Immanent death, heeded & unheeded warnings, & karma | IH | y1900 | - | - | - | p426 |
How does it benefit a man to pass into the hells on the lower astral plane? | EL | y1900 | - | - | - | p445 |
Can we avoid confinement to one sub-plane of the astral after death? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p460 |
How can life in Devachan be more real than physical life when all that one has are images of ones friends? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p479 |
Why are periods spent in Devachan so enormously long? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p482 |
Is one still conscious of evil in Devachan? | JvM | y1900 | - | - | - | p483 |
Our querist has confounded the feeling of bliss, & the mind's conception of bliss | AAW | y1900 | - | - | - | p485 |
(60) Clairvoyance - Can the Ego "see & hear"? | ABC | y1900 | - | - | - | p504 |
How is clairvoyance to be developed? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p505 |
Would a clairvoyant on the astral plane be deceived by a thought-form picture of a person? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p509 |
Is aural luminosity proportional to power or to that portion of the total power which is unselfish? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p537 |
Do the language & subject of a book make a difference to its aura? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p538 |
Is it possible to obtain an answer from a figure in an âkâshic image? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p555 |
(65) The Religion of the Aruntas of Central Australia | IH | y1900 | - | - | - | p559 |
Psychic powers - whether 'tis better to awaken them artificially or naturally | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p600 |
Cultivate the moral first, let the psychic develop naturally, why? | BK | y1900 | - | - | - | p601 |
(73) Spiritualistic Séances - what accounts for the appearance of infants at séances? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p605 |
What is the "direct voice" heard at spiritualistic séances? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p606 |
What are the limits to the process of materialisation? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p611 |
(74) Materialisation - Why does a medium lose physical weight if only etheric material is borrowed? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p611 |
Man, an image of the universe - How can "Universe, systems, planets, globes" all be contained within us? | GRSM | y1900 | - | - | - | p662 |
The terrible mystery of evil has never been fully revealed | GRSM | y1900 | - | - | - | p664 |
What do the Hindus mean by their peculiar references to the size of the Self? | BK | y1900 | - | - | - | p668 |
The size of the Self - this is certainly not an easy problem | JCC | y1900 | - | - | - | p669 |
Is not the Slav the 6th sub-race? (No, it isn't) | WSE | y1900 | - | - | - | p676 |
To what root-race & what sub-race do the African negroes belong? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p677 |
Monadic essence - How could the elemental & mineral kingdoms exist on the higher globes of the chain? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p686 |
Are not all three Logoi present & active in different degrees in each life-wave? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p701 |
(90) The Lunar Pitris - Five questions | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p734 |
(93) Why is suffering always assumed to be so much more beneficial to individual perfection than happiness? | GRSM | y1900 | - | - | - | p756 |
Is it necessary for all disciples to become "crucibles" wherein mischievous energies are reworked? | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p762 |
How can an aspirant best attract the attention of a Master? (it isn't necessary to do this) | CWL | y1900 | - | - | - | p765 |
Will a fully developed manas mean less or more evil in man? | AAW | y1900 | - | - | - | p766 |
What am I to understand by the term "spirituality"? How does it relate to character? | APS | y1900 | - | - | - | p768 |
Theosophists use the word spirituality with a very distinct & well defined meaning | AAW | y1900 | - | - | - | p769 |
The word spiritual denotes the working of the Divine Creative Energy | AHW | y1900 | - | - | - | p770 |
How are we to get wisdom? What is the best way? books? | BK | y1900 | - | - | - | p771 |
There is strictly no answer to this question | AAW | y1900 | - | - | - | p772 |
The Divine and the animal in varying degrees in infancy | AAW | y1901 | - | - | - | p24 |
Will memory guide us to a knowledge of our Dharma? | APS, EL | y1901 | - | - | - | p26 |
Will memory guide us to a knowledge of our Dharma? | GRSM | y1901 | - | - | - | p27 |
The extreme limits of reincarnation | GRSM | y1901 | - | - | - | p28 |
(14) The Karma of Races - the enslavement & oppression of the Haitians | AAW | y1901 | - | - | - | p104 |
(24) How can you reconcile prevision with free-will? | GRSM | y1901 | - | - | - | p156 |
There is no conflict between free-will and prevision | A. | y1901 | - | - | - | p157 |
(25) Prayer - When our better knowledge of the Truth brings no strength against temptation | AAW | y1901 | - | - | - | p162 |
(relief sought from an evil habit of long duration & great strength) | AAW | y1901 | - | - | - | p170 |
A lesson in discrimination - to work for others or to develop one's own powers? | GRSM | y1901 | - | - | - | p201 |
Brotherhood - I cannot accede to the first "Object" of the Society; I believe in rank, station & caste | AAW | y1901 | - | - | - | p203 |
Is complete abnegation of self a practicable or desirable goal for everyone? | APS, GRSM | y1901 | - | - | - | p204 |