Alec Harris - 1897-1974 [review: 'Alec Harris - The full story of his remarkable psychical mediumship' by Louie Harris] | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i4 | Apr | p89 |
A Forgotten Chapter - Dr J Valckenier Suringar and modern spiritualism | Derk Jansen and Wim Kramer, Psypioneer | y2010 | v6 | i4 | Apr | p94 |
The Physical Mediumship of Gordon Higginson | Dr Barrie Colvin, LP | y2010 | v6 | i4 | Apr | p109 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i4 | Apr | p115 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i4 | Apr | p116 |
Mrs Osborne Leonard - 1882-1968 - Her life and Mediumship ['Light' Summer 1965] | DA Nickelson, LP, PJG | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p118 |
The Mediumship of Mrs Osborne Leonard - Later Years: New Facts and Factors by D A Nickelson ['Light' Spring 1966] | DA Nickelson | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p125 |
William Johnson - February 24th 1838-August 1st 1914 - First President of the Spiritualists' National Union | LP, PJG | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p130 |
Another pioneer promoted - William Johnson ['The Two Worlds' August 14 1914 pp407-409] | anon | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p130 |
Gordon Higginson - The Curious Case of Gordon Higginson ['The Two Worlds' May 23 1959 front page, p8] | Philip Paul, LP | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p136 |
"No further action" in his mystery messages ['The Two Worlds' January 30 1960 front page] | Philip Paul | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p143 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p146 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i5 | May | p147 |
The Flower Medium [Hilda (Hylda) Lewis] ['Psychic Science' October 1935 pp201-207] | Mrs Hewat McKenzie, LP | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p149 |
Thomas Shorter ['The Medium and Daybreak' February 1876 p66] | anon, LP | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p155 |
The physical mediumship of Gordon Higginson - Gordon Higginson replies: - On the side of Angels ['Spirit Promise Kept' pp67-70] | Gordon Higginson, LP, Psypioneer | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p159 |
Sitting with Gordon Higginson at Stansted Hall | [Brigadier] Frank Spedding, LP | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p162 |
We are grateful to Dr Alan Gauld for the following comments in June 2010 [Higginson materialisation session at Stansted] | Alan Gauld, LP | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p167 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p168 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i6 | Jun | p169 |
Henry Bielfeld - 1802-1892 | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p171 |
80th Anniversary of the passing of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | LP, GW [?Garth Willey] | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p179 |
ACD as I knew him ['Psychic Science October' 1930 pp214-16] | B McK [Barbara McKenzie] | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p181 |
ACD as I knew him ['Psychic Science October' 1930 pp217] | Stanley De Brath | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p184 |
William Volckman (1) | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p185 |
Notes by the Way: Gordon Higginson and the Historian | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p196 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p199 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i7 | Jul | p200 |
70th Anniversary of the passing of Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge - 12 June 1851-22 August 1940 | Trevor Hamilton | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p202 |
New light on the Lodge test message [including letter: Denise Iredell to Paul Beard] | Denise Iredell, LP | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p203 |
The Honourable Ralph Shirley - 30th December 1865-29th December 1946 | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p207 |
The story of the Occult Review ['Psychic Science' January 1926 pp252-256] | Ralph Shirley | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p209 |
Conan Doyle Cooke material increased by 150% | LP | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p213 |
80th anniversary of the passing of ACD - Addendum note by Garth Willey | GW [Garth Willey] | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p214 |
William Volckman (2) - My ghost experiences ['Medium and Daybreak' 16 January 1874 pp37-39] | William Volckman, Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p216 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p227 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i8 | Aug | p228 |
Emma Did Link Principles to Owen | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p230 |
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge [1851-1940] ['The Two Worlds' 30 August 1940 p292] | Ernest W Oaten, Psypioneer | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p236 |
The Late DD Home, Medium [obituary in: 'The Medium and Daybreak' 2 July 1886] | James Burns, Psypioneer | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p239 |
In Memoriam - Mr DD Home his last years, last illness, and burial [obituary in: 'The Medium and Daybreak' 23 July 1886 pp469-470] | Mrs Home [second wife: nee Julie de Gloumeline], anon | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p250 |
Portrait of the spirit "Katie King" ["Annie Morgan"] ['The Spiritualist' 15 May 1873 p200] | anon, William Harrison, Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p252 |
William Volckman (3) - My ghost experiences ['Medium and Daybreak' 23 January 1874 pp51-52] | William Volckman, anon | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p253 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p260 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i9 | Sep | p261 |
Hanson Gledhill Hey 1866-1921 Pioneer of Spiritualists' National Union | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p263 |
The Passing of Mr Hanson G Hey [obituary in: 'The Two Worlds' 11 March 1921 pp114-115] | ? Ernest w Oaten, anon | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p268 |
Mrs Mary J Hollis - 1837-? | Paul J Gaunt and Leslie Price | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p272 |
"Skiwaukie" the Indian spirit-guide ['The Medium and Daybreak' 19 December 1879] | anon | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p274 |
Gordon Higginson at the College of Psychic Science | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p284 |