(1) The Meaning & Scope of Theosophy - What is Theosophy? | AB | y1891 | - | - | - | p1 |
Is Theosophy only for the rich, the educated? | AB | y1891 | - | - | - | p7 |
Is Theosophy only for the rich, the educated? | GRSM | y1891 | - | - | - | p8 |
Socialism, individual rights, discipleship & the snake of self | APS | y1891 | - | - | - | p198 |
To live as the angels? a premature Socialism would be a disastrous failure | AAW (? Arthur A Wells) | y1891 | - | - | - | p199 |
(72) Psychic Faculties - seeing no such possibilities, theosophy will be a source of despair (HPB's problem) | GRSM | y1891 | - | - | - | p599 |
(89) The Masters of Wisdom - Adepts - Arhats - Mahâtmas - Why do they retain vital knowledge to themselves? | AB | y1891 | - | - | - | p713 |
see p92 of The Occult World by AP Sinnett for a full answer | ICO | y1891 | - | - | - | p714 |
Why do they permit the degradation of "their" countries, India, Egypt, Tibet? | AB | y1891 | - | - | - | p714 |
(8) Instinct & Intuition in Animals - Is the song of a skylark an aspect of Kâma? | WRO (? Walter R Old) | y1892 | - | - | - | p70 |
(79) Sound - Is there any evidence for its alleged mysterious potency? the efficacy of mantrams | JCS | y1894 | - | - | - | p640 |
There is some mysterious potency in the force called sound | ICO | y1894 | - | - | - | p641 |
(6) Analogies to Reincarnation among beings on other planes | GRSM | y1895 | - | - | - | p54 |
(22) Do actions performed in dreams affect physical plane Karma? | GRSM, CWL | y1895 | - | - | - | p149 |
The answer must depend on the meanings connoted by the words "action" & "dream" | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p150 |
Can the dream-life be controlled? If so, what is the best method? | CWL | y1895 | - | - | - | p150 |
The dream-life can best be controlled by means adopted during the waking life ... | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p151 |
If the Book of Job is an allegory, what clue is there to its meaning? | C | y1895 | - | - | - | p260 |
Was there an esoteric side to the religion of the Greeks & Egyptians? | GRSM | y1895 | - | - | - | p331 |
(54) Helping the Dead - Have prayers for the dead any value? | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p411 |
(56) Purgatory & Hades & Kâmaloka | AAW | y1895 | - | - | - | p431 |
Purgatory & Hades & Kâmaloka | G | y1895 | - | - | - | p432 |
Plato, Proclus, Plotinus & Ficinus on Hades | GRSM | y1895 | - | - | - | p433 |
(61) The Etheric & Higher Bodies - use of Anaesthetics - the effect of surgery on the etheric body | IPH, P, GRSM | y1895 | - | - | - | p518 |
How are clairvoyants capable of recognising the etheric double? | CWL | y1895 | - | - | - | p519 |
The Linga Sharira is not the form which is seen by the clairvoyant ... | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p519 |
At the death of the physical body which remaining vehicles are capable of independent manifestation? | CWL, AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p520 |
Is a theosophist justified in advocating celibacy? | SMS, AAW | y1895 | - | - | - | p586 |
Does the creative agency responsible for sound pervade all space? | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p641 |
Recall the investigations & experiments of Sir Francis Galton upon "Coloured Hearing" | BK | y1895 | - | - | - | p642 |
There seems to be some confusion of thought here (with respect to sound) | CWL | y1895 | - | - | - | p643 |
Can not any "change" be regarded as evidence for either the unreality or the reality of appearances? | AB | y1895 | - | - | - | p663 |
Is Theosophy for everyone? | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p10 |
(3) How ancient are the beliefs of Karma & Reincarnation? | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p13 |
How many believe in Karma & Reincarnation? | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p13 |
How many believe in Karma & Reincarnation? | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p14 |
(4) Method of Reincarnation - When does the soul reincarnate? | FA | y1896 | - | - | - | p23 |
The number of egos in evolution; the % of "successful" egos? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p28 |
(5) The early Church Fathers & references to Reincarnation; Pistis Sophia | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p43 |
Origen and references to reincarnation | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p45 |
Where do Origen & Synesius write of reincarnation? | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p49 |
Origen on reincarnation | G | y1896 | - | - | - | p51 |
Reincarnation & cyclic progression | P | y1896 | - | - | - | p56 |
There are Analogies to reincarnation on every plane of nature | C | y1896 | - | - | - | p56 |
The universality of reincarnation, a fundamental theosophical idea | ES | y1896 | - | - | - | p57 |
The vehicle is not the inhabitant | AMG (? AM Glass) | y1896 | - | - | - | p57 |
(7) Animals & Reincarnation - Incarnation of Buddha in a tiger? a memory recalled | GRSM, CJ | y1896 | - | - | - | p59 |
Incarnation of Buddha in a tiger? perhaps only a fairy-tale | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p60 |
Karma and animal suffering | PS | y1896 | - | - | - | p61 |
Quickening of animals through contact with man | FA | y1896 | - | - | - | p62 |