The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Extracts from the Vahan

Is it possible to kill or to destroy elementals of an evil character?CWLy1896---p711
Do they have the ability to inhabit the same physical body for periods exceeding the span of ordinary life?CWLy1896---p718
Is there any foundation for speaking of the "Path" as a "path of woe"?ABy1896---p760
It would seem that it is by no means a "path of woe"CJy1896---p762
(94) The Spiritual Life - In seeking progress, should we try to become indifferent to the influence of others?GRSM, FAy1896---p764
Is any spiritual progress possible to us before we have reached our ideal of perfection on the lower planes?GRSMy1896---p765
Any ideal of moral & intellectual perfection could hardly be attained without some spiritual progressFAy1896---p766
If it be not possible, it appears to me that our chances of progress are smallIPHy1896---p766
Spirituality and morality - what is the difference between them?ABy1896---p774
How far will devotion alone take a person who desires to advance in occultism?ABy1896---p776
Is Theosophy an attempt to propagate Buddhism or Brahmanism or Brotherhood?CWLy1897---p3
Can man be reborn as an animal? - not according to the UpanishadsJCCy1897---p16
Karma, Reincarnation & social classEGy1897---p19
Low Egos and advanced Egos; Pitri ancestry, social statusBKy1897---p20
Consciousness of virtue - learning by incarnation or by sympathyAAWy1897---p21
What is the source & nature of the upward tendency in Evolution?ABy1897---p30
The suffering of animals, & justiceAPSy1897---p60
Animal suffering & karmaESy1897---p64
The conditions of spiritual progress & animal suffering - suffering is unnecessary for rapid progressCWLy1897---p66
Is man responsible for the ferocity & carnivorous habits of wild animals?LLl (? Miss L Lloyd)y1897---p74
The Buddhist reverence for life ... is utterly against NatureAAWy1897---p75
There is scarcely a single conclusion of AAW with which I can agree - vegetarianism & the sacredness of lifeJMy1897---p76
Looked at more closely, the rule of life rather appears one of reciprocityEWy1897---p78
Vegetarianism & Nature & AAW's viewsGGy1897---p80
Predation in Nature is just a stupendous fact on the downward arcAPSy1897---p81
An exaggerated response to the suffering of others is a decay product of civilisationAAWy1897---p84
(13) Karma & the problem of Atlantean black magicAPSy1897---p102
What consolation can Theosophy offer those who prefer a personal deity to an impersonal Law?AAWy1897---p141
How is it that there are people of great intelligence who do not appreciate Theosophy?CWLy1897---p178
The virtue of the non-receiving of gifts, according to PatanjaliPSy1897---p194
a-parigraha - freedom from covetousness - a fundamental qualification for YogaJCCy1897---p196
(37) Thought & the Brain, their relationship; if the brain is not necessary for thinking, why have one?BKy1897---p250
(44) What was Christ, according to esoteric teaching?ABy1897---p285
(47) The Greeks, The Egyptians, and Gnosticism: previous incarnations of theosophical ideasGRSMy1897---p322
Are there any extant moral precepts of Pythagoras other than the incomprehensible ones?GRSMy1897---p352
Was the reported success of some of the Buddha's sermons an exaggeration? a possible explanationCWLy1897---p364
Are will & desire synonymous terms, indicating the action of Kâma?ABy1897---p389
(53) Insanity - What kind of evil doing in past lives is the karmic cause of insanity?ABy1897---p405
Might the cause of insanity, in some instances, be the absence of one grade of matter in the astral body?BKy1897---p408
Can theosophy remove the dread of death when it teaches that we do not meet our friends again as they were?SMS (? S Maud Sharpe)y1897---p467
(birth may be more of a parting from our friends than death is)AAWy1897---p470
"separation & death cannot exist for" those who have ...EGy1897---p471
The after death life of the materialist, acc to HPB, some clarificationCWLy1897---p493
Is karma the cause of our forgetting the astral experiences we have during sleep?ABy1897---p498
Changes in form of the etheric double are routineCWLy1897---p521
Does the etheric double sometimes leave the body? (the dangers of long term mediumship)CWLy1897---p521
What exactly is the Châyâ? its composition & functionCWLy1897---p524
Is the fluidic body of were-wolves & vampires always an astral body?CWLy1897---p525
(62) The Aura - auric colours & corresponding qualities, (an important list)CWLy1897---p534
What is the nature of the tiny dice, stars, & double pyramids which I see pouring out of human skin?CWLy1897---p539
Showing 101 to 150 of 512 entries