898 | - | - | - | p562 |
How is it that theosophists recommend vegetarianism but Christ ate fish (Luke 24:42, 43)? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p570 |
Wouldn't burial assist the evolution of worms more than would cremation? | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p591 |
Dangers of the astral plane - what is the best way to avoid slipping into the astral world? | AB | y1898 | - | - | - | p602 |
(75) The Occult Arts - what is the attitude of members of the TS to astrology? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p616 |
What influences the race or nation into which a man is born? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p678 |
What would be the distinguishing characteristics of a "Fifth Rounder" living at the present time? | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p689 |
Do the saints of the Roman Catholic Church hear the prayers addressed to them? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p719 |
Does a Master put on the limitations of the physical brain when he descends to work on the physical plane? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p723 |
What is & where is the missing evidence which connects the TS & the Masters? | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p729 |
How can the Lunar Pitris lacking a causal body be considered individuals? | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p737 |
(91) The Augoeides - What is it? (a note on some vehicles of the soul) | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p740 |
Knowledge & wisdom - what is the difference between them? | AB | y1898 | - | - | - | p773 |
How does Theosophy differ from the Vedanta philosophy? | GRSM | y1899 | - | - | - | p5 |
(2) Is the The Secret Doctrine an "inspired" work? (rprnt) | AB | y1899 | - | - | - | p11 |
Practically immediate reincarnation, or within a few hours? | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p35 |
(9) Carnivorous Animals & Atlantis & the Lower Eocene | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p73 |
(10) The Future of Animals - the continuity of identical consciousness after death | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p85 |
Quickening of animals through domestic contact with man | BK | y1899 | - | - | - | p86 |
Does my deceased pet remember me? | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p86 |
Being an innocent victim is preferable to being Inflicted with the capacity for harm deserving reprisal | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p90 |
Se poser en victime: a serious attraction | AAW | y1899 | - | - | - | p91 |
(12) "Interfering" with Karma & justice - paying a spendthrifts debts | AAW | y1899 | - | - | - | p94 |
(16) Quickening of Karma in the life of a disciple - Are bad side effects possible? | CWL | y1899 | - | - | - | p110 |
(20) Is Vicarious Atonement the Transference of Karma? | AAW | y1899 | - | - | - | p129 |