The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

review: 'The Kundalini Book of Living and Dying' by Ravindra Kumar and Jytte Kumar LarsenMichael E Tymny2005v28-Aprilp120
Editorial: Is There a Rift Between Religious Teachings and Psychical Research Findings?Donald R Morsey2005v28-Julyp121
I Am A SpiritistYvonne Limogesy2005v28-Julyp122
The Life Beyond: Through the Eyes of Children Who Claim to Remember Previous LivesKirti Swaroop Rawat and Titus Rivasy2005v28-Julyp126
Some Thoughts on Superpsi (That Bogus Pseudo-Scientific Hypothesis)Neal Grossmany2005v28-Julyp137
Why Parapsychology is one of the most important sciences?Tony Adzinikolovy2005v28-Julyp143
Can Science Prove the Soul, the Afterlife and God?Donald R Morsey2005v28-Julyp154
review: 'The Great New Emerging Civilization' by James HilgendorfMichael E Tymny2005v28-Julyp177
review: 'Psychic Gifts in the Christian Life' by Tiffany SnowMichael E Tymny2005v28-Julyp178
review: 'I'm Still Here' by Martha Pierce CopelandMichael E Tymny2005v28-Julyp179
Editorial: What Do We Really Know?Donald R Morsey2005v28-Octoberp181
letterJohn M Knowlesy2005v28-Octoberp182
Does God Exist?William M Mangery2005v28-Octoberp183
Response to Letter from John M KnowlesDonald R Morsey2005v28-Octoberp184
Heaven and Hell: Whither or WhetherSheila T Hartyy2005v28-Octoberp185
Five Reasons That NDEs Point to Life After Death: A DialogueL Stafford Bettyy2005v28-Octoberp195
Discussion of Phenomena Produced by Dr Safwat El AminAlex Imichy2005v28-Octoberp203
The Old EnemySusan B Martinezy2005v28-Octoberp205
Pragmythic BeliefcraftAlan Nordstromy2005v28-Octoberp218
Rebirth and Personal Identity: Is Reincarnation an Intrinsically Impersonal Concept?Titus Rivasy2005v28-Octoberp226
review: 'Authentic Spirituality: The Direct Path to Consciousness' by Richard N PotterDonald R Morsey2005v28-Octoberp234
review: 'Understanding Islam and Muslim Traditions' by Tanya GulevichRabia L Clarky2005v28-Octoberp234
review: 'The Missing Peace of A Heritage Puzzle: A Memoir Uniquely Set in a Vanquished Sudetenland' by Frank KoernerDonald R Morsey2005v28-Octoberp235
review: 'Is There an Afterlife? A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence' by David FontanaDonald R Morsey2005v28-Octoberp236
review: 'The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide' by Tiffany SnowRichard Batzlery2005v28-Octoberp236
review: 'Body of Health: The New Science of Intuition Medicine for Energy and Balance' by Francesca McCartneyRichard Batzlery2005v28-Octoberp237
review: 'The Gift: ESP - The Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary People' by Sally Rhine Feather and Michael SchmickerMichael E Tymny2005v28-Octoberp238
Editorial: Who am I? What is My Soul?Donald R Morsey2006v29-Januaryp1
Biblical Account of the Origins of Mankind: Viewed From a Spiritual PerspectiveAlfred D Holcombe and Suzanne Holcombey2006v29-Januaryp2
Piercing the Veil of Maya the Creator of All-Pervasive IllusionBrij Lal Shahiy2006v29-Januaryp16
Further Thoughts on Super-Esp: A ConversationNeal A Grossmany2006v29-Januaryp19
The Power of MusicEnola Pirogy2006v29-Januaryp42
The Resurrection as Ghost StoryRobert Connery2006v29-Januaryp48
Joe A Nuzum and My Father's Ring: Psychic Quartet: Linkage and ApportationBerthold E Schwarzy2006v29-Januaryp52
review: 'The God Code: The Secret of Our Past: The Promise of Our Future' by Gregg BradenGlenda Hawleyy2006v29-Januaryp60
[from April 2006, name changed to: The Journal of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies]-y2006v29-Aprilp61
Editorial: Reincarnation: Yes, No or Maybe!Donald R Morsey2006v29-Aprilp61
The Thought Field,the Thermodynamics of Physiology and Psychology, and Decrease of EntropyYi-Fang Changy2006v29-Aprilp62
Four Experimental Sessions With Dr Salwat El AminAlex Imichy2006v29-Aprilp69
An Interview with James H Hyslop, PhD, LLDMichael E Tymny2006v29-Aprilp71
Joe A Nuzum and Dr Alexander V Pyntikov: Presumptive Matter-Through-Matter ExperimentAlexander V Pyntikov and Berthold E Schwarzy2006v29-Aprilp77
Other Selves, Other Worlds: The Mediumistic Approach to MPD / Part OneSusan B Martinezy2006v29-Aprilp84
Ramifications of the Biblical 3 to 4 Generation RuleAlfred D Holcombe and Suzanne Holcombey2006v29-Aprilp94
The Fatal TrapGeoffrey Ready2006v29-Aprilp108
review: 'In Search of the Unitive Vision: Letters of Sri Mahava Ashish to and American Businezsman' comp by Seymour B GinsburgYvonne Limogesy2006v29-Aprilp118
review: 'The Truth About Medium' by Gary E Schwartz with William L SimonMichael E Tymny2006v29-Aprilp119
review: 'The Ocean of Wisdom' comp by Alan JacobsMichael E Tymny2006v29-Aprilp120
Showing 1751 to 1797 of 1797 entries