Comparing the Afterlife Abodes of Religion With Those of More Recent Revelation | Michael E Tymn | y2003 | v26 | - | July | p158 |
The Immortal "I": A Unified Theory of Psychology, Neurology and Mysticism | Eugene B Shea | y2003 | v26 | - | July | p169 |
review: 'Electrodynamic Man: Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Biology, Medicine, Hypnosis and Psychiatry' by Leonard J Ravitz | Berthold E Schwarz | y2003 | v26 | - | July | p178 |
Editorial - Looking Up Versus Looking Down | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p181 |
The Cold Wind | Susan Martinez | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p183 |
Repetitive Phrases in Genesis | Jonah Jaffe | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p189 |
Visiting-Cards Revisited: An Account of Some Recent First-Hand Observations of the "Miracles" of Sathya Sai Baba; the Role of the Miraculous | Michael J Spurr | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p198 |
Has the Warrier God Returned? | Enola Pirog | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p217 |
The Need of Humanity in Our Day | Hazrat Inayat Khan | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p228 |
review: 'Strong Woman: Unshrouding the Secrets of the Soul' by Sue Benford | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p230 |
review: 'The Light of God' by Laura Silvana Aversano | Michael E Tymn | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p231 |
review: 'The Brazilian Healer with the Kitchen Knife' by Sandy Johnson | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p234 |
review: 'The Holy Grail: Mystery Solved' by Frank C Tribbe | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p235 |
review: 'The Trickster and the Paranormal' by George P Hansen | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p236 |
review: 'The Song that Never Ended: A Jazz Musician's Journey to a Love Beyond Life' by John Novello | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p237 |
review: 'Gifts from the Unknown: Using Extraordinary Experiences to Cope with Loss and Change' by Louis E LaGrand | Donald R Morse | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p238 |
Meet Our Writers | anon | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p239 |
Index 2003 - Contents Volume 26 | anon | y2003 | v26 | - | October | p240 |
Editorial: The "Should-of" Syndrome | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p1 |
Thoughts on Death and Its Survival | Michaeleen Maher | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p2 |
My Beliefs About Life After Death | Neal Grossman | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p4 |
What Happens After Death | Sylvia Hart Wright | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p7 |
Life After Death | Charles C Wise | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p10 |
My Views on Survival | James Hall | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p21 |
A Vivid Dream | Jeffrey Mishlove | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p23 |
What I Believe About Life After Death | Michael Grosso | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p25 |
A Cold Day in Hell | Susan Martinez | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p27 |
Evil and the Light of God | Laura Aversano | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p34 |
Fear of Death | Tom Spitzer | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p37 |
Observation of Phenomena Produced by Joe A Nuzum | Alexander Imich and Edith Jurka | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p43 |
Many Mansions of the Human Soular Complex | Steven G Herbert | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p47 |
review: 'Life and Death: A Buddhist Perspective' by James Hilgendorf | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p57 |
review: 'Contact With Beings of Light: The Amazing True Story of Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt' by Peter Gutilla | Berthold E Schwarz | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p57 |
review: 'Firestorm: Dr James D McDonald's Fight for UFO Science' by Ann Druffel | Berthold E Schwarz | y2004 | v27 | - | January | p59 |
Editorial: Is Death Just another Psychosomatic Disease? | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p61 |
Dracula as Metaphor for Human Evil | Steven G Herbert | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p62 |
Materializations at the David Thompson Seance | Montague Keen | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p72 |
An Interesting Experience | Tom Spitzer | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p92 |
Mysticism and Morality | John White | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p93 |
Should You Consult Psychics? Mediums? | Enola Pirog | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p100 |
The Consciousness Chase: Anatomy of a Problem and its Solution | James E Beichler | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p104 |
The Maitreyan Pathway | Shirley Leighton | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p116 |
letter | Coyd Walker | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p117 |
review: 'Origins of Christ's New Covenant' by Alfred D Holcombe and Suzanne M Holcombe | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p118 |
review: 'A Glimpse of Heaven: The Remarkable World of Spiritually Transformative Experiences' by Carla Wills-Brandon | Michael E Tymn | y2004 | v27 | - | April | p119 |
Editorial: Mind Over Matter | Donald R Morse | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p121 |
Memoirs of a Mystic | Merry Browne | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p123 |
Three Ways of Earthquake Prediction | Yi-Fang Chang | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p126 |
Should Christianity Embrace Mediumship, Healing and Reincarnation? | Michael Davies | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p132 |
Observation of Phenomena Produced by Joseph A Nuzum | Alexander Imich and Edith Jurka | y2004 | v27 | - | July | p145 |