Growth by Assimilation [reprint from 'Through the Gates of Gold'] | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p289 |
The Hero in Man | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p290 |
Our Hidden Self' (vf) [reprint from 'The Buried Life'] | Matthew Arnold | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p302 |
Symbols: The Star | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p304 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p315 |
The Ladder of Being | Robert Crosbie | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p316 |
Single-Mindedness [reprint from 'Lin-Chi Hui-chao ch'an-shih you-lu'] | I-Hsuan | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p318 |
Simon Magus | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p320 |
Lifting the Mind [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p326 |
Correlations | various | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p330 |
Glossary | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p332 |
The Lone Disciple | anon | y1979 | v5 | i7 | Jul | p333 |
Divine Love [reprint from 'Srimad Bhagavatam' III] | Kapila | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p337 |
Spiritual Evolution | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p338 |
Imagination (vf) [reprint from 'The Prelude'] | William Wordsworth | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p347 |
Symbols: The Ocean | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p348 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p361 |
Mind-Only [reprint from 'Lankavatara Sutra' LXIV 20-33] | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p362 |
The Teacher | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p364 |
Adipurusha [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p369 |
Paul of Tarsus | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p372 |
Correlations: The Rootless Root | various | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p380 |
Glossary | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p382 |
The Happiest Man: A Sufi Tale | anon | y1979 | v5 | i8 | Aug | p383 |
The Level Road | Chuang Tzu | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p385 |
The Language of the Gods | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p386 |
Hymn to Bhagavan [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p394 |
Symbols: The Bear | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p399 |
The Destiny of Man: A Sufi Poem (vf) | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p410 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p411 |
Correlations: Sound and Rhythm | various | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p412 |
Plotinus | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p414 |
Glossary | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p423 |
Discretion [reprint from 'Shohogenzo Zuimonki' V 22,23] | Dogen | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p424 |
Buddha-Fields | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p426 |
The Ultimate Gesture: An Indian Tale | anon | y1979 | v5 | i9 | Sep | p431 |
The Divine Life | Henri Frederic Amiel | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p433 |
Ascent and Descent | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p434 |
Prajnaparamita [reprint from 'Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita' 299-307] | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p441 |
Symbols: Corn | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p444 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p457 |
Hymn to Darkness (vf) | Thomas Yalden | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p458 |
Brahman [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p460 |
Wisdom and Illusion | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p462 |
Endurance: Hasidic Story | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p469 |
Correlations: Jacob's Ladder | various | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p470 |
Glossary | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p472 |
Porphyry | anon | y1979 | v5 | i10 | Oct | p473 |
Glossary | anon | y1979 | v5 | i11 | Nov | p426 |
The Five Berries: A Persian Tale | anon | y1979 | v5 | i11 | Nov | p427 |