An animal is capable of making another animal suffer | IPH (? Ivy Hooper) | y1896 | - | - | - | p64 |
Removing children from cruel parents | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p97 |
Interfering with Karma is not possible - the idea is wildly absurd | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p98 |
(18) Karma & Heredity - What is & what isn't transmitted from life to life? | BK, CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p116 |
The reconciling heredity & karma (heredity as the mechanism of karma) | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p117 |
(19) Karma & "Undeserved" Experiences - Why should an accident be impossible? | G | y1896 | - | - | - | p121 |
How can a person best strengthen a weak will? | AAW | y1896 | - | - | - | p173 |
(28) Practical Ethics - How is selfishness a greater problem than drunkenness? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p188 |
An evil quality is a far more serious matter than an evil action | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p189 |
Standards of right & wrong - the necessity for truthfulness in occultism | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p191 |
Is a feeling of indifference to the results of our actions possible to us, where others may suffer? | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p193 |
(36) What is meant by the phrase "Thought Coalescing with an Elemental"? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p247 |
To speak of a "Thought coalescing with an elemental" is more a poetic conception than a description | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p248 |
(38) What is the actual process of Thought Transference? | APS | y1896 | - | - | - | p253 |
The actual process in thought transference seems analogous to ordinary physical vision | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p254 |
Was there a school for occult training in the early Christian Church? | G | y1896 | - | - | - | p289 |
The division by Porphyry & other Platonists of the virtues into four classes | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p337 |
Did Buddha deny the existence of "soul"? No; that view is due to poor translations | JCC | y1896 | - | - | - | p361 |
When will the Lord Buddha reincarnate? He won't | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p367 |
The Buddha Gautama has said he would not be born again on earth | CJ | y1896 | - | - | - | p368 |
Did the Buddha eat meat & die from eating it? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p368 |
The phrase "Sûkara-maddava" does not mean "dried boar's flesh", the latter being a mistranslation | JCC | y1896 | - | - | - | p370 |
Is there such a thing as sleep, or periodical rest on the astral plane? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p440 |
Sub-planes of the astral plane - Is Kâmaloka a name for a portion or all of the astral plane? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p455 |
Kâmaloka has been used in theosophical literature as synonymous for the astral plane | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p456 |
Do deceased individuals pass consciously through all of the divisions of the astral plane? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p459 |
How does fire affect the etheric double? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p464 |
After death, the physical & etheric bodies disintegrate independently | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p465 |
(59) Sleep, Trance, Anaesthetics, & Mesmerism - Does the soul always leave the body in sleep? | AB, CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p496 |
Does the astral body of an animal leave the physical body during sleep? Is there an analogy for plants? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p497 |
animals yes; no observations of such in plants | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p498 |
Have the figures seen in dreams any subjective or real existence of their own? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p499 |
How does an anaesthetic block the consciousness of pain? | AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p500 |
(the occult action of nitrous oxide is described) | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p501 |
What is it which is seen when one sees ones own double? | CJ | y1896 | - | - | - | p510 |
In seeing astrally at a great distance without leaving the body, how are the impressions obtained? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p510 |
Are there different & separable astral bodies? | CWL, AB | y1896 | - | - | - | p523 |
What is the length of the emanation of the aura of an average man? | CJ | y1896 | - | - | - | p537 |
(63) The Auric Shell, what is it composed of & how can it best be formed? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p542 |
On which plane of the universe are the âkâshic mental images recorded? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p552 |
(68) Diet - what are the sattvic, râjasic & tâmasic qualities of food? | EG | y1896 | - | - | - | p569 |
What are the arguments in favour of vegetarianism? | LLl, EAB | y1896 | - | - | - | p571 |
What are the arguments in favour of vegetarianism? | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p572 |
Can the astral body be solidified? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p612 |
Does the "cord" exist only in the case of the etheric double? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p614 |
Is aerial transportation by occult means possible? (Levitation is by no means an uncommon phenomenon) | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p624 |
What is the nature of the force that restores a de-materialised object to its original shape? | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p625 |
Are the ideas of Mâyâ & Brahman ... to be found among the Greeks? (long Plutarch quote: "On the E at Delphi") | GRSM | y1896 | - | - | - | p660 |
(88) The Elemental Essence - How can a clairvoyant distinguish elemental essence from the other particles? | BK | y1896 | - | - | - | p705 |
The elemental essence is readily distinguishable from the rest ... | CWL | y1896 | - | - | - | p706 |