At War | Shirley Leighton | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p148 |
Candles Burning Blue: Part One | Susan B Martinez | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p150 |
Three Viewpoints on Grieving (vf) | Enola Pirog | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p162 |
Psi World, Real World and Some Psi Disease Cases | Jeanne Zheng | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p164 |
review: 'Dimensional Journey: Encounters and Teachings' by Linda Ball | Berthold E Schwarz | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p169 |
review: 'Wisdom from the Great Beyond' by Jan von Denmarc | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p171 |
review: 'Universal Kabbalah' by Sheldon Stoff, Jesse A Stoff, and Lorraine M Stoff | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p172 |
review: 'The Jewish Study Bible: Featuring the Jewish Publication Society Tanakh Translation' by Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p173 |
review: 'Power Vs Force' by David R Hawkins | Alfred H Wertheim | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p175 |
review: 'Beyond Belief' by Elaine Pagels | Enola Pirog | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p178 |
Editorial: Something from Nothing | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p181 |
The Neal Dawkins Story: Gideon's Dew | Stephen Dawkins | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p182 |
Experimental Tests of the Thought Field, The Extensive Quantum Theory and Quantum Teleportation | Yi-Fang Chang | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p190 |
Ascending Jacob's Ladder | Alfred D Holcombe and Suzanne M Holcombe | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p200 |
Report About Experimental Sessions with Dr Safwat El Amin (SA) | Alexander Imich | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p208 |
Jeffrey: A Car Accident [extract] | Elizabeth Joyce | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p212 |
Suicide and the Afterlife: A Case History of Contrasting Beliefs | Sylvia Hart Wright | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p224 |
review: 'The Religion Book' by Jim Willis | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p227 |
review: 'Kardec's Spiritism: A Home for Healing and Spiritual Evolution' by Emma Bragdon | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p227 |
review: 'A Journey into Prayer' by Bill Sweet | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p229 |
review: 'Religious Holiday and Calendars: An Encyclopedic Handbook, 3rd edition' ed by Karen Bellenir | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p230 |
review: 'Visitors From Hidden Realms: The Origin and Destiny of Humanity As Told by Star Elders, Shaman and UFO Visitors' by Brent Raynes | Berthold E Schwarz | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p232 |
review: 'PSI Physics: A Scientific Investigation of Recurrent Psychokinesis Related to Dr Neihardt's Sorrat' by William Edward Cox | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p233 |
review: 'Metatron: From Adam to Enoch to Jesus of Nazareth - Volume II' by Suzanne M Holcombe and Alfred D Holcombe | NC Thomas | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p235 |
review: 'World Scripture, a Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts' by The International Religious Foundation | Rabia L Clark | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p236 |
review: 'When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts' by Sylvia Hart Wright | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p237 |
Meet Our Writers | anon | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p239 |
Index: Volume 27 - 2004 | anon | y2004 | v27 | - | October | p240 |
Meet Our Writers | anon | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p1 |
Editorial: East and Far West Versus the Rest | Donald R Morse | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p1 |
Candles Burning Blue: Part Two | Susan B Martinez | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p2 |
Fundamentalism: The Seed of Today's Hedonism | Michael E Tymn | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p12 |
Biblically-Derived Concept of Mankind's Higher Self-Lower Self Nature | Alfred D Holcombe and Suzanne M Holcombe | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p20 |
Learning the Language of Spirituality | Karen E Herrick | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p25 |
The Matter of Sentience | Laura Silvana Aversano | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p35 |
Why I'm Not a Skeptic | Michael Prescott | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p38 |
A Thought Experiment | Tom Spitzer | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p54 |
review: 'Gabriel - Fathoming the Identity of the Holy Ghost' by Alfred D Holcombe and Suzanne M Holcombe | Michael E Tymn | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p56 |
review: 'Holy Grail: Mystery Solved' by Frank C Tribbe | Doris Polt and Betty Tellesen | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p57 |
review: 'Forever Ours: Real Stories of Immortality and Living From A Forensic Pathologist' by Janis Amatuzio | Donald R Morse | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p59 |
review: 'We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death' by PMH Atwater | Donald R Morse | y2005 | v28 | - | January | p60 |
Editorial: Does God Have a Hands-Off Policy? | Donald R Morse | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p61 |
Examining the Mystery of the Buried Crosses | Michael E Tymn | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p62 |
The Story of Fratel Cosimo | Ashwin Budden and Stanley Krippner | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p77 |
Fundamentalism: What else does it mean? | Lajos Farkas, Attila Donath, Istvan Takacs, J Gerevich | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p83 |
The Reality of Instrumental Transcommunication Voices Scientifically Demonstrated - with Marcello Bacci at Grosseto | Anabela Cardoso, Mario S Festa, David Fontana, P Presi | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p85 |
Should Christianity Embrace Mediumship, Healing and Reincarnation? | Milan Ryzl | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p92 |
Brain, the Thought Field and Nonlinear Whole Biology | Yi-Fang Chang | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p103 |
Two Worlds | Susan B Martinez | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p110 |
review: 'Getting Real (A Psychic Primer)' by Kim Vincent | Michael E Tymn | y2005 | v28 | - | April | p119 |